“Sup Forums is hunting antifa“


So how is the hunt going, Sup Forums?

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Didn't expect this to not get any replies...

You should see what its like on Sup Forums, every time a leaf falls a thread dies without a reply.

Im always exposing antifa scum

Here's a pic of the North shore antifa leader

God, Sargon is a fat faggot.

Like, he's a grown man that makes a living off memes.



Like, wow! Like, I can't believe it.


don't make me laugh. They are beneath me in terms of effort required to garden my ire.

Options: sage

Any news on the M-80 fag?


and we're supposed to be scared of you fucking dumbass frog flat earther autistic fucks? You faggots are the ones egging violence on by threatening to murder people, you guys started this shit by talking your shit and acting like talking your shit doesn't have consequences.


Do me a favor since you want free speech so bad. Go into a black neighborhood and scream "NIGGER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" as loud as you can. Okay? lol Then tell us how much of a victim you are when they come out and whoop your ass, then dox all the people who stomp the shit out of you because you're all special snowflakes who can't handle someone calling your stupid leader TRUMP who sells Saudi Arabians (your mortal enemies) fucking weapons a fucking FAG and your STUPID FUCKING PUSSY MODS ON HERE CAN'T HANDLE THE FUCKING TRUTH.

So go ahead go to a black neighborhood and have your genocide you fucking champions of the white race. See how far you get. Dumb shits.
And when you start your damn dumb ass autistic screeching civil war and China and Russia and North Korea and ISIS all invade and overwhelm us, it will be YOUR fault, the fucking far right fascists fault, just as much as the other side you blame, because YOU fuckers antagonize just as bad and you fuckers shut down free speech just as bad as those you criticize, so just keep that in mind you special snowflake faggot fucking hypocritical piece of shit murderous authoritarians.


im not watching your shit video



You aren't exposing jack shit, and antifa is anarchistic and has no fucking leadership, it is decentralized. Cut off one head, 2 grow back like hydra.

Nice try Eric Clanton

Nice video! I live here in California about 3 hours away from Berkley and this video behooves those who understand the message(s) in it.

I'll make sure to educate others who are unaware of these issues and hopefully we can control things from getting out of hand, albeit locally in my area.


Hahahah Fuck you and your faggot bikelock Eric

Sargon is a man-child just like Jontron and Pewdiepie. These are the autistic fucks that Sup Forums thinks is /theirguy/

What fucking actual fucking autistic pieces of shit these faggots are. And they think they're hurting anarchists by being literally autistic?


Protip autists:
Get off your damn computer, stop being a violent shit bag, love your momma and give her a fucking hug you asshole. Inciting a riot and making death threats to some bogeyman you hate and wish death upon is doing nothing for anybody. youtube.com/watch?time_continue=1&v=3HcF5HpJ8bk

Wew lad

This is one of those few times I'm glad I'm redpilled

Jesus you fucks can be terrifying

If you only knew.

"wew lad"
Please, please, please go scream nigger out in the street. Please.


Holy shit am i glad i made this thread

> that fake fat faggot laugh
kys already sargon of cuckad, nobody likes you here


just a normie (mostly) surfing here. subbed to this channel. thanks for posting, user. vid is well done and coherent. respect to Sup Forums for finding this asshole. good luck and happy hunting, guise

If this isn't bait and people like you really exist there is no hope left for burgerland. Please guys nuke yourselves for the greater good, it's the only way.



Have a (You) and a bump mate.

Also have a nice evening.

how will Sup Forums ever recover?

There was never hope for burgerland, there was never hope for the world with people like you in it. Why don't you nuke yourself. Stick your head in a microwave and turn it on for ten fucking minutes, and before you do drink bleach and ammonia. Its the only way.

le sarcuck
le horseshoe theory

we're gonna smoke em outta their communes, every last one

someone is organizing them, don't give a fuck if its traced back to Soros himself. Globalist bootlickers...

>Do me a favor since you want free speech so bad. Go into a black neighborhood and scream "NIGGER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" as loud as you can.
You compare a Trump supporter making a political speech at a world renowned university to that? What does this say about the university? You should think before you sperg.

trying hard. . .

