What Europe Looks Like
>American obsessed with interracial
This confuses and angers the muricunt.
It's funny because it's actually true add to that
Are you trying to imply we don't have manual transmissions in America?
wrong. i have that very one attached to six liters of whupass. it sounds so sexy and is hella fun tbqh senpai
It's funny how you virgin losers can't even get laid when girls are so easy... you guys must be really ugly.
You certainly don't know how to use them.
Admit that's a pretty accurate image description of how Europe is dealing with the """"refugee""" crisis.
According to who?
dog bles aremika and their not promisuous wyman XDXDDD
Girls aren't "so easy" in the way you think. It's in their nature to fuck the conquerors, since conquering used to be a sign of superiority. It's the boys who became weak. Women smell weakness miles away.
t. A married man with 2 kids
Why else would you give out driving licenses to people taking the test in an automatic? It's frankly shocking. Equivalent of driving a todder's go-kart.
>This confuses and angers the eurocuck.
Because the basic skills are the same and no one is forced to drive a manual transmission equipped vehicle?
If you want a manual transmission, you learn to drive it. Pretty fucking simple.
No, the basic skills aren't the same. If you can't correctly manipulate the gearbox in your car, you can't be said to fully be the master of the vehicle. As I said, driving an automatic is the equivalent of driving a child's electric three-wheel trike. Push pedal, vroom vroom!
well you smarmy fuck, we haven't quite reached the level of nanny state that you have; we assume that people our people who that learn on and take the test on an automatic will mostly drive an automatic or if not, will learn how to not grind gears. it ain't brain surgery.
Do you also brag about how you use a rotary phone?
>I can only afford a used base model Ford Fiesta
Checking that people can actually perform what's required to drive a car before getting on the road is a sign of the nanny state now? Curious. Well, I guess you're a bit too much of a rough-n-tumble Wild West cowboy for me, pardner.
Yes, yes I do.
White wombs were destined to be conquered by BBC. Africans may not be able to swim in water, but they'll be swimming in white pussy while white bois cry on a chinese cartoon website and call eachother cucks because of their flag, as they dwindle away.
At least we don't need a license to use one of these
> it sounds so sexy
no it doesnt youre just an annoying cunt
The license is for the broadcasting, not the television set or the remote. You don't have to pay it, either. I don't.
I don't see why we gets so much stick on Sup Forums for TV licenses, when Germans have to pay their TV licenses whether they own a TV or not.
At least you only have to pay a TV license in this country if you receive live broadcasts.
if you don't like the sound of a well tuned and ventilated V8, i don't know what to tell you. see if the doc will put you on testosterone enhancers maybe?
My DD is a manual, you limey brit
if you can't see the box you're in, i suppose i can forgive the smug...i'm magnanimous that way.
Is this some sort of projection Hawkmed? White American here. Grew up in God's country. Father taught me to drive a stick shift before I could reach the pedals. KYS.
that doesn't make him wrong
if anything it should be an even louder waking call for you
Shh, let him be, lad. Mommy took away his car keys after he punched a hole through the window trying to figure out manual.
There's going to be a rise in fridge tax this year as well, fuck this continent
Is this picture real, I'm not referring to the allegorical meaning, I'm referring to the actual picture, was it taken when real girls were waiting real immigrants in that position?
Mostly the niggers are since it hide the fact that they are just dumb niggers. I don't understand why non-white would even want to come to white countries for. You know? Since all white people are evil violent rich racists or whatever the polly-wanna-cracker line is now on TV.
>Smelly , inbred , analphabate manlet mudshit welfare queens
Neck yourself immediately
Where does the meme that FORCIBLY mass imported Muslims by globalists are conquerors come from?
It's so unbelievably moronic.
Not only from a common sense standpoint but empirical also, I see raperugees at least once a week and their description above is not an exaggeration
Our state-propaganda network made a homepage where you could stream their shitty channel and thus if you have internet - you need to pay for a TV License.
>b-but couldn't you just make a login page?
Mudsharks are easy for niggers because niggers are merely a fetish to them. They don't see the flaws, or even a person, they just want to indulge their perversion.
Normal white girls don't date outside their race, and they hold white guys to high standards because they are looking for a relationship, not a fetish.
Hans shut the fuck up, it's all your fucking fault, you are cucked beyond salvation and you will vote some liberal socialist scum AGAIN, go hang yourself and end your pathetic Europe-hater race.
>if you have internet - you need to pay for a TV License.
It's far more fucked up than that.
If your Neighbour has open Wifi, you need to pay the license as well.
Even though it may be shit speed wifi.
Even though uptime of wifi may only be 5 hours a day or whatever.
Even though the TV station can't guarantee uptime of the wifi. Your neighbour could shut it off completely and go on vacation, and you would still be paying for nothing.
And the politicians of course don't give two shits about such technicalities.
First car was a three speed manual, bucko. One after that was a five speed.
I've never even owned an auto car friend
What if you're stealing HIS wifi but he doesn't pay the license?
>a 3 speed
what type of car user?
There is an inspector who comes around annually and measures the wifi in the area. If he finds an open one, he will start nagging the whole neighbourhood to pay.
We just learn to not respond, and to not open the door for anyone.
Is that a term for a special kind of tax, or are they raising the tax on buying a refridgerator?
why are you so insecure, you bitchy little rosey-cheecked, man-titted, snaggle-toothed, effeminate chav fuck?
'72 FJ40 similar to this one.
