I'm an Armenian named Khachig writing from the year 2025.
I don't have much time to explain this, so I will skip some of the gory details.
The reason why the Jews have been able hold and wield such concentrated power in their hands all boils down to the simple yet hidden historical fact that they stole that esoteric knowledge from the ancient Egyptians.
All of this occurred during the period of Hebrew servitude in ancient Egypt, as described in the Book of Exodus. Therefore, it is no surprise that ancient Egypt with all its wonders and beauty fell soon thereafter. What the Jews of the ancient times did to Egypt, they are doing to Western civilisation, which at one point harboured the same connection between the human and divine.
Freemasonry, a fraternal order and tradition dating back to the times of the mystical religions, holds this occulted knowledge as a means to keep it safe through the inevitable rise of human conflict, war and turmoil. This, of course, was before the Jews infiltrated it and turned it a cult for worshippers of the demiurge.
I don't have much time, but I may be able to answer a few questions.
Joshua Young
how many bbc's can you fit in your ass?
Jayden Rodriguez
Shitposting with sprinkles of truth. Typical leaf fashion.
Eli Hughes
how the fuck you ended up in cucknada
Nathan Johnson
>time traveling gypsy >leaf
What sets us free Kachigga the nigga?
Levi Lewis
why is the sky blue if the space is black?
Wyatt Parker
What does this mean?
Jace Nelson
>claims to be time traveller >claims not to have much time to post
I love a good LARP, but at least keep it logically consistent.
Lincoln Young
give me the esoteric knowledge so that i can summon my lord and savior kek to our mortal realm please?
Christopher Parker
What do they talk about in Sup Forums in the year 2025? Traps and niggers still?
Hudson Sanchez
Sounds legit
Sebastian Green
After Kevin O'Leary became Prime Minister, the Conservative Party started espousing a fiercely 'Canada first' ideology, akin to what the U.S. president of that time, Donald Trump, did to his country. This effectively resulted in the deportations of millions deemed to be unsuitable for the future of the new Canadian race.
Armenians were considered to be great genetic stock for the new Canadian race thanks to our cunning natures and excellence in business. That's how I was allowed to stay in Canada.
William Reed
Jack Davis
Luis Sullivan
Kill yourself
Parker Rivera
This symbol is banned worldwide by the United Nations.
Joseph Gray
Cameron Gutierrez
demons 7 deadly sins lucifer belial leviathan kek baphomet can i summon any of them to acquire their boon to defeat jews?
Bentley Collins
1 fuckin off u srs m8
Daniel Baker
Turn off the TV.
No, seriously. That should be enough.
They have a stranglehold on us because of their invincible ability of projecting and infusing ideas and behaviours unto us.
Ayden Fisher
Owen Jones
What happens to christianity OP, and what sect are you?
Oliver Foster
last question for me are humans inheriently evil
Wyatt Perez
What happens to Sup Forums?
Andrew Lee
Is there a written version of the Zohar, in English?