Can someone red pill me on the whole Bill Nye situation?

I use to think Bill Nye was a pretty cool dude but over the years I realised he seems to be turning into a stooge with his wild and false claims such as "Binary gender doesn't exist" (I would actually like to know the research behind that) and also his climate change stance how he gets mad and calls it settled science so you can't refute it, if there's one thing we know about science it's that it is never settled. His show also clearly shows hatred for white men with that Indian fellow having a full monologue paying out whites.

What the hell happened? Where does the information he claims even come from? Why have REAL scientists not called him out (probably because there to busy working on actual science to benefit us)

Other urls found in this thread:

the only thing scientific he did in his entire life was to design a rubber hose

Well for one he isn't a scientist, doesn't have a science degree, he is a mechanical engineer by trade, worked at Boeing and tried to become an Astronaut but was rejected multiple times.


>that Indian fellow having a full monologue paying out whites.
Kek I want to see this!
>Why have REAL scientists not called him out (probably because there to busy working on actual science to benefit us)
Real scientists never appear on TV because all research shows that TV is degenerate.

This faggot looks like a kiddyfiddler, screen this, eventually he is going to get caught

>hes a real scientist
He just plays one on tv

That was good laugh,, thanks.

You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain.

He's supposed to be promoting science, and to those who already love science, that's just cheerleading. But rather it is necessary to promote science to those who see it as a threat. To reassure folks that scientists have their best interests at heart, and only want to help produce the best society possible.

By promoting hyper-sexuality and degeneracy, he is failing at his primary enterprise. He's shocking those who may be sympathetic to his aims, and pushing the religious farther into the church. (not a bad outcome IMO) He basically had a show promoting Sodom and Gomorrah values to the religious; brought them face to face with how degenerate society has become, as if they hadn't already noticed.

He went after Ken Ham in order to reduce the influence of a particular strain of Christianity which rejects science. Now he is showing the people who may have been convinced by his debate that ideology trumps truth even in scientific circles.

What we have here are a whole lot of young people shocked into apologizing to their parents for eschewing their religiosity, or at least becoming more sympathetic to religion. If Nye is not a mole, he's sure doing a good job of playing one on TV.

He got bluepilled real hard by one of those battlebots he worked with.

>*electronic dance music starts playing*

>over the years I realised he seems to be turning into a stooge


Bill Nye lost my respect many years ago.

He seems to be blindly accepting the liberal position on so-called manmade climate change instead of asking real hard questions.

It is like his liberalism is his foundation and everything had to be built on that faulty base.

He needs to study Roy Spencer and others.

>physical strength has nothing to do with being able to compete as a transgender woman at the Olympics

Clearly Big Jew is orchestrating an attack on truth by claiming it is an attack on lies. Typical Marxist reality inversion. Anything but (((propaganda))) is "fake news"; and now degenerate Neo-Marxist identity politics meant to ruin everyone is "Science".

Nye is a Jew and always has been. His show in on Netflix, and Soros recently purchased a big stake in it. Surely he is behind it.

He's a performer. He's not a scientist. The extent of his scientific achievement is earning a degree in a scientific field.

Thats it. The rest of the time he's making videos or appearing on podcasts or something like that. Of course he's sucking up to the left agenda because he doesn't give a shit about science, he's pandering to a narrative.

Bill nye is a guy reading off of script, nothing more nothing less, you don't know him, you never did.
Now they are just using the brand to brainwash the youth.

Can we get him to test the strengths of various ropes with nothing but a tree and his neck?

Good post. Checked.


>I use to think Bill Nye was a pretty cool dude
You must go back.

Bill Nye the Homosexual guy

Being 3 years old and thinking he was cool is an exception because 3 years old is the average age of peak intelligence for a liberal, I just happened to grow up.


I personally just think he is getting kinda old and since he has never cared about politics, he is going along with the SJW narrative to get extra gigs that will pay for his mansions. Also I think he never was about science, he is more of an entertainer than anything, a TV personality, much like how Bob Ross is good at art but not actually an full-time artist, rather just a good entertainer, or how Hulk Hogan is not a real wrestler but just an entertainer too.

