Arguments: Understanding the psychology of liberals

I'm sure countless books have been written about this. I'm hoping you guys have some good shit here, because I've learned some, and I'll post what I've learned, but it seems everyone here should be able to contribute on the subject. Also, I'm not any sort of trained debater, I'm simply a humble meme farmer who spilled out of his containment board a few times.

Actual debate tactics and triggering memes are welcome as well.

>liberals project a lot
most of the tidbits I've found have come from analyzing their own words. It seems that the things that trigger them are the things they hate the most about themselves (usually). look at how they insult you. these are the things they're most afraid of. most of what I've found boils down to you exploiting things about them that they insult you for, since that's what they most fear.
>liberals are intellectually insecure
this comes directly from my point about their projection. during argument they will regularly question and berate your intellect/wit/educational status. this is largely because of how insecure they are about their own. Never believe or repeat the meme that liberals are all degreed. Even when mocking their art degrees. Most don't even have a degree. But, there are undoubtedly some incredibly smart liberals. Of course they have degrees and of course these big name "intellectuals" are their anointed heroes. Naturally, these are the people they look up to. they do this because it makes them feel as if they fit in with the intellectuals themselves. it's the same reason they love Ted Talks. It's easy and they feel it gives them intellectual superiority (IE. they don't have to waste time on actually getting a degree, even the Soros-paid protesters can spend 15 minutes to watch one of those on the ride to the BLM protest, right?).

Other urls found in this thread:

I spent time on Richard Dawkins' website during the 2005ish "atheist apocalypse" and every sub-90 IQ motherfucker who was on the site thought he/she deserved the same respect as Dawkins for simply being of the same philosophical brand (also, they were really just left wingers who wanted to hate Christianity, which is why Dawkins lost so many followers after he criticized Islam, but that's another story). The average liberal constantly overestimates their intellect, and always feels as if they deserve intellectual respect simply because of the views they chose to follow. This is a logical fallacy. Question and/or mock their intelligence/education. Their worst fear? To look uneducated. If you can convincingly do this it will shut them down fast. Bonus points: if you can convincingly tie in that their self-assessed intellectual superiority is influenced by their own sense of entitlement/privilege, you can really wipe the smug fucking smiles from their faces in a hurry.
>need to feel as if they significantly impact the world
One of the most common insults a liberal will throw your way is how "insignificant" or "irrelevant" your life is. Again, this is projection. This is why they talk about "flyover states". This is why they talk down at "rural" or even "suburban" people. They mostly live irrelevant lives doing nothing that significantly contributes to humanity, then lash out at you when they come the realization that, beyond leaving comments at the WaPo, they're irrelevant themselves. this entire phenomenon could almost be covered the exact same way as the last example. Once again they wish to celebrate the accolades that a better person has been awarded through philosophical osmosis. By rubbing elbows with a "significant" person, even if only by reading their book or attending their lecture, they feel justified in claiming some part of their accomplishments as their own.

When they fall short of their goals, even those who go on to get a liberal-approved degrees and go to work in a liberal-approved cities and work towards the liberal-approved goals that they were told would change the world, they then realize they're just a rat in the same race as every other human and are no different than any suburban or rural "retard" they've spent their life railing against. So they lash out at you out of projection of their own lofty "failures". Again, never believe that every liberal is a hyper-degreed intellectual who works to alter the course of human history. Most work mundane jobs and they're mad about it. That's why they mock "yours".
>stupid, weak insults
this is more for when you meet old libs. they always have the stupidest, most cringe worthy insults. I've never used this in person but it's great for when you're trolling the message board of a typical news site frequented by aging hippies. Once again, I just reroute it to the whole projecting thing. When they hit you with these insults (for instance "didn't realize they allowed internet in the insane asylum! Take your meds grandpa! Hur hur") I've found that by simply pointing out that they must have really thin skin to think that these insults would ever really upset anyone, and therefore "what does that say about you?" is a quick way to get them to stop. They don't want to be mean, so take advantage of that. By pointing out that they're exposing themselves as being weak by using weak insults they usually just stop trying.

Comment, refute, refine, whatever. Contribute please. Argument tactics thread.

Regressives are a subset of progressives.

...not all progressives are bad, but the capitalistic ones interested in work place hygiene... the language police.... the PC regressives.... they all suck.

So it's a question of how to trigger regressives.

I think Sup Forums has done a real good job at that. Seems like it's been a long time since we had a jiggly puff or a big red type.


Socratic questioning is a great way to counter whatever points are made against you. Socrates was extremely skilled in defending his thoughts against the Sophists, and so his methods should be used against their modern equivalent.

>I'm not any sort of trained debater
we are humbled before thee.

Can confirm this is usually a quick and easy way to trigger libtards.
Asking questions causes their brains to melt because they were taught to parrot other people's opinions and not form their own.

Unabomber's Manifesto. Serious.

Nice research, but I find the best debate tactic is simply being right in the first place. If your beliefs come from research and not rhetoric, there's no reason you should ever lose a debate.

>I find the best debate tactic is simply being right in the first place.
It's true, however the purpose of these arguments is not to convince whoever you're talking to; their purpose is convincing observers that what you think is true. You can be logically superior in every way but their rat tactics can shut you down quickly unless they're addressed and made plain to whoever is observing that they are in fact rat tactics.

Be correct and know what you know with certainty, but go to lengths to dismantle shitty methods of arguing.

Do I get put on alphabet agencies' lists for actually agreeing with Ted Kaczynski?

>honesty is the best policy
I like this, and I've found it's worked when discussing things with my friends. but with people who are actively arguing against me it hasn't worked for me

Most of the beliefs in his manifesto are actually pretty common, but he expresses them with incredible eloquence.

I like this article on moral outrage. Its a good read

Being too honest can be a bitch to people you dont know or dont share your belives.
The simple way of leaving your point of view to share your ideas is to hard to some people.
Sometimes You have to bargain show the options ask them what makes sence (not what is right(i may be wrong)).

screencapped and bump
nice read

no bullshit, I read and saved this link too
great read

Nice Op

Also, dropping some latenight redpills


Liberals hate the idea of objectivity or moral truth because they're opportunists at heart. When their options are limited by rigid things they can't circumvent like objective moral duties and factual states of affairs, they become resentful.
"How dare something exist that condemns or makes impossible things that I want?"
And so they seek to do away with all objectivity and with all rigid morals in order to pretend they're justified in doing and believing anything and everything.

these are great

I love how they say we are projecting after I call them a cuck. "You are just afraid a giant black guy will give your girlfriend more pleasure than you"

Thats oddly specific. I Said nothing about blacks . Who's projecting again?

This. Getting into a shouting match just gives them a license to call you an ignorant misogynist bigot.

Instead, look interested and ask them why they believe what they believe. They will break down and reform into something better.

they become relativists

i will repost tomorrow.
good night Sup Forums