Name one war crime the great US of A has committed. I'll wait

Name one war crime the great US of A has committed. I'll wait.

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Firebombing Dresden.

I'll do you one better, the planned genocide of the Native Americans.

-Wounded Knee
-Mai Lai
-Iraqi Sanctions
-Literally all attempts at "regime change" in the Middle East


Not a war crime. Try to stay on topic Shanell

rebelling against their lawful king and country

Hiroshima and Nagasaki were civilian cities.

The torture of captured Iraqis

none. because no one is powerful enough to impose judgment on us

The coca cola death squads.

yugoslav wars


Abu Ghraib

thats just war, sorry you lost, but not.

Yea. But fuck indians anyway.

Massacred some Indians.

not glassing the middle east

There is a period in our history were something called the American-Indian wars occurred. If you don't know something that basic about the country you reside in you need to leave.

ding ding
vaild point is vaild

The entire 'civil' war
whiskey rebellion

Being the home of Buzzed

Hardly a war. Mostly just isolated skirmishes. Besides, those tree niggers had it coming. Manifest destiny bitch.

Long list buckleup cowboy, Vietnam is a loooong list.

British. I like ike

Spraying Vietnam with whole rainbow of chemical weapons

This, shoulda just stuck with napalm.

Tens of thousand dead civilians around the world

Agent orange

Elected Obama
Elected Drumpf
Demolished Syria, Lybia, Afgan
In bed with Saudis

Need more?

Excuse me, I should've asked if we were referring to wars as described in history books or your own special snowflake definition. I'm not hear to argue semantics with a retard, enjoy your pointless thread.



Ask Kissinger

do not come to Sup Forums ever again

dunno about warcrimes but the vietnam war was pointless.
the second the case-church amendment was signed every american life and dollar spent on that war was wasted.

electing people is a war crime?
kurwa pls


They were also strategic military positions too AND they were told to evacuate and decided not to.

we got good music out of it fuck you

Abu Ghraib prisoner torture and the use of enhanced interrogation techniques (which most reasonable people agree amounts to torture) all over?

>have you seen hell?
>I've seen it, the things I've see


Bombing Serbia

The weak shall fear the strong.


I'd say our balls out brutality to the Japs but I just realize the we were responding accordingly

Assasinating the democratically elected president of Chile in 1972 to install a murderous dictator

Also bombing cambodia during the vietnam war

It's not a war crime you fucking human rectal bleed.

Killing animals is not an act of "war."

That one incident in Vietnam where an officer gunned down an entire village when his platoon wouldn't do it.

Then why do we bother with the United Nations

That dictator almost turned that place into a first world country.

chimp out in brisbane during ww2

>they were told to evacuate and decided not to.
>I told him to get out the car i was trying to steal but he didn't so i shot him, why am i getting charged with murder?

Didn't claim Mexico as a commonwealth.

Not demolishing Syria should be considered a war crime, those fuckers are bombing their own city to create more rebels to fuck us up indirectly.


Duck off kike


Completely different scenarios, one involves two countries at war, one involves a person dumb enough to not carry a firearm. If I lived in Japan and leaflets were dropped on me, I'd be audi 5000 mah nigga

Fuck off commie/antifa/nazi/whatever the fuck you are

Operations rolling thunder, menu, and freedom deal?


You have to go back

ooh shit we got a tween badass over here, look out

didnt start a war with Russia in 1945.

>gets called out for being a kike
>hurrrr ill just call you a bunch of buzzwords


Being the home of Buzzfeed

nuclear holocaust

>kike isn't a buzzword

Nice try guy

go back to plebbit nigger

Oh wow an original comment in an original format, look at what we have here.

>Phosphorus bombs
>Cluster bombs
>Agent orange
>Guantanamo bay
>Siria strike

Just from the top of my head

this satiates the bloodlust of the jews

doesnt change the fact you arent welcome here

>those fuckers are bombing their own city to create more rebels to fuck us up indirectly.
user we backed the rebels in syria

>you aren't welcome in an anonymous online message board where everyone is welcome

typical lib logic

Waging war against humanity's Saviour.

If Andrew Jackson isnt in your top 3, you dont belong here.

>thinking everyone is welcome on Sup Forums

There's so many different rebel groups in Syria man, there's the rebels in Assad's wallet, the Rebel's that we fund, the rebel's Iran funds, Hezbollah and Lebanese, the actual rebels fighting for their country, jihadist extremists, and like 12-14 different other rebel groups. Yeah we backed rebels, and we shouldn't have, we should have had boots on the ground to protect and enforce martial law, anyone out after dark gets shot etc. etc. Shit worked fine in Japan and Germany, and those people were way more fanatical than the majority of the Syrian population. Bombing doesn't solve shit because it just creates more rebels, there has to be law, and there has to be order. It's not a war over territory, its a war to influence public dissent.

ooh look Sup Forums an edgelord, fuck off, go oppress some minorities in your own country. I hope it makes you feel better about your micro-peen.

Your country is shit anyway, faggot.


Blacks are worth more than whites.
Whites should be slaves for 100s or years.
Hitler did everything wrong.
Christianity is a curse.
No god = truth.
More people should be gay.
Women should make more money than men.

I browse Sup Forums everyday, good luck getting rid of me!

Canada turn off your proxy.

Jesus you really are from reddit you insufferable nigger

Justification for getting what we want through an international institution

OP is a retard but damn this is false equivalence

The worst war crime of all times.

OP is literally a retarded.

lol our opposition begged them to do this. most of serbian politicians agreed it was necessary.

if they didn't do it, slobodan milosevic and his socialist cronies would still rule over us.

Fighting for the allies