Call me a shill but I even like VSauce more than Bill Nye. He has also started his own TV show but I haven't heard him even once mention any SJW bullshit. If I do, I'll drop him, but so far I haven't.

Give it up for DJ Seahorse!

there is absolutely ZERO scientific evidence of there being more than two genders.

and he lied about there being 1/400 (0.0025% of the world's population) people being born as a hermaphrodites the number is closer to 1/2000 (0.0005%)
and he, Neil Degrasse Tyson and Michio Kaku are nothing more than liberal talk pieces being used to try and turn science into a hammer to beat down those who oppose liberals and progressives as anti-science.

I thought normies were just memeing science but Bill Nye's new show opened my eyes.
Be warned liberals will keep pushing this liberal=scientific dialogue further this year.
And be prepared for all these """"""studies"""""" to come out saying how there's more than two genders and liberals making the word "science" mean next to nothing.
it's already begun.

making Religious People more anti-science is not a good thing

How to be vsauce >Google top ten list off buzzfeed or watchable, narrate it over a green screen

this guy gave up his spit for filthyfrank and his gang of autists. I'm sure hes not that liberal


bhah, only reason he still had career in this millennia is from all those nostalgia fags cumming over him.
U bet he's going to do anything at this point ti stay relevant.

I'm gonna have to make a thread about this shit since no one is reading this.

people need to be warned and we have to find a way to combat "science" being turned against us

>Also I think he never was about science,
No way. You're not wrong about him being an entertainer, but science is clearly a passion for him.

And what's with this fucking "you have to have a degree in [scientific field]" to be a "Scientist" as if Scientist were some official title that conferred power or authority?
A scientist is "a person engaging in a systematic activity to acquire knowledge that describes and predicts the natural world. In a more restricted sense, a scientist may refer to an individual who uses the scientific method."
Even being an expert isn't a requirement, and someone being an expert is irrelevant anyway; their work has to stand up to scrutiny regardless of their "pedigree".

>Labour is in favour of the guarantee, but in a Sky Data poll, 55% of respondents are against it, while 29% said they backed it.



I think you are confusing "researcher" and "scientist". By your logic, a college magistrate doing a research is also a scientist.

I gaurantee you that guy is fucking underage kids. He just has that creepy ass pedo look, with his suits and shit. You can tell he only does the SJW shit to get teen pussy too. What a fucking weirdo.

He's a science denier. Like the "March For Science" that he was kicked out of running, the point is to link radical fruity loop left wing theories to "science" so that anytime someone says;

>Gee, I don't think you can actually use magic to swap genders, Xir


>White people are born inherently evil

The left can screech;


>Want people to take man made climate change seriously

>Link it to the agenda of cross dressing homosexual freaks who believe in magic


Give handjobs to strangers

I always thought it was so phony that people liked this guy the past five or so years, like he got really fucking popular when reddit became a thing. When I was a kid, nobody fucking gave a fuck about this guy. And when they would play tapes of his show in science class, on a free period, no one would fucking care. I can't believe reddit memed this guy back into tv.

Androgynous Asian Seahorse:
>This one goes out to all my bipeds who identify as LADIES!
(((Rachel Bloom))):
>This world of ours is full of choice
>But must I choose between only John or Joyce?
>Are my options only hard or moist?
>My vagina has its own voice
>Not vocal cords, a metaphorical voice. Sometimes I do a voice for my vagina. Please don't tell me I'm the only one who does that.
>'Cause my sex junk is so oh, oh, oh
>Much more than either or, or, or
>Power bottom or power top
>Versatile love may have some butt stuff
>It's evolution, ain't nothing new
>There's nothing taboo about a sex stew, just add salt or Gerard Depardieu
>French treasure
>'Cause my sex junk is so oh, oh, oh
>Much more than either or, or, or
>If they're alive I'll date 'em
>Channing or Jenna Tatum
>I'm down for anything
>Don't box in my box
>Give someone new a handy
>Then give yourself props
Beta Indian:
>Oh you think you're so smart, did you learn gay in college?
(((Rachel Bloom))):
>Chill with all of that while I drop some knowledge
>Sexuality's a spectrum, everyone is on it
>Even you might like it if you sit up on it
>Drag queen, drag king, just do what feels right
>You're tall pansexual, flirty wood sprite
>Who enjoys a fleshlight in the cold moonlight?
Beta Indian:
>With a sad clown Skyping via satellite?
(((Rachel Bloom))):
>Damn skippy, home slice, sing it with me all night
>Sex how you want it, it's your goddamn right
>'Cause my sex junk is so oh, oh, oh
>Much more than either or, or, or
>Get off your soapbox
>Get off your soapbox
>My sex junk's better than bagels with lox
>With lots of schmear
Bill Nye The Science Guy:
>That's exactly the right message (((Rachel))), nice job!
>(((Rachel Bloom))) everybody!
>Pajeet! DJ Seahorse!
>Nice nice beautiful nice!