John grace is the leader of North shore antifa
He is the guy in the Providence antifa fail video


Protip, no you aren't, you can't destroy an ideology dumbshit.
And Soros doesn't pay me jack fuck for my beliefs.
Also, I'm not a globalist you dumb fuck. I'm not a nationalist either.
Please drink bleach. Go to a black neighborhood you keyboard ninja and scream nigger. Please, if you love freedom of speech let's see how far you're willing to sacrifice yourself for that freedom. Do it, you coward bitch. lol

Yeah I compare a Trump supporter to licking the boots of a tyrant that is for civil asset forfeiture and theft of fucking property to being a fucking ostrich that buries their heads in the dirt, you stupid fags want to go to Berkley to troll on people and talk about genocide because you think you're in a safe place to do it. You're all a bunch of sissy cowards too pussy to actually go to a black neighborhood and talk about your racist dumb bullshit because you're fucking cowards, by the way how does it feel that your orange cheetojeebus sold Saudi Arabia fucking weapons?

You guys realize that the real work on clanton was done by professional investigators, and probably had alphabet assistance, right?

These people didn't just start working on antifa on the 15th, Sup Forums is a leak conduit.

I think a great tool would be to have a Trojan horse partition that is like stop the fascist anne couture from speaking at Berkley, and then post it in all the antifa places...

You racist faggot. Limp wristed faggot like you always assume this is about the white race. It's not. It's about America and the American way of life. Fuck globalists like you. I would make you my bitch for real

Why do anti-fa and "creative class" liberals all share this Tourette's-style meltdown potty mouth approach? did you get a note from your cell leader it's ok for you to use "faggot" or did you suck some cock for it to be "your" word?

No, it literally was just a bunch of autists looking through all of the berkeley footage and posting what they found. Pol is like an open source intelligence agency

You could be hunting witches user, right in your own community.


Antifa is not an ideology, it's a fad for rich white kids to circlejerk about how great they are. There is no logical justification for any of their actions. I'm on the actual libertarian left and I have much more in common with Trump voters by far than antifa.

You've got this down, user. No need to keep pretending on here. Go post this on Facebook or something and see how many likes you can get from real antifa people.

Also anyone notice how these antifa groups only do this shit in Europe and California? I wonder if there's a correlation between antifa presence and gun control.....

Ever consider that some of the "professional investigators" might actually be part of Sup Forums?

I don't have to ask permission to speak from anybody. I draw the line at when you fashies make fucking actual death threats to people. You can say whatever you want, but when you start making threats of violence and death to others, that's where I draw the line.

>antifa is anarchistic
I can't wait for you ass to blown when you do pic related

> implying we started the violence

>Your immigrant ancestors are dead and no longer exist or have opinions

if they want to eradicate the white race why not start with themselves. the crazy leftist white seem to be the problem

Trust me, no you don't.

still BTFO from last Sunday I see, better get used to being whipped.

Like I said. But by all means, carry on. You guys are so retarded. I'm a centrist that tends to lean right. I would (and have) not call a black dude a nigger unless I'm wanting him to swing. I'm not even that big a Trump fan, but the freakshow on your side of the aisle will keep him elected and I will continue to bathe in your salty tears. You're not doing anything other than driving people away from your side and you will eventually look back on this time in your life and cringe. If you're lucky.

Any pollacks going to be at the Trump rally in Harrisburg? Should be a good time if these communist shits try to kick any shit up. The collective stomping that these fuckheads receive will cause a drop in elevation of Harrisburg by at least 400 feet.

Typical identity void of the inmigrant lands.

You fucking Trumpers DID start the violence. And your leader implored you to do it at his rallies last year too. Not only that but you guys circle jerk on here about how you want to genocide people all the fucking time like a bunch of spiteful retards. Always. Always. But let me tell you, people won't go down without defending their lives. You will not have genocides without people fighting back.

lel, as if the Deep State/Govt would go out of their way to help the common man.

fucking sargon drawing thousands of new fags here just fuck off already.

Wow, by any means necessary. That sounds quite fascist.

Wait, now I'm confused.

I'm not "BTFO" you autistic fuck. You can't "BTFO" someone who knows how to make fucking octaazacubane. Don't fuck with me and I don't fuck with you. Simple as that. You come stirring up violence with me and my loved ones? I fucking destroy the violence-instigators. Don't fuck with me, I don't fuck with you. That plain and simple.

user is scared shitless, hence the sperging, ky now user.

