Islam will rule the west

Without firing a single bullet.

Other urls found in this thread:

>without firing a single bullet
Way too late for that.

Starting now*

>using the same pictures every time

> kid on the right isn't even touching the girl

Sure thing achmed

And we will return to monolithic times and begin society over again. Make me think Atlantis really did exist and the Earth is destined to go through an endless cycle of societal destruction and rebirth.

kek. I've seen this pic dozens of times and never noticed the hover hand because his skin camouflages in the wood.

Haha, those bitches are going to take half your shit in about ten years. Enjoy!

>Islam will rule the west
Kadyrov already rules Muslim Russia

kek@ this staged photo

I've talked to a lot of womyn in europe and they are really seeing what's going on. Shitskins are literally toxic and the fad is pretty much up.

That's what happened in small suburbs around toronto. After a few years of immigration, white womyn will not date brown or black guys because it's common knowledge here that they are absolutely disgusting and thirsty as fuck.

The only thing they need to deal with are rapes which is already being tackled by initiatives started by many european police agencies.

whatever makes you sleep at night

This is why I'm not having kids.

>i won't have kids because i'll be a shit father and won't be able to raise girls with self-esteem and racial awareness

Look how grossed out the girl on the left is. kek

Or I don't want them to get raped just by walking down the street by niggers or shitskins.

hey roach, how many times have you posted this thread?

muslims have got serious anger issues

those girls look pretty uncomfortable. The shitskins probably asked them to take a picture with them

Oh come on. It's nowhere near that bad yet

Just wait 'till the west discovers fourth gen warfare.

Keep it up, kebab.

The Reconquista will just be all the more satisfying.

You have a whole decade and change before you get to that point!
Live it up!


We have stemmed the tide pretty well here and leaving the EU will only seal our borders further. I predict continental Europe could possibly get that bad within a couple of decades but England will be something of a sanctuary in comparison.

This. Every muslim I know who married a white had his whole life ruined.

Aside from bringing Sup Forums to tears, I would heavily advise my fellow muslims from actually doing this.

Muslim here, with a message for all the cumskins on this board:

It was you who divided up the land.

It was you who put in the puppet governments.

It was you who built the oil wells on Muslim holy lands.

It was you who allowed the Jews to exterminate and enslave the Palestinians.

It was you who played geopolitical games with Iraq and Iran during their war.

It was you who gave Saddam chemical weapons.

It was you who caused the Ayatollah to come into power in Iran.

It was you who created the Mujaheddin, Osama Bin Laden, and Al Qaeda.

It was you who killed 1 million children with your economic sanctions on Iraq.

It was you who, with your gluttonous oil consumption, gave power to Saudi Arabia and turned a blind eye to their funding of Wahhabi extremism.

It was you who abused the Arab world so much that they felt they had to attack your soil on 9/11.

It was you who started an endless massacre across all of Afghanistan in retaliation against a small group that lived there.

It was you who invaded Iraq unprovoked, destroyed it's infrastructure, massacred it's people, and left it in shambles in your wake.

It was you who covertly ignited civil wars in Libya and Syria because it suited your geopolitical interests, only to let the bloodbaths stagnate when your goals failed.

It was you who not only caused ISIS to exist, but allowed them to grow like a cancer unchecked.

It was jouz who destroyed the lives of millions of Arabs and forced them to leave their homeland.

You are the cause of all of this. Still you go ahead and blame us for all these tragic incidents. I'm not easily triggered but shit like this makes me really mad.

I bet your that same roach that made that thread about that fictional sand nigger sniper.

Those are fucking Puerto Ricans. GTFO, shill.

this is not even a general why do mods alllow the same post every day

The truth about immigration, by the numbers:


Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide

The plan to eliminate the white race:


Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:


Cultural Marxism & Social Justice Explained:


Why are we in Decline - Cultural Marxism:


also see

The facts about slavery in North America:


Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:


Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)


The Holocaust:




No you retarded muslim. Doesn't matter what the west would have done differently.
You lived over a thousand years in caliphates. You were literally always ISIS you retarded idiot.
You had 90 years in history (1924-2014) when there wasn't a caliphate in the middle east since the 600s.
You would have been terrorists no matter what had happened.
The west should just conquer you now and rule over you with much harsher dictatorships than before, it's the only way to have you act like humans.


No. Plenty of gunfire in the middle east right now

lmao both girls look fucking creeped

i guess in turkey that's flirting

Fucking gross these mud bloods must be stopped

By 'you', (you) mean (((you))), right?
We didn't do shit. Everything, the Empire, the East Indian company, all (((pawns)))

They're pretty ugly girls.

Of course it took a few years before they finally figured it out.

4D chess confirmed?

Swedebro! What are we doing to our lands!? This can't go on for long!

How do you go about redpilling retards around? Do you openly provoke people to engage you in a conservation so you can boss them around with statistics and history?

Swedebro, my dude, keep fighting the fucktards around you and one day we will win.

Fpbp, got a good chuckle out of me

>Hover hand

Stay strong, swedebros

You too, Frenchbro! Do your best to stay strong, the coming years for France and your people will be harsh under an pro-EU socialite president.

