ITT: True Redpill Films Only

Top it.

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The ending of that was crap.

Here's a way better one


Solid movie

Movie was liberals blaming rich white people and using guns.

Also promoted pedos.

Its shit, kys.





I just realized that he kind of looks like Alex Jones

There's literally no red pilled movies to come of Jewish Hollywood. Idiocy wasn't redpilled at all. White guy ends up with a literal nigger Jew and the whole theory that stupid people breed more is a misleading premise. Globalist Jews are encouraging minorities to breed more and Whites (and some Asians) to breed less. Nothing is redpilled unless it names the Jews or strongly hint that they are the force behind everything.


It's redpilled on guns and redpilled on pedophilia. Truly an amazing movie.

What the movie says about guns?

Anyway the Jews aren't trying to created a future ruled by idiots, they are trying create a future when smart Jews rule over a race of dumbed down idiots. That's why idiocy is not really red pilled, I don't get why I see that on here so much.

bang bang

>DUDE anyone I don't like has to die

Charles Bronson is, dare I say it, /ourguy/

source on ur pic?

Children of men


Sup Forums looking God Bless America blows my mind to be honest

I could have sworn that was reddit's fav too

>dare I say it, /ourguy/

No, you may not say it

Looking forward to number 2 as well

This. Death Wish is the most red pilled movie of all time.

>begins as a liberal pussy man
>wife is raped, assaulted by hooligans and dies
>starts to notice crime in the city is rampant
>people casually talk how minorities commit the most crime
>goes to a range and learns how to fire a gun
>rest of the movie is Bronson killing niggers and street trash while politicians cry and the people cheer
>more people start vigilante justice and killing niggers at night


This film right here. Lars von Trier is a wise man.



>I could have sworn that was reddit's fav too
I have bad news for you. Sup Forums is basically reddit now.

Eromanga-sensei. Best moeshit/pedoshit this season by far.

The Dark Crystal

The skexis are jews

I watched this before I was at all political and it was still unbearable

I watched this yesterday, it portrays Hitler as a pretty good dude.

AKA A1's latest piece of shit

Lars von tier has literally made cuck films

Only two good choices in this thread.

Falling Down is a real litmus test

Movie is not redpilled. Just a libtarded piece of shit that makes it look like liberal degeneracy is the answer.


>Best moeshit/pedoshit this season by far.
It's gonna be the best butthurtfest of the year when it turns into Oreimo 2: Electric Boogaloo and Elffags get BTFO

That movie was edgey dog shit.
This is the real red pilled movie, they don't make them like they use to.

You bet.


does anyone know what kind of gun the guy with the mustache is using ?


>OP posting one of the most bluepilled movies in (((hollywood))) history

Pic related is probably the most redpilled B action movie of all times.

>US goverenment is ruled by totalitarian cuckservatives
>Leader of opposition is the psychotic criminal version of Che Guevara
>In the end both sides are BTFO by the main protagonist who doesn't give a fuck about their shitty ideals and instead sends the EMP pulse trough the whole world

i did like this film

There's only 1 minority in this whole movie - a filipino housekeeper. It's a reminder of what life was like and how it can be again.

He said it in the movie.
Wildey .475 caliber handgun

Big Boss?

Wag the Dog (1997)


>the guy with the moustache

Wow. You dont know who Bronson is? No wonder you let shitskins rape your women.

I don't know why people hate Escape from LA

pretty cool movie.

if you didnt know the main character from this movie was a big part of the inspiration of solid snake / big boss from metal gear solid.

in mgs 2 snake uses the codename pliskin, the main character name

Were belt loops not invented in 1930s?


Not Red-Pilled at all but I enjoyed it and it is relevant.

>God Bless America

Is just a cathartic movie made by liberals for liberals. The protagonists go around killing people they don’t like over the pettiest stuff like talking on the fucking cinema. I have never met a side more violent and craving for violence than the faggots on the left. Shit like The Purge and God Bless America exist as self-insert fantasies for these parasites because they wish they could make anything they see on the screen become true but instead they would rather fantasize about it and self-insert themselves as the smart misunderstood protagonist that must battle their way through the unfairness of society

Don't bother with that garbage. Even The Postal film made by Uwe Boll is better than this trite and much more Sup Forums related.

If you want something actually "redpilled" or Sup Forums related you're better off watching Wag the Dog, Nightcrawler, Bulworth, SLC Punk!, Dark City, Society (1989) or any of the three movie adaptations of 1984. There is a lot of material out there and OP is a fucking faggot.

No shit

Everyone knows that

Escape from New York was gateway to Metal Gear

Citizen Kane

How do you mean?

Of course he'll fuck the little sister in the end. She's not even blood related, why wouldn't he? But I have to say, this anime has a lot of best girls. The imouto, Elf-chan and the slut are all top tier.


I honestly never watched a american movie that was redpilled.

based film

About whether Foster did anything wrong or not

Night Crawler and SLC Punk...

Shit Juan, that post was so good you make me wish Mexicans migrated here.

Yes, actually.

Cronenberg is redpilled.

I'd say blowing up the roadworks was reckless and provocative.

That was the only bit of the film I didn't like. Way too silly.

I haven't watched TV in years, but I assume our cucked mainstreamed brainwashing propaganda program doesn't include movies like that anymore.

Not sure if the Benny Hill Show still gets broadcasted from time to time. Stuff like that is absolutely triggering for the new generation of megacucks and SJW.


Great film, literally me

if you aren't pinning you aren't winning

I only recommended them because Nightcrawler is all about fake/fabricated news. The ending of SLC Punk is arguably red pilled when you consider the message about how self-labeling is pointless and how he abandoned his shitty life style in order to be able to pursue something better but also being able destroy the system he hated and protested so much against through the whole film from the inside, which is basically why a lot of shows, websites etc. tend to lean left or turned into left leaning shitholes; they were hijacked. But that is my personal interpretation, however my point stands.


It's literally the same movie as escape from New York.
Still awesome though.

watched it few weeks ago, shits like 6 hours long but worth watching(watch it alone)
shia cameo

>the /polcore/ picture

How is The Sum of All Fears redpilled? Isn't it about some nazis trying to start WW3 and getting killed in the end? Rather depressing, though of course it touches on the topic of false flag attacks.


although i didnt ejoy the second rape scene.
but its kinda important to the movie.

at some point i want to watch the even longer version that was cut by martin scorsese.

such a shame the movie was raped so hard for the american market.


Only this movie is redpilled


Does Taxi Driver count?

Oh and Sicario

I wasn't being sarcastic.

this is supposed to be satire but watching it in the current year it doesnt seem so far off


Two great ones. Sequel confirmed for the latter.

ruskies vs churcas


what will the sequel of sicario be about ?
i didnt enjoy the movie very much because i dont like movies where the main character is so powerless.

but thats also the major theme of the movie.

young jodie foster hnnnnnggggggggg

OK your movie is the direct opposite of redpilled. If I have to pick a movie at all I guess it would be something from Micheal Bay since atleast he's never pushing a political agenda

subtle and not so subtle redpills abound

You don't know wtf a red pill is. That is because you are a blue pilled dumb fuck. Go back to red-dit and stay there.

My bad. I haven't slept all day and when I realized I missunderstood your post it was too late. Apologies Bongbro.

I love Drive but is not redpilled, just Sup Forums related at this point alongside TDKR.

With that said I would post more Sup Forums movie infographics but that is all about there is. We need to step it up and make more/expand the already existing lists. I might give it a try one day.

>totally devoid of artistic merit

it's redpill alright