and this is arguably engineering

It's weird

We need to investigate which studio made the series... unless it was all Netflix or Nyes idea

>just do what feels right
>But shaniqua they're doing what feels right

He's certainly no Sagan. Carl probably would be horrified at both ends of the social and political scene though.

>Bob Ross is good at art but not actually an full-time artist,

Why is it that whenever a woman tries to perform or communicate she screams about her vagina?

>People like Bill Nye and Le Black Science Man
>Thinking they are scientists and not entertainment personalities/presenters

How fucking new are you? BuzzFeed Jews bankrolled it.

Here in Leafland engineering is a science degree.

>Damn skippy, home slice, sing it with me all night

>be religious climate change denier
>watch Bill Nye show
>interracial bisexual ice cream orgy
>i have seen the light

I work as an engineer, with scientists and other engineers. Most of them are naturally red pilled, not to a Sup Forums extent but at least they question things and don't eat up all the bullshit they see on TV.

A bunch of women and a couple of beta guys in the office went to the March for Science this past week. One of them (~140 pound Jewish guy) was talking about how good Bill Nye's new show was, and was trying to get people in the office to check it out.


can you blame him though he probably earns more now than he ever did with any stem degree

and if did anything to upset his fanbase of pseudo nerds he'd lose it all

if i was in his position id do the same

Even reddit hates bill nye. Hes scum.
I can link reddit because ive been browsing Sup Forums since 2005.

If anyone gives me ahit you can fuck right off.

>i can link Reddit because

Looks like you've learned nothing since you started coming here in February 2017

you have to go back

My Gf has a PHd, does field reasearch, and publishes her work in peer reviewed journals...yet is not considered a 'scientist'.
Acadamia is strange sometimes...she's a 'post doctorate'...apparently she has to fill some set of conditions before being considered a 'scientist', yet does more work and publishes more than the scientists she works with.
Its bullshit because 'scientists' get paid a lot more.

read it a queer review

Jews are paying his mortgage now.

he is a raging faggit with AIDs. he has no degree in any of the subjects he pretends to spew.


The Y chromosome is a mutated X chromosome. Evolutionary gender changes have occurred / transitioned between our simple definition of male and female.

I understand it because I'm an environmental scientist, and we can see gender changes in populations in response to molecules that mimic estrogen. We can even determine changes in sexual orientation in overcrowded mouse populations.

I'd say use Google scholar, but you'd need a subscription to access most of the journals.

But, when Bill Nye talks about gender it's in a genetic sense. No sjw sense.

perhaps you're queer

SJW fags at work love this douche. Bachelor degree in Mech Engineering, thats all

He used to teach Science to kids, but now he is teaching (((Science))) to all of us.

What a progressive world we live in!

Nah bro, straight as the stick up Shillay's ass

Remember that one time that fat silver back was "debating" him about water on Mars?

>"Can I shot a sex tape on Mars?"
>"Well yeah, the gravity is 40% that of earth"
>She misses the insult and asks "What's 40%?"
>"Less than a half"
>Host imediatilly ends the the debate

What happened?

South Park got it so fucking g perfect :')

>settled science is science that's already settled
>one cannot unsettle science because it unsettles the natural order
>unsettled science is a myth like you're abrahamic God

Dead. End. Career. Not even Bill Nye likes Bill Nye these days. That's why he yells at the audience in his new show about social science issues.

This is a science correspondent from Microsoft......She talks like she's 12.



>Why have REAL scientists not called him out
Imagine the shit storm.