I still own it, still love it. Not my DD anymore, obviously, but taking a drive with the top and doors off always makes me a happy man
I was just trolling out of boredom. Haven't driven a car in like five years, fairly certain my license's expired. Goodnight.
So the rest of the world has really bad eyesight?
SUV has no low end torque.
3 on the tree. I had one too, best vehicles on the planet.
t. 40 yr old
He is not wrong.
All of third world countries have internet now, guess what are they looking for ? Hardcore Porn. That's why they imagine all western women are terminal sluts.
Some say that's everything you do in life is an elaborate nuptial dance. The economical migrant doesn't search a job first but where he can find the better pussy. Why do you think 95% of migrants are men ?
This is a confused European who has never been to America
A manual transmission? I drive a manual, I don't know what you think you might be implying but it's pretty clear you'r ignorant as hell. LMFAO!
I'm fine with people tying their hair up in pony tails on occasion, you need to do that for work etc - but when someone's default hair mode is a pony tail it really irks me, like it looks terrible why would you voluntarily leave it up in a pony tail in casual settings.
She's a dancer.
t. male dancer
This is a painful truth. Non-whites, particularly of the Arab and Brown Asian variety, have a very twisted view of white women thanks to (((media))) and (((porn))). They literally think that they can talk to a beautiful blond blue-eyed white woman for 5 minutes then she will open her legs for them. I haven't observed this mentality so much in black Africans, possibly because they are mostly Christian and may have had less exposure to the aforementioned material.
Mines on the floor actually. I almost bought one that was three on tree, but it had a bit too much rust.
how about stop blaming the rest of the world
and blame you're whore white women
European Union was a big mistake
Thankfully we're irrelevant and not many refugees come here
This desu, giving women rights, a vote, and a voice has destroyed the west.
Soo fucking what.
I'm a wanker, doesn't mean I'll do it in a public space
>how about stop blaming the rest of the world
How about we blame you and your unholy alliance with Israel and Saudis.
I dont know how much you go outside, but there are more than enough woman in europe and america that DO behave like that to justify the image
i kind of agree.
i grew up riding/servicing atv's and dirt bikes so i understood transmissions and how they worked. my first car was a 7mgte 5sp equipped supra, which i let a friend drive a bit with me shotgun because he wanted to learn a stick.
he just couldnt wrap his head around things spinning and having to mesh together with engine speed all that basic shit. just couldnt get it.
our driving tests are 150% a complete joke though,
>literally drive around the block, park, heres your license
>Where does the meme that FORCIBLY come from
It comes from 1400 years of Islamic history. Yes, they are being imported by (((them))). Doesn't make it any less of an Islamic invasion
Not really. It's a failure of society and education that they do not know what is best for themselves and future generations. Women's voting habits are a serious problem, but they are merely a symptom and not the cause of the issues plaguing the west. In a healthy society women would not vote for the invasion and destruction of their homes.
It really does. Everyone talks about coming here for the girls. That's about it.
Feels bad man.
That's why I'm a virgin, unlike females I'm responsible.
I drive a manual though, I thank my dad for teaching me how to.
Not really. The vast majority of white women still require a degree of courting before they will have sex. Unless you're willing to fuck fat/ugly desperate trash (most non-whites are, I've noticed), you're going to have to put in some work before you get anything. Obvious exceptions if you are a Chad or you are rich, but shitskins rarely fall into either category.
It feels bad here too Sven. Our President can't get jack shit done because gas station judges block literally everything he tries to pass, including the recent sanctuary city defunding. Shitskins that aren't even citizens get benefits and welfare out the ass, refuse to integrate, and generally shit on the country giving them everything. To me it's about the same as the muslim shit going on in the rest of the world, just they happen to be less violent. No less useless though. Total drain on society.
Che ritardato.
because of their behavior
if they werent so easy people would talk about how beautiful they are and how its not worth to go there for the girls because they wont give outsiders any attention
but its not the case, in fact its quite the opposite
you guys need to understand that how the past generations raised their kids (today youth and adults) is the reason you are all so fucked up now
you need to change your people and your girl's behavior if you want to change anything
and to do that 1st you need to identify those responsible for that and kick those traitors out
lmao eurocucks
dude, all I need to do is make them believe I can offer them a good time
it doesnt get any harder than that
you need to hard to be a provider because thats what they are looking for in people like you
I need to look like fun and thats what I get from them
easy as fuck
*work hard
I totally believe you.
Pretty much. Maybe add free money, food, and shitskin pass to break all laws.
The med states are the only based ones at this point in regards to the Muslim problem. It's likely due to the 1500 years of caliphates you guys had to face, which makes you woke on the muslim and black questions.
>America calling anyone else snaggle-toothed
>american education
Following suit with what you did 60 years ago burger mutt.
why do whites project their sexual frustration onto immigrants
the only way i could possibly understand this is if you unironically view fresh-off-the-boat immigrants as actual competition
and if you do, you are a complete subhuman and should be bred out of the gene pool
>nissan, a japanese brand
>american education
I drive a pickup with a 3- speed column shifter, get on my level Ahmed.
Nigs can't steal your car if you don't teach them how to drive it
>not being able to afford to buy a machine that shifts gears for you
>having to ask the government permission to receive signals broadcast to your property
There's a reason we left.
Jesus. Stop it. Stop it now.
Triggered. I am enraged
So what would you have us do? Stop masturbating and join seal team 6? Fuck sake
For the memes I guess
Wew lad. It's only Tuesday
>illegal immigration down 90% since Trump took office
This chart is already inaccurate.