Ted Cruz has introduced a bill today that would seize all the money from el chapo to fund for the border wall's...

ted Cruz has introduced a bill today that would seize all the money from el chapo to fund for the border wall's construction, is he dare i say it our guy Sup Forums MEXICO BTFO trib.al/zNQMgKQ

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It's real

Hey I like this idea. Guess I'm a #cruzmissile now.

Based ted cruz

Ay dios mio!



drug cartels pay for the wall! BAD HOMBRES STAY OUT

Wrong picture but good anyway

And thus Trump keeps his promise. Fucking incredible.

Give me a greentext on how this can possibly happen because el rato would be pretty based then.

He's so fucking loyal, it makes me moist

>mfw he was the True Conservativeā„¢ that we needed all along.


Krumpf should've given him the delegates

Can you give deligates?

Wtf I'm a Cruz missile now.


Cruz coming in bigly

Dear diary, today Ted Cruz was pretty cool.

This is why I voted for him in the primaries.

He may not by "pols guy" but he's "my guy"

Agreed. I wish people would've looked past his personality problems and looked at the flawless policies he wanted to implement. But, lesser minds vote with their feelings....

The funds, El Chapo.


there is now a light at the end of the tunnel

The mexicans are going to pay for the wall.

>Cruz trying to take shekels from the CIA and (((them)))

It was nice knowing him.

He couldn't have beat Hillary. All else is secondary.

As much as I want this to actually happen and have drug dealers pay for the all, I agree with this Hispanon.

The CIA wont let it happen.

He's been decent lately.

I wanted Cruz. Trump played up that his wife worked for Goldman Sachs then hired a bunch of them. He's a politician who actually takes on the establishment from the inside.

Whoa, in this pic Cruz looks a bit like British TV host Jeremy Kyle (whose show of cousin-inbreds is Jerry-Springer-Across-the-Pond).

that's bullshit any of the big 4 could have beat Hillary.

that's Donald, Rand, Cruz, and Carson

el RATTO is populist

do not fall for snake oil salesman

after Rand dropped out I supported Trump only because I thought he was sincere in his anti war foreign policy. now I wish I had just backed Cruz.

least I voted for Ron Paul

You're delusional
Trump had that thing that the others just did not.

I bet Rubio and even fucking Kasuck could have beaten Hillary.

This. Trump doesn't trust that lyin' rat fink.

replace Carson with Rubio and I agree. Where has Carson been anywho? haven't heard anything about him since he was given a token position

So the REAL mexico will be paying for the wall... Got it.


We should meme trump the hell out of office and get the cruz missile in there.

>that's bullshit any of the big 4 could have beat Hillary.
>that's Donald, Rand, Cruz, and Carson

You forget. Podesta is ultimately responsible for Trump getting the republican nomination

>"...we dont want to marginalize the more extreme candidates, but make them more "Pied Piper" candidates who actually represent the mainstream of the Republican party. Pied Piper candidates include, but are not limited to: Ted Cruz, Donald Trump, Ben Carson."

>"We need to be elevating these Pied Piper candidates so that they are leaders of the pack and tell the media to take them seriously"

Nah, I don't want a leaf as president.

He should definitely tear up the senate though.

I said it from the beginning, Ted has always been better than Trump.

There is a difference from saying you will propose an act or proposing an act

>tfw i unironically wish he was the president instead of (((trump))) now


>that pic

The thing with Cruz is that he wasn't this bold before the election. Having someone like Trump is encouraging, so he's having his best brought out of him. We'll see a much better, bold and improved Cruz by the time 2020 comes around. Whether I'll vote for him remains to be seen since he has done some shady things in the past.

i give my meme powers to cruz.

Trump has abandoned us

Only Cruz will build the wall now.

Pretty sure he was always Sup Forums's guy. Issue was always not having the cross-cultural appeal to beat Hill-dawg.