Hillary vindicated of all wrongdoing.

Sup Forums's got nothing, as usual.

You probably blame the Russians for pouring spoiled milk into your breakfast cereal.

>my intelligence ''''''''''''''''''''''''''source'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''

If Russians poured spoiled milk into my cereal then yes of course I would blame them.

What kind of retard logic was that supposed to be?

>opinion piece
fake news


Reminder to sage

This endless stream of lies is starting to really piss me off.

>If Russians poured spoiled milk into my cereal then yes of course I would blame them.

Okay. Now what are the chances of Russian spies pouring spoiled milk into your breakfast cereal, compared to you just being incompetent and accidentally making the mistake of pouring it yourself?

>letting Russians pour spoiled milk in your cereal

Stay a bitch.

Digits confirm

Is that you Louise Mench?

Oh wow, two IDENTICAL posts within literally seconds.

Thanks Russia, this proves the story is real if you're this fucking scared.

If this was actually the case shillary would have known the emails weren't real and denied that they were real from the start. How can anyone be dumb enough to believe this?

Well let's see. I'm very vocally opposed to Russia. Russia has a tendency of murdering critics. Russia has used poison to do that.

I'd say the chances are decent.

Hillary did deny many emails, in case you forgot already.



Nobody is buying this, not even normies...
This is the excuse they are trying to push to expunge all sin onto these apparently world beating Russian hackers.

Oh, also.



Keep being scared, it's pretty funny.

Nobody is buying this, not even normies...
This is the excuse they are trying to push to expunge all sin onto these apparently world beating Russian hackers.

Oh, also.

Thanks comrade.

Thanks comrade.

I think this belongs to you

I think this belongs to you

and this

and this

Remember, Trump is a traitor.

Remember, Trump is a traitor.

Malaysia is a shithole.

Malaysia is a shithole.

My work here is done.

My work here is done.