Sup Forums is there anything worth less than a Canadian fucking penny in the civilized world?

Sup Forums is there anything worth less than a Canadian fucking penny in the civilized world?
I say civilized because
>African currency

Other urls found in this thread:

the japanese equivalent of a penny floats in water.

>tfw getting a Canadian penny or nickel as change

I'll buy it for 5 cents.

What could that be that it's sitting on?

That's literally how I just obtained this.
I'm calling the Walmart corporate office.
I will not stand for this injustice so long as I'm a free goddamn American.

I save them in a jar at home, and when it fills up I go to the border and throw them back into Canada where such trash belongs.

>look it up
>it's real

top lel

That's the fucking spirit.
Rev up those leaf blowers comrade

Ok, since everyone wants to know. Here's what it is.


Hey that's neat, can I have it?

nothing because we stopped using them years ago. that penny is only worth it's weight, & even the it's probably worthless because any made after 96 are just copper-plated zinc.

>not being able to read

A Chinese fen

The ocean doesn't even want them?

Wouldn't that be Communism? Can't fool me Rabbi.

The illiterate are out in numbers I see.
It obviously says 1963.


It's a poor imitation at best.

OP said "a canadian penny", not "this canadian penny". learn reading comprehension, you dumb motherfucker.

>THAT penny

I am OP you fucked in the head leaf.
You can't even comprehend your own fucking words.

>Wouldn't that be Communism?
Not if you willingly gave it to me. I'll trade you a bottle of Super Male Vitality®

Make it Alpha Brain® and you have a deal.

Yes: a Canadian himself.

this picture triggered me their convo was great

Learn how to focus your camera

>Fucking Pleb

those nazi coins are nice but virtually worthless as they made millions of them .. you can buy them in bulk on ebay for a few dollar.

Could these things fit in a 12 gauge shell? I could see them having some use then.

Needs more psychic vampires.

Somalian dollar coins in the shape of a guitar

That's why I just like collecting things that I like for myself.
If you're buying shit for resale value and worth to others, you're either doing it wrong or a merchant.

You have a Canadian penny? those are rare.

Just so you know i'm not pulling this out of my ass



That's convenient.


lmao that video is retarded

they also did something similar with race cars

I see what you did there.

Your post.

>go to buy food
>drop handful of small metal guitars on counter

Wish somebody told me sooner. I brought a heap I had been saving down in the States, and the store up here wouldn't accept them, REEEEEEEEEEEE

no, "than a canadian penny" implies canadian penny, plural. "that canadian penny " would imply a specific canadian penny.

as I said, learn fucking reading comprehension, you dumb faggot.


Well when you're replying to a post with a specific penny identified via picture, implications should be clear.