Political comics thread

Political comics thread



Horsey is like that kid in high school who tried too hard to be cool but everyone noticed he was only trying and therefore he became even more uncool than he was originally.


Horsey is the reverse Kelly.

christ cucks are pathetic

Whoresy tries to be offensive, but I see nothing wrong with this comic.

S-stop it.

Why hasn't Horsey just started drawing porn yet?

Now post the edit.

So he was afraid the whole point of the cartoon wasn't evident and heavy handed enough without the woman's comment? Pretty cringey

I don't get the joke.

i dont get this, can you explain?

Hahaha no



>republicans are big and strong
That's the best insult he could come up with?



Its saying god is going to kill everyone, probably implying the rapture


antifa calls death on children get in here

Dumb thumbnail poster

Both are leftist propaganda

>Dilbert in the background getting the pussy

back to plebbit

fuck off phoneposter

I can see a girl laughing at this if she knew you and your sense of humor

pictures for ants

Horsey has such a hate boner for anything blue collar or rural american.

that shit is hot as fuck for some reason

>le epic snarky liberal waitress x-DD
it sure is reddit in here

Virgin detected.

Exactly, it also looks like the artist added it in after the cartoon was drawn.

Based God!

You saved the thumbnails, dumbass

Masculinity is toxic.

I've had them saved for ages, didnt check. I dunn goofed gud

Who's got the original?

That is the original. There are some really good edits but unfortunately I didn't save any of them.

think he means this.

no that's definitely the edit

Trump was running for president, he put his life forward to serve. Totally different to mega rich celebrities sniping from their mansions. That cartoon is completely wrong and just goes to show that the cunt's don't even understand irony.

There was an Obelisk edit and a Super Saiyan "Leftists killed tally" edit.


your a moron.

How is this anything to do with christianity ?




What is this, a comic for ants?

>is somebody coming over for dinner?

but christians don't believe everyone will go to heaven

Because there is none, it's just a "oh, so cute and special" thing.
>implying time matters to God
Saying "everyone" is coming to dinner is like saying they're having "everything" for dinner, extremes are funneh and God can do as he pleases.

The Mountain who rides,as a Texan. Mucho insulting.

wtf I hate assad now!

Maybe he meant everyone who is in heaven? Not really sure what this was going for.

... What's the irony?


Horsey is literally strawman the cartoonist

Putin and Assad so badass they make Death and the other Horsemen of the Apocalypse scared.



i think that even people in hell get in heaven after the apocalypse.

Im pretty sure it's just a cute story with god

I don't think you actually know the definition either my guy

It took me a couple minutes, too, because I thought that the 'irony' had to do with the two men in MAGA hats. But the real irony, according to the comic artist, is that Trump is also a celeb who should stay out of politics.

It's not a valid point though because, as someone else in the thread already pointed out, there's a vast difference between actually doing the legwork of campaigning, debating, giving speeches, and finally doing the job once in office, vs just being a critic who bitches without really knowing what it's like to be in the other person's shoes.


Kosher conservatives sometimes complain about how rich celebrities are anti-war or bash them or their party and should stay quiet

Trump is a rich celebrity





Depends on their interpretation. Universalists believe everyone makes it eventually, and they're scattered among all denominations, including Catholics and Orthodox.


Never knew Horsey was so red pilled. Zyklon Ben bette watch out.

Zyklon Ben is Holocaust Horsey's protege.

Jesus christ Horsey just fucking draw porn already

This comic would've been almost funny without the waitress.
Cartoonists are always trying to shove shit down our throats.

True, but lefty comic makers are retarded.

One of these for Trump too wouldn't be too far off. But that's all politics.

>go play
>I'm back
>So soon?
>I hurt myself.
>I'm sorry to hear that. Did you still have fun?
>No. I was so long without friends, and then I had really good friends, but then my friends all left me to live their lives as I lagged behind. I tried to find a partner to not feel so lonely, but those who didn't make me feel inadequate, only hurt me and my trust. I lived alone, trying hard to make ends meet, but even that was so hard. I rarely left my hometown, and when I did it was so stressful, so I never got to see anything awesome. I met many people, most of them just laid obstacles on my path, and those few who would try to really help were always gone too so-
>That sounds great. Tell me everything while I finish making dinner.
>I'm not hungry.
>We'll find something for you to eat.
>Is somebody else coming over for dinner?


damn, Ben is actually fucking based

I'm impressed

what's schwaza?

This one makes me chuckle.

I audibly kek'd

Colored people.




Why does everything liberal seem so blasé and lame. Everyone of these comics or articles seems like some republican youth for Jesus type thing. Exact same vibe.




That's the fake Horsey creating those generic, center-left comics.

thank you

> Celebrity A actually works within the political system to change it for what he sees for the better, and succeeds.
> Celebrity B whines and moans and preaches to the hollywood choir, alienating everyone else, and fails.

rly mks me tink huh...

Nice. What's the original?


My grandfather died in the Holocaust, asshole

Not sure if OP's picture has been restored yet.