Alright, so where are the actually cities in this pro-black propaganda?

Alright, so where are the actually cities in this pro-black propaganda?


>the africa white people live in

>the europe black people live in


>the europe africans wanna go to
>the africa no one wanna go to

most of the shitty stuff in the bottom pics was done by africans

>Generations of African Americans have been educated to respect every culture except their own and rendered totally ignorant of past achievements, contributions, and history of Blacks, in the process.
All out of wews, lad.

It's interesting how they label the pictures vaguely as if Africa is a fucking country. I'm a stupid burger and even I know better. Can niggers do anything right?



This are from the Congo.


And the Congo under Belgian occupation.

>shows the parts of african cities made great by whites
>shows the parts of european cities made into ghettos by minorities
checks out

>not REAL white people

>I made this.

If you are going to leave the continent looking like crap, at least don't take credit when they fix it.

Nice mosque, wonder who's behind all this (((urban development)))

Cities Skyline? Duno...North Africa looks like SimsCity future cities expansion pack tho.

Black people of course.

>Richest areas in African cities built by whites
>Poorest areas in European cities where immigrants live

They had to take down colonial statues, east europe style, in the hope that you will stop spreading those lies.