You're either a capitalist or a communist

>you're either a capitalist or a communist
>there is no in between
>if disagree with any aspect of anarcho-capitalism you must be a socialist

Why is Sup Forums so retarded?

I have never seen anyone on Sup Forums claim this

every one here knows that there is some sort of political spectrum for fuck sake there is always 1 or 2 political compass threads running on Sup Forums constantly

are you retarded

>>if disagree with any aspect of anarcho-capitalism you must be a socialist
when has anyone on Sup Forums ever said this

How are you this new?

Its the
Mentality, aka the kikes push this

I think the government does need to intervene on the market VERY LIGHTLY. No more than that tho.

What would this intervention accomplish?

It would prevent monopolies. A perfect free market also implies that the consumer is infallible which is not the case..

What do you think of the policies enacted by those such as Hitler, Mussolini and Franco?

3rd way. Heil Hitler.

Im a Georgist

fight me

hmmmm if only there was a third position?

Opps wrong pic

fuck off commie faggots and fuck off rent seeking leeches

Georgism is the only way to go

The inbeteeen is the status quo we have now, which ignores its people

Just gonna spam some Georgist images now

The only sane "economic system" (if I can call it that way) I've seen so far. Interesting charts you have there

Seriously go read progress and poverty

maybe some mason gaffney too

Finders keepers losers weepers is not a good way to build a society.

Rentier class needs to die in a fire

undoubtly some one will scream COMMUNISM REEEEEEEE when you tell them they cant own something that belongs to everyone (land)

its not though, you get to keep everything you produce under a LVT system.

Capitalism and trade is the closest to natural law we can get.

Communism is knowingly trying to swim upstream and fuck with the nature of things.

I don't give a fuck about gays, GMO's, fucking with DNA etc. 'playing god'.

Communism is the ultimate act of trying to play God and replace human nature with a utopia.

I think that you are I are smart enough to be able to process a transaction. I have something, you have something, we trade. Its in our interest to not kill or piss eachother off if we want to keep our trade going.

BAM civilization.

Capitalism isn't perfect, but neither is human nature. We do the best we can. Communists have no problem killing off undesirables. Capitalists just let failures fail.

t. stupid francoist

>Capitalism and trade is the closest to natural law we can get.

Up to a point

What you are taught as "capitalism" results in inequality and inefficiency because it lacks a theory to manage common resources. It doesn't even recognize that there is such a thing as common resources. Georgism corrects this flaw by not only recognizing common resources like land, minerals, water, fish stocks as such, but adds that by managing these resources with user fees, you can get rid of all other taxation and remove impediments to economic development. So under Georgism, regular folk are mostly taxed in proportion to the value of any land they may possess. The vast majority of people would pay a lot less than they currently pay in income, payroll and consumption taxes, but absentee landlords would pay a lot more, and the mortgage business of banks would be an order of magnitude smaller, because land taxes cancel the benefits of homeownership as an investment. The system also discourages the inefficient use of land, controlling sprawl and inefficient farming practices. Housing and transportation costs would be greatly reduced, thus allowing for a greater equality of opportunity. A Universal basic income (UBI) could provide for those unable to work.

This is an interesting point, and I can't say that I know much about georgism (or have heard about it before this thread, muh ignorance).

Still, I am always skeptical about any grand theory that tries to fit all of humanity into a box. I think about it like language.

Most language's are very restrictive and don't allow new words that don't fit within the framework. It turns into newspeak where they are taking away words rather than adding them.

The english language is a MESS, but its strength is in it being a mess. It can add words from other languages simply by being used colloquially.

"Irregardless" isn't a word until its used enough to become a word. Now it is a word that means, "improper use of regardless, identifies morons."

In this way, its more useful to keep track of inconsistencies than to try and erase them.

As for those unable to work or a UBI, that's basically just what libertarians want now. We won't get rid of all public assistance, but we can inch by inch draw back the stupid bullshit and keep as small of a safety net as we can.

I can say how all taxes suck, but that won't actually get rid of them. I don't want to pay for EBT any more than anyone else, but compromise is the only way to make progress to a goal in politics.

Capitalism at least offers compromise with the reality we live in. Any utopian ideal leads to dystopia for those who don't/can't conform.

>not taking the corporatism pill
It's literally capitalism without the jews

He stifled free market development and created an economy that almost certainly would've failed if not for war