I'm more or less a liberal IRL. I think that 95% of what is said here is incorrect factually, yet I keep coming here...

I'm more or less a liberal IRL. I think that 95% of what is said here is incorrect factually, yet I keep coming here, why is that? What makes Sup Forums so comfy?

It's fun and hilarious and people just tell things how they see them instead of just virtue signaling or dressing it up to appeal to a specific audience.

Because you do agree with us on a fundamental level

You might be holding on to the minor "truths" that make you feel morally superior, or at least morally tolerable

But this draws you in because it puts into words what you are unable to, that something is deeply wrong with the world

In a year you'll be a full on, Jew hating, nigger mocking, flag waving, redpilled patriot, trust me I know


What you'll find here are pinches of truth in a sea of poison. Those pinches of truth are worth their weight in gold

Pol is right Pol was always right

It's called shitposting, a soup of ideas and free thinking without the threat of thought crime punishment..its what our society needs

The Hurtbox theory user. It's true.

Exactly, there is pleasure in the breaking of taboos. Elsewhere one must be very careful to tortuously word things in the ever-shifting language of political correctness, desperate not to deviate one iota from the approved opinion lest you provoke an angry response.

Here you can just call someone a faggot kike nigger and walk off. It's liberating.

>A paki talking about shit

Former liberal, complete with uni degrees, turned RWDS here.

It starts with baby steps. You'll turn one of these days, don't worry.


you're a liberal, you have nowhere else to go. very lame community.

Market of ideas. True freedom of speech; anything goes. Allows a platform for ideas, no matter how absurd. It's like a breath of fresh air in a world of putrid degeneracy. It is only under such completely unbrideled conditions of debate that the best ideas rise to the top.

>thinks it's incorrect
>posts his employer's paganism
It's because you're paid. And if you hang gays and feminists who the fuck is left on the ground?

Because every forum/sub/place for libtards on the internet is incredibly boring because you can't disagree with anyone fundamentally or they'll ban you.

The liberal forums are also filled with incredible rage and anger, which makes it no fun

I am also a liberal, I like Sup Forums and the people here


Anonymity really is the best for getting at peoples true feelings on things. Tons of times I've tried to converse with someone that doesn't agree with me on Facebook and as soon as I say something even mildly offensive

>WOW I can't believe you talk like that and want to be taken seriously. Its childish. I'm out.

Why the fuck does everyone care more about how something is said than the idea trying to be conveyed? That was my number one thing to rage out on during the election and call people out for. They'd say they hate something Trump said, and it was one of his common sense positions you'd have to be retarded to be against, and I'd ask "So you don't want X idea?" and they'd say "Well I do, but he doesn't have to say it like that!!! It's very mean/bully/unpresidential!!". They'd rather a sweet sounding lie than the uncomfortable truth, and then will go on to say how they hate how politicians lie all the time. I guess the latter is just more insincere virtue signaling.


Old school true lib.... or neo nutjob modern lib?

closest we can get to freedom of speech..

I've considered myself pretty liberal my whole life. But I find myself agreeing with more and more on here. However I don't think I've become more conservative, I just think the democratic party I used to be aligned with has moved so far left and become so annoying just can't understand them anymore.