Was he the most redpilled man to walk the face of the Earth?

Was he the most redpilled man to walk the face of the Earth?
I just learned he believed Mussolini was jewish backed controlled opposition

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>he believed Mussolini was jewish backed controlled opposition

That's explains why Italy did so shit during the war

He's Romanian so of course he was the best.

Yes probably, this now a quote thread




He's based, yea

He was so redpilled that he was a fascist but also a protector of christianity. The Romanian Orthodox Church supported him.

Romanian-Greek-Serb alliance when?

he was nothing alike fascism

He needs way more attention from today's right-wing.

>The young man who joins a political party is a traitor to his generation and to his race.

Perfectly sums up why we'll never be able to vote our problems out and why we can't depend on the existing establishment to somehow change and help us.

He's a smelly gypsy bag-snatcher.

This is the most redpilled man to ever live. So much so in fact he was pretty much black pilled later in life


>he believed Mussolini was jewish backed controlled opposition
Where do you read that?

One of them. He is most certainly a saint-martyr. I really think any restoration has to be modeled at the very least on the life lived by this man, who gave everything for the Romanian nation, its people, and its Traditions.

eternal Anglo talking shit.. bitch you don't even have a country anymore.

Reading Beyond Good and Evil and Thus Spoke Zarathustra.

His ideas in Beyond Good and Evil about morality and will to power are pretty convincing desu.

I've been told that Thus Spoke Zarathustra is a difficult read; that the message and everything is couched in allegory and symbolism, so I'm taking my sweet time with it.

I'd agree with you. Pretty redpilled as far as I'm concerned.

He was really redpilled on a diverse range of subjects from religion, politics and gender. Next to those two i suggest On the Genealogy of Morality also

He is on my list of Elites:

Adolf Hitler
George Lincoln Rockwell
Ben Klassen
Henry Ford
William Luther Pierce
Julius Evola
Léon de Poncins
David Irving
Ernst Zündel
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
Corneliu Zelea Codreanu
E. Michael Jones
Maurice Pinay
Brother Nathanael Kapner
Michael A. Hoffman II
Henry Makow
Michael Collins Piper
Christopher Bollyn
David Duke
Kevin MacDonald

Right. He just welcomed getting sodomized and hanged along with his mistress...

is it worth reading this fag's book(s)?

Excellent list, besides Kapner, in my opinion. But you definitely need to add Jonathan Bowden and Revilo P. Oliver. Bowden was probably the best white man we've produced post-WW2.


Traiasca Legiunea si Capitanul!
Traiasca Romania Mare Legionara!


Cuiburile de legionari sunt foarte gay tho. Sefii de cuib au prea multa autoritate.

Mussolini was better than this gypsy. Primo de Rivera is still my favourite fascist

Bollyn is a fucking patriot. Look up Zachary K Hubbard on YouTube

OP is right

True patriot right there

I like this quote.

>David duke
>no Giovanni Gentile

what about Malcolm X? he may be a nigger but at least he knew that they belong to Africa, even GLR supported him


If you haven't heard it before. Bowden allowed me to see Nietszche in a new light.

>Eminescu was anti-jewish Romanian patriot from the Moldovan side of Romania, died at 39 years of age
>Codreanu was anti-jewish Romanian patriot from the Moldovan side of Romania, died at 39 as well

was Codreanu Eminescu's reincarnation? Spooky.

it is worth putting a bullet in your head?

The best thing that ever happened to Romania was Codreanu ( The Captain ) and his Iron Guard. The Iron Guard is the ultimate redpill.
For God, People and Nation!

Shut up you faggot. My mother is Romanian and I'm white.



merita sa pun o pula peste limba ma tii?

Whoa, just how fucking prescient was this?

Honestly I like this quote

>It is a new form of leadership of states, never encountered yet. I don't know what designation it will be given, but it is a new form. I think that it is based on this state of mind, this state of high national consciousness which, sooner or later, spreads to the periphery of the national organism. It is a state of inner light. What previously slept in the souls of the people, as racial instinct, is in these moments reflected in their consciousness, creating a state of unanimous illumination, as found only in great religious experiences. This state could be rightly called a state of national oecumenicity. A people as a whole reach self-consciousness, consciousness of its meaning and its destiny in the world. In history, we have met in peoples nothing else than sparks, whereas, from this point of view, we have today permanent national phenomena. In this case, the leader is no longer a 'boss' who 'does what he wants', who rules according to 'his own good pleasure': he is the expression of this invisible state of mind, the symbol of this state of consciousness. He does not do what he wants, he does what he has to do. And he is guided, not by individual interests, nor by collective ones, but instead by the interests of the eternal nation, to the consciousness of which the people have attained. In the framework of these interests and only in their framework, personal interests as well as collective ones find the highest degree of normal satisfaction.

I just have the feeling he was describing the National Memetic State


>The Romanian form of Fascism was nothing like Fascism

You do know that Fascism varies greatly between nations, right?

>Codreanu thread

I love him lads no homo

You are like a little baby

>Fascism is preoccupied by the clothing (namely the forms of state organization), National-Socialism by the body (namely the racial eugenics), whereas Legionarism is preoccupied by something much deeper: by the soul (namely by its strengthening through the cultivation of Christian virtues and its preparation with final salvation in mind, salvation dealt with by the Christian Church in the most perfect fashion).

>No Mosley


This is in reference to Italian Fascism specifically, since then the term "Fascism" has become an umbrella word for all such movements including NatSoc and Legionarism.

>leaving out Mosley
you fucking nigger
He was the best after Codreanu

So fucking autistic. Literally Sup Forums personified.

Capital F fascism refers to the Italian version, small f fascism is the umbrella. Even then there's disagreement depending on who you ask. I see them as different nationalist movements who can be loosely (very loosely indeed) brought under the 'fascist' umbrella.

I just go by what Mosley said

>Fascism is the name by which the modern Movement has come to be known in the world. It
would have been possible to avoid misrepresentation by calling our Movement by another name.
But it was more honest to call it Fascism and thus to let everyone know exactly where we stood.
It is up to us to defeat misrepresentation by propaganda and explanation of the real policy and
method of Fascism as it will operate in Britain. In the long run straightforward dealing is not
only honest but also pays best. The alternative name for the modern Movement is the National
Socialism used in Germany. But the German Movement also is known throughout the outside
world as Fascist, which is the name commonly used to describe the phenomenon of the modern
Movement whether in Britain, Germany or Italy. National Socialism and Fascism in my view are
the same Movement, finding different expressions in different countries in accord with different
national and racial characteristics. For seven years in the Labour Party before founding Fascism
in Britain, I fought for a National Socialist Policy in contradistinction to the International
Socialism of that Party.

But Mosley made his definition before other European movements had properly defined themselves. Besides Mosley's Fascism was an exception in that it didn't have a name for itself, like Falangism in Spain. Despite this, he was demonstrably different.

Also just on another note.
would have been possible to avoid misrepresentation by calling our Movement by another name.
But it was more honest to call it Fascism and thus to let everyone know exactly where we stood.
This is why he never got anyway. He would've been PM had he not sperged out.

Anyway I think we're starting to get off topic here.