/Political Compass Thread/

1) Your political Compass
2) Your favorite redpilled tune


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r8 me

Bernie was the only person last in the whole election who wasn't mentally unstable

it was supposed to be his turn

he was just a cute old guy who wanted to make america better and i think we should let him

not too shabby, check this out senpai



>make america better

sure, for the violent/lazy nigs

Get the fuck out of my country commie.

Based, still abusing the rapefugees good Hungary?

its funny you should say that, its the white republican-voting states that use up the most welfare, not new york

im not a communist, i just believe that capitalism has failed us

did you know that the worlds 8 richest people have more money than the poorest half of the world?

think about that

Even though if the 8 richest people's money was taken and given to the poor, it would only be a temporary benefit to them.
Nations are poor because they cannot find resources, create industries or services that can continue their flow of money being created.
We have given billions of dollars of aid to Africa and there is little improvement, same thing would happen if you just take it from the rich and give it to them.

Also republican voting state has more black people than democrat voting states and republicans are considered the racist.

Think about that.

Those people are rich because they are:

1) Hard working
2) competent
3) Have a robust social network

re-distributing their wealth to the poorest (least competent/hardworking) members of society would result in them blowing that money on bullshit and then whining that society failed them because they're inept at financial planning ://////////

Rich people don't sit around and smoke cigars all day, the vast majority of the 1% work their dicks off. The idea that they're all parasitic trust fund NEETs is a meme.

But citizens united needs to overturned that shit is ridiculous

being black does not make someone use more welfare, skin colour doesnt work like that, however, right wing ideologies do

my sister thinks I'm alt-right. but of course, anything to the left of marx is evil to them.

Immigrants are more likely to use welfare and also vote Democrat. People who voted Trump had higher income per capita than people who voted Hillary.

please stop taking my bait i dont want to keep responding




1) pic
2) youtube.com/watch?v=UYbhpOemmcc

and yet i'm still a nazi.


what am i


gas yourself ryan

probably dutch