You are a scientist who keeps to yourself in a uni.

You speak out against Bill Nye.

All the envirozealots and liberals in the university will shit on you the rest of your career unless you are in private sector in which case hopefully you aren't fired because "your views dont align with the company's views" (dumping you to avoid bad PR).

The left has ensured anyone who speaks out gets more trouble than most think its worth.

it's more like, there were 3 nerds in a class of 30 kids, and those 3 nerd faggots per every classroom all love Bill Nye day secretly (but some people associate him as a symbol of not working while at school, ironically)



he is literally going on a shia lebouf tier collapse



>b-list TV actor gets hired to read propaganda off a teleprompter
business as usual

>>binary gender doesn't exist

Just google it, there are some papers but then again, if Bill Nye didn't realize that medical research is often fraudulent or filled with mistakes, he's a dumbass

ahahah. have some greens

Get off my fucking board you normie phone-posting, redditfag, Sargoy of Cuckkad following, meme-stealing, T_Dfag.
You are a part of the cancer that is ruining Sup Forums.

The science on this is relatively uncontroversial in scientific circles to my knowledge.

Here's a good presentation on the basic facts as we understand them at the moment, it cites sources for all it's formation in the relevant literature.

Broadly there's 4 components of sexual humanity.
1) Orientation (attraction)
2) Biological sex (genital anatomy)
3) Gender identity (sense of one's gender)
4) Social sex role (cultural norm)

They're all spectrums, none of them are binary, the only thing we know of that's close to binary is chromosomes which are either XX or XY

The video explains why these things are spectrums and goes through the basic science of how fetuses grow in utero, the evidence for the spectrum in each case.

Obviously there is massive correlation between these spectrums, people who feel like they're female tend to have female sexual anatomy, and tend to behave in a feminine way, but never the less there is a spectrum.

The homosexual propaganda campaign in America's media

Science is a liar, sometimes

Doubt it. (((Sagan))) was about as arrogant as Black Science Guy and most likely would've ended up shilling too

Bill 'Question Science and Die' Nye

Bill Nye is a television personality, and also a scientific charlatan.

Nye hasn't performed actual science since he worked in the defense industry, and he has exactly one science-related patent as a result of that experience.

Nye gets trotted out by the political left and celebrities when some gravitas is needed to sell pseudoscientific bullshit (such as anthropogenic global warming or transgender theories).


I fucking love nyeposting
Best shit on Sup Forums right
Keep churning it out comrades

Asking to be red pilled is blue pilled. Fuck Nye. Fuck asking to be pilled. Ma Ma goo goo feed me your bullshit cuz I can't think for myself.

Yes posting peer reviewed scientific literature, us crazy bongs.

>On episode 5.

So far, it's been either a political motivation fest one minute, a racist show, or painfully cringing at being funny. There's like, a little bit of science in the beginning... If you took all the beginning of the show clips, mashed them together, you might get like 1 hour of usable footage. Should of just made this a "Special" instead of a series

>What the hell happened?

I suspect he hasn't changed; he has been REVEALED.

I wasted my money on him over the years.

>wild and false claims such as "Binary gender doesn't exist" (I would actually like to know the research behind that)
Its actually a pretty basic assertion. Plenty of societies have traditionally had multiple genders (subcontinent, samoa) and plainly gender identity varies wildly both between cultures (west v islamic) and over time (Women before and after feminism). It couldn't be a more obvious social construct and the claim to make the claim that there exist only two rigid gender identities is really pretty ridiculous. The only reason its actually debated is that people aren't familiar with sociological terminology.

> also his climate change stance how he gets mad and calls it settled science
if you were to have the knowledge of literally thousands of studies all drawing upon different types and lines of evidence and all having very similar conclusions backing a theory which has been shown to also have strong predictive ability of several indicators that humanity and life as we know it will be facing a mass extinction in the very near future and literally had fuck all and blocked any attempt at progress in combating the extinction then you'd be pretty mad as well. Also calling it settled science doesn't mean
>you can't refute it
I'm sure even the most ardent proponents of climate change would be willing to admit it is conceivable that new evidence could produce itself proving almost all the literature of the past 40 years wrong however its just incredibly unlikely