A potential black James Bond?

He is tipped to be the future bond, he isn't a native, James Bond has always been a whitey...discuss


Tumblr is excited about it

Da namez be Bond... Bail Bond

James Bongo Bongo land

That would ruin it, just like the new LOTR vidya game

everything tradition is being shiskinned soaked.

next pix related will be the next Doctor Who.

dont care, vote with your dollar.

went to school with him.
yes i'm 43.
Im impressed with how he got to where his is. considering he had no connections.


Cultural appropriation.

Dr. Gnomesayin


We get this every god damn time the current bond is about to step down. Fuck I think we got it the last time they were replacing the Matt Smith as the last Doctor.

Idris is a good actor, you whould be proud to have him as bond, people stopped giving a fuck about british actors until Idris and John boyega

you guys can't hold onto Patrick Stewart and Ian Mcallen, Michael Kane forever, when they're gone who will you have?

Positive discrimination for the win though?

I heard the % of whites going to the cinema is decreasing, while that of niggers in on the rise.


Isn't James Bond supposed to be the same guy in every movie?

hollywood is going to go totally broke when people finally get tired of comic book movies and disney princess movies.


that is because of the movies being made

It doesn't matter who they have playing the role, those movies suck now.

I stopped going to Bond films after Goldeneye...they're just absolute pieces of shit.

>Favorite N64 game, though
>Well, tie with Mariocart

gay jews obsesed with black cock
TV n Movies are now anti white male
will not see


It quite literally doesn't matter. He cannot actually be James Bond because everyone and their mom knows James Bond is a white english male secret agent. Casting him as James Bond is like casting Tom Hanks to play Nelson Mandela. No one would buy it.

Not the other way around?


there'd be a billion continuity errors if we were to assume Conry,Bronson, Craig were all the same bond

it's more like different universes

I don't see why not have a black bond

What next ? Black John Rambo having flashbacks from the terrible hippo attacks? Black Indiana Jones discovering fossils or some shit?

He's so handsome

Don't care. As much as I love the fuck out of white people and want them to be in control so I can keep getting my gibs, if they won't fight to protect what is theirs why should I?

Anglo is a specific race. James bond is Anglo. Nobody but Anglos are Anglo. Especially not bloody foreigners, and especially not African fauna

Black Snow-White

>the only requirement to play James Bond is someone thinking you are handsome

Because the character is half Swiss and half Scottish.

Jamal Bond
007... is how many times I've been in jail.
Shaken, not stirred... is how I treat my kids.
"I think he got the point... because I just shanked his ass in prison"

I don't see why he should be James Bond whom I've always thought as an alpha white male.

Plenty of 00 numbers. Why not make him 009 and spin him off into a new set of adventures.

It's amusing for me how he's latched onto star trek and Comic book movies. he was never into those as a kid. You can see it in his interviews he has no fuckign knowledge about these properties. Its just a good career move and bring him to a wider audience,

Recent reports of how he got chased and smacked with eggs are also bullshit. He plays the racism growing up as a kid card which is utter bullshit. we all got egged last day of school.

You have to understand that as a 14-year-old this guy was already about 6ft. He literally looked like a man hanging around with a bunch of kids. No one was going to fuck with him.

"James Bond" is just a code name like 007, there have been many

The names Bond...Chains Bond.

Hanks playing a terrorist ...id pay to see that lol

In time Sup Forums will destroy this man, just wait and see. The leaked trailer of Dark Tower looks like total made-for-tv garbage.

strange idea. on the other hand - he's not a bad actor.

but literally he had none. he made them as he went along. so i have to give him a tip of the hat for even doing that.


This is a drawing of Bond from the author of the books.

The theory people have is that 007 and James Bond are just code names for whatever the top agent of the time happens to be. Makes enough sense to me


Only if they want it to tank over seas


Why is his nose blurred

come back when you are 18.

Normally I hate this kind of forced multiculturalism in Hollywood, but I think if they just made a normal Bond movie, but one where Bond just happened to be played by Elba it would be pretty good. Basically just ignore his race.

It would be different if Bond were actually a real historic figure, or if the movies were set in the 50's/60's, but since they are set in present day, I don't see any reason why Bond actually needs to be white.

Unfortunately it's probably impossible to do this without lefties (and righties for that matter) making it a huge deal. Stupid fucking lefties have made it impossible to actually ignore race.

It's not that I actually want to see a black Bond, more like I think Elba would be pretty good, regardless of the fact that he's black.

You're already a cuck if you consume mainstream entertainment. It won't be a positive development, but no huge damage will be done, if you can keep your head above it all, either.

dude all the fucking movies in america right now are black lives matter bullshit.

Whose parents are always Andrew Bond and Monique Delacroix??

Hmm... Monique... maybe he IS a mulatto


Fuck you Ahmed

Tons of white British actors faggot. Tom Hardy, Christian Bale, Taron Egerton, that bendict eggs guy

that's just a picture of Archer fuck off


they should make every character black in every movie for a few years at least. I think it would be really interesting.

make that 21 for you faggot.

Hollywood will go broke when white people wake the fuck up and stop blowing monies on the Movie Jew

Are you retarded? Its from the original Bond novels.

I'm guessing you're black....

when the post that comes first, also happens to be the post that is best

here's your (you)

he is already negro Gunslinger in Dark Tower. What next is he going to be negro Batman?

Idris Elba is literally the only non white who could play Bond. But last time this rolled around, someone high up in the writing said it wasn't going to happen. I thought they were tapping Tom Hiddleston for the role.

He doesn't want to play Bond.

literally who?
>eggs guy

I'm black and firmly believe James Bond should always be white because the original character is white

The only reason you'd need a black bond is to make a statement about blackness which is unnecessary to Bond movies and prove definitively that women ruin everything.

no I just don't get upset about melanin enhanced people taking jobs from hollywood jews

black egyptian kings!

I wonder if there will be as much open criticism of this nig as there was of the last Bond.

gay jew detected

That and an English accent.
It's not a very complex role.

>Nobody but anglos are anglo


Thanks. It's not easy you know.. making your living out of shit posting.


this, 1,000 times this

Hennessy and promethazine. Shaken, not stirred. Poured over ice into a Styrofoam cup. A splash of grape soda.


What most people don't get is that "James Bond" is secretly just an operating name. It's like Doctor Who almost. The person who's playing the role is a government operative. The series is lowkey about "black ops" soldiers from questionable backgrounds that are forgiven so long as they operate for NATO/MI5. Any signs of continuity between different Bonds is just a fancy fabrication meant to weave plot and be good propaganda.

to be fair he would be the second black bond after pierce

just a cuck, USA is full of them

shut up fag
idris like soccer fag is not that good looking
gay jew faggots




He looks the part. Badass middle-aged due. Unpopular election, but I wouldn't complain. It's a movie for God's sake.

Where is there a movie about nazis and all the jews are black?

You asked for white British actors. I named a few. Take the nigger cock out of your mouth and use google faggot.


Incorrect. Ive addressed this already. Get with the topic or GTFO

my wife is black, but she has red hair and white skin, shes also part jewish.

I just think people are upset that they aren't getting special attention so they must project insecurity on others.

We all know that race isn't that important if you aren't graduating from MIT at the top of your class with honors then you're no better than any nigger.

I get it. So in order to play Michael Jordan in a movie you just need to be bald and sound like him?

Aren't most African Americans part English?

I'm sure I read somewhere you are officially West-African/Anglo hybrid people.


Too old. Bond in the books is young and always making rookie mistakes.