Why is it allowed that the US can drop bombs world wide at a moments notice completely unnoticed from Missiouri ?!

Why is it allowed that the US can drop bombs world wide at a moments notice completely unnoticed from Missiouri ?!

Should the international community be worried about a nation having such power?

What can they do about it? Nothing? Ok.

I'd be more worried about nuclear missiles on submarines, if I were one of those fag nations.

What are you gonna do about it?

Yes, they should be worried. No sane country would dare to challenge our military

they can drop nukes too

The international community is our bitch, See the UN. If your country doesn't have nukes, it's not a real country.

The US is a rogue criminal enterprise controlled by a group of unelected people operating under complete secrecy
Frankly you should never sleep again, kraut

t. Igor-Ahmed

Don't talk about Missouri

It's a secret

Please stop reading this. Please, get some sleep. You must all be so tired. Have a drink, take a Xanax, get some rest. Log off Sup Forums for a little while, it seems like you've been on for too long now. Have some sleep, I am so tired, I am so sorry but I must sleep now. I am so tired.

Would you rather your government have that power?

Probably engineer a virus that is transmitted via shartting.

we could havea that power tomorrow but you don't allow us to have it

wonder why

Fuck yeah.. Missouri

>Should the international community be worried about a nation having such power?
Bahahaha. WAY too late for that. You American now, bitch.

>Why is it allowed that the US can drop bombs world wide at a moments notice completely unnoticed from Missiouri ?!

Still butthurt, Hans? (pic related)
Also it's because the US can.

Yea, i fucking wonder why...


It all relies on infrastructure that can crumble easily.

You could stop it if you actually funded your defunct military every once and a while. Until then shut your fucking whore mouth. "The strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must"


>you don't allow us
that's right, you need our permission for everything!
now sit in the corner, and shaddup already

Faggotry like this is why I'm looking forward to the market crashing 1929-style and niggers looting your entire continent. There's nothing more cringier than blind american patriotism of the "we own u bitch america fuck yeah!!!" type

You can't even invade a backwards country with no economy that conscripted its army from the militia, lmao

Are we even on Sup Forums
Are you all shilling or you forgot what is really going on in the world?

They should get fatter as time goes on as well.

I thought the same to, then I found the simple rationalization: who's going to do anything about it? We've done all the leg work, we've set up the alliances and have weld wide reach because of it. Europe is lazy, they don't strive for innovation are and myriad with regulations, made emplacement by comfort. For things to progress you need a maverick character to be willing to take the first step and escalate, America is the only country with the conviction and male spirit required to lead.

TLDR the rest of the world are pussy ass niggas

>You can't even invade a backwards country
what are you talking about Bogdan?

WE invade shit holes all the time. repeatedly, as a way of life. no analysis needed..

Lol if the US economy goes down you are all coming with us don't forget that. If yours crashes what you will get a minor blip in the news and then everyone will go huh what a shame and move on with their lives.

Thinking that the world would not be happy after israel's attack dog goes down.

Thinking if US power suddenly evaporated over night that the world would continue to be buddy buddy and not end with massive wars all over the place.

what are you, nine? the "community" has been concerned with this for 100 years

Looks like we angered a turkroach. We're just stating facts Mehmet. The US of A is just the best.

>Please destroy all those long-range stealth bombers which can carry nukes.
>Or we will be forced to nuke you !!
>Also please do not strike back with your huge nuclear stockpile or with those same bombers we want you to destroy because we can't do it.

The US would laugh and then ignore the threath.
Then nobody would launch a nuke because nobody is suicidal.

You have 2 choices;

Get on our level and do something about it


Don't antagonize the US

Please note that even if it has nukes, the UN see it as a second class country, unlike USA, UK, France, Russia and China.


>Burger intelligence at best if usa would stop funding terror groups and crazy kebabs for the construction of greater israel the world will be safer.
>America is Israel's pitbull at best
> USA is now invaded from within so a civil war will erupt at any moment and the states will disolve. israel will fall as soon as the usa dies.