How does this make you feel?

How does this make you feel?
I for one would like to point out the irony of having unprotected sex with a black and then calling him a nigger

Toll will be paid in full. She's marked herself for life by that niggering.

Whenever I see "nigger" outside Sup Forums I cringe. It's not shock humour anymore but redneck buffoonry

Niggering is a way of life. A ((((white person)))) can be a nigger if they're degenerate enough.


Nothing, she can use that word because now she's a nigger too.

Does it really matter at that point? She can scream NIGGERNIGGERNIGGERNIGGERNIGGER all she wants but she's already been blacked.
Kinda reminds me of Dick Spencer.

paying the toll. kek

nathan detroit threewitt
>oh no she didn


So wait if i act like a nigger and i become a nigger cab i call them niggers since ill be one of them ?

>checks flag
Why does it even matter? You roach rape babbies aren't even white.

Nah that was allways our collor and we count as whites.
Anyway we found a loophole to the nigger thing
Praise keku

>nathan detroit

fucking cucкs die.

Slavs are even a lesser life form than our Abbos.

Good. 1 less nigger mongrel being born.

too late. they can have her.

N - Niggers
A - Aren't
A - Always
C - Colored
P - People

yes anyone can be a nigger

>Greece counts as white
Nah m8

LEL what a stupid cunt, at least she's getting an abortion

>Want to get abortion
>Call dude a nigger

Only thing out of bounds is saying nigger

Black fetus lives matter

>signals her intention to kill a human fetus
>gets mom'd for using a mean word

>redneck buffoonry

have a lot of experience with former indentured irish slaves, nikos?

It's half-black, you know.

Spain and italy arent considered white ?