Toppet of kek

Unfortunately this is what libs actually believe but I'll give you a 3/10 for this, a little obvious tho

Holy shit dude go back to your hugbox.

>calls others manchild
>post on a Jewish discussion forum

Trump never said to hit people, you're retarded and don't even know what he said. Talks on a Nigerian canoe racing forum isn't a call to arms.

I know this is bait but I'm bored, fuck it. It's entertaining to think this is real.

Lib who got btfo at the battle of berkely confirmed

Butt demolished for all eternity, I love it

you got absolutely smashed, enjoy your whipping lad

Did you even bother to read
Because trust me I will never, ever cringe at my beliefs, maybe YOU will, maybe YOU will look back at your glorious leader Trump and realize "damn, civil asset forfeiture is fucking thievery, just as bad as the commies I bash?" Maybe in ten years you'll be the one cringing at yourself for defending Trump for selling your mortal enemy the Saudis weapons.

btfo, cuck

no they didnt it was always antifa scum who started the violence. did you ever see the level of violent anti democrat protest at sanders or clinton rallys? no.

Yes I do. You think I haven't been following this shit? Antifa and anti trumpsters justify all their actions with strawmen. You are the ones in fact abandoning the classical liberal values and democratic process your nation is founded on, not the trumpfags. They just want less immigrants which is completely fucking reasonable. All you braindead "antifa" vegetables just please shut the fuck up and follow your laws and your elected president.

We stomped the fuck out of you in Berkeley and we'll do it again whenever and wherever you cowards have the audacity to meet us.

*autistic screeching*

Hey I live two blocks from an airport. Want to try to find were I live and rent yourself a helicopter and throw me out of it? Good luck, because if you try to kidnap me and kill me I will fucking infect you with a prionic disease there is no cure for, because I am a biologist you giant dumb fuck, stop with your death threats, you instigate shit harder and harder until someone will fucking take your shit seriously. I don't want to kill but if you try to kill me I will fucking kill you.

>Yeah I compare a Trump supporter to licking the boots of a tyrant
That's how far I got. So you tell me, did you accomplish what you wanted to with your post?

Got any more details about yourself would like to share?

I don't know, did you accomplish what you wanted when you voted for a Stalinist in Trump who supports civil asset forfeiture and when cops can steal your property if you have say 10,000 dollars on your person even if you committed no crime? Good job sperglords, you sure are hurting your enemies (yourselves)

BAHAHAHAHAHA LE TRIGGERED REDDIT COMRADE. Your side is bunch of dumpster diving pansies, we got all the vets. The day is coming antifcuck, gonna drag you from your houses and execute yoour side in the street bitch boy

That's too much to read, but heres your (you) faggot. Cry more

draw the line and do what? You realize that you are the product of a mockery-version of a failed ideology, and most probably, a biological dead-end?

>you fashies
lel you have no idea who you are talking to. Maybe you would've sucker-punched me for being a nazi too... go ahead, I don't mind, you fuckers can't fight for shit, and every time you attack a person for no reason, it brings more and more Americans to hate your guts. I am all for that.

My grandfather killed more nazis on the eastern front than your girlfriend had cocks in her. He'd have a word for your kin. Seems like a word you like using a lot

What if hes developed antipathogens tho?

Le stateless Communism guys...Serious here, it will totally work. I can't imagine how Orwellian and shit our country would be if you weird ass cucks actually had any sort of power. Fuck outta here

Come and do it bitch. Come and do it. I've got guns too. And explosives. And organic chemistry. And biology. And allies. Come and do it. Bitch.

>you are egging on violence by not adopting my world view
>if you don't agree with me I will be forced to attack you, and it will be all your fault

Probably. The culmination of any political discourse with these people iss when they can call you a bootlicker, as if it has some sort of meaningful or insightful impact.

>it doesn't

Bahahahahahahah. Le comrade is triggered. Read Trotsky comrade it will calm you down. Don't let the bourgeois trigger you antifcuck

The fundamental problem with your movement is your hostility towards your fellow Americans. Both sides are guilty of this dehumanization of those with whom they disagree, however antifa seems much more willing to employ violence meant to do harm.

Not trying to take a side here, just an observation from an independent.

Antifa in a nutshell.

Now sit back and laugh at this guy sperging out as he realises nobody gives a shit about him.

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

They were legal immigrants though.