Every week or so...

Every week or so, I keep seeing this feminist circlejerk subreddit constantly pop up on the front page with more or less the same topic.

What exactly do they hope to achieve?

well i mean free contraceptives is not a bad thing...
reduces spread of disease and prevents accidental pregnancies, both of these things hurt us more economically than giving out contraceptives

OR people could try being responsible.

free contraceptives means not just less whites, but also less blacks and less spics

think about it. the odds are in our favor.

But I agree that place is cancer

Expecting super low income families to just 'lel be responsible' with piss shit poor education and awfully lackluster harm reduction praftices is not exactly a solution that is viable or realistic

or pay for the 154 a month pills with their own fucking money

$15 per month

Contraceptives are not just birth control you know

if you look at the rate of spread of disease in countries with programs initiated toward harm reduction versus that of the U.S., you might find yourself open to the idea that there are better systems out there than our approach

>Expecting liberals to do anything right

$15 for the pill, $5-10 for a pack of condoms. Big fuckin deal, deal with your own choices

>casually talking like you frequent Reddit because you do
Holy shit kill yourself OP

Lower white birth rates.

It's not like I have an account, dude

Although I sometimes get a good laugh while browsing the_donald

I don't disagree with that sentiment, I just wholeheartedly disagree with your stubborn unwillingness to look at the studies which show that providing these services not only benefits public health, but also our economy

If you want to make an argument about having to pay an extra 5 cents on your taxes, I think your head would be better focused on issues like the ridiculous war on drugs lining the pockets of the prison-industrial system and draining our taxpayer money

Or you know the PMC's and our ridiculous defense budget

>using plebbit
If you're going to use Plebbit, at least use /r/PussyPass which was Anschluss'd by /ourguys/ and Sup ForumsIdentitarian on Voat.
It gets featured on /r/AgainstHateSubreddits and reported to the Admins like every single day.
>pic related, /r/PussyPass frontpage

Kill yourself, reddit.

It's a default sub every Redditor is forcibly subscribed to...that only focuses on "Female" specific SJW issues. It basically Reddits attempt at forced brainwashing of female users.


Attention whoring