Stay strong my brother!

>Of course it took a few years before they finally figured it out.
This. And that's still a minority. We really need to colonise a new country and leave those who want to be a minority to enjoy it.


Man, whatever the president we get, we're fucked

I don't think we're in a position to laugh at Sweden anymore

Yeah we are fucked for 5 long years. Good luck my friends.
Thx weden bro, and don't forget to defend your country against your stupid governement who destroy the vikings culutre.

Honestly you never were. You've been the niggerest European country since forever.

>whatever the president we get, we're fucked
Vote Le Penn. Do it faggot!

Spurdo here, wid a mesage :DD for yu idslamobobig peebl.

Da memes benis :DDddd crated dis mezz lol xDD.

Id wad yu who dibidedd ub da lands. fugg :DDDDD

Id wad yu who but in da pubbet gubberments lol.

Id wad yu who build da benis xD oil wels on Muslib hooly landz.

Id wad yu who allow da Jooz xDDDDdd hologost was lie to egsterbinate ad enslaev da Balesdins.

Id wad yu who blayed geobolidigal gaems :DDDDd wid Irag an Iran durig deir warz. xDDD

Id wad yu who gabe Sabdam chemigal webons. shiddd :DDDdddd

Id wad yu who gaused da Ayadollah to gome into bower in Iran. xDDD

Id wad yu who created da Mujjahebedin, Osaba Bin Laden, an Alb Qaeda. fug xD

Id wad yu who kil o fugg xDDD 1 miblion chidren wid yur egonomig sangtons on Iragg :DDD benis.

Id wad yu who, wid yur glubttonos oil gonsumbtion, gabe powr to Saudi Arbabia fugg :DDDDDDDDd an turnd a blind eye to deir funding ob Wahabbi egstrebism.

Id wad yu who abuzed de Arab wurld so benis xD much thad dey felbt dey had do attack yur soil on 9/11. shidd nevr forged dog bles meriga :DDDDdddd

Id wad yu who starded an endles massacore across all ob Abfganistan in redaliaton againsd a small benis xDDDD group thad livd dere.

Id wad yu who invabed Irag unbroboked, destroyd it's inbrasdructure, massagred it's peepl, and lebt it in shables in yur wage. xDDDDdddd

Id wad yu who coberdly ignided cibil warz in Libya and Suyria shiddd begaus id suided yur geobolitigal interest fugg :DDDDD, only do led da bloodbafs o fug xDD stagnade when yur goalz failededd xDDD.

Id wad yu who nodd only causd ISIS to egsist, bud allowd them do grow like a cancer xD thred gabe me cancer lol xDDDDD unchegged.

Id wad yu who debstroyed da libes of millionds fug :DDDDddd of Arab an force dem to leeve deir hobeland. xDDdd benis

Yu are da gause of all ob dis. Still yu go ahead an blambe us fur all dese tragig o fug :DD incidenbts. I'm not eazily triggeredd o fug triggerd lol like justic warior xD but shid like dis make me real mad.

You'r not even white, you'r fucking asian. Go back to mongolia.

Cities are always ground zero for any shit going down, let Paris burn as an lesson to your people. Much of France is pretty based and knows what's up, you can endure and save yourselves.

Stay strong!

>How do you go about redpilling retards around? Do you openly provoke people to engage you in a conservation so you can boss them around with statistics and history?

Yes, I do exactly this actually. But since I don't like to be around people too much it tend to happen in periods. I get tired from trying to talk to people who think you're being nazi from wanting to save them. So need periods of rest... then I go periods with meme/information war/information collecting on the internet instead.

But we have no other choice, we have to talk.Can't be scared to take the discussion. I see way too many people that don't even talk to the people close to them because they don't want to create a bad vibe.

That's a crazy mindset people have to get out from. If we don't talk it's gonna be way worse than "a bad vibe", we'll fucking die if we lose this.

speechless at this level of autism.

Thank you, herr nazi

At least during history we Asians have built several successful societies and empires, unlike you.

kebab fucker


truck by truck

We need a great men to guide us, we need to restore our past glory.
We french need to wake up and destroy our ennemy like we have done before.
If paris need to burn for this, let it burn.

the mods are the jews

They look happy good for them

Allahu akbar !
Islam will rule the world.


Allahuh akbar , fuck america fuck trump

> monolithic

My sides are exiting this solar system

Good, good — that's at least something.

I do this on my work, I try to assess the costumers to see if they would take enough offence to call my company for disciplinary actions.

The last two days have been tough for me since I engaged several triple-A retards who talked about spending money (Bribing) immigrants to accept our values. After much back and forth I smacked them with examples of what happened in Lebanon and other nations that took in Muslims in large numbers. They fell completely silent for a moment.

They attempted to rebut with "muh colonialism and slavery" and I told them that Whites were the last to enslave non-Whites and that most slaves were taken to Arab/Muslim nations. And the Europe were partly colonized by Muslims. And that Whites is the ONLY group that died to free other races; and that Whites are the ONLY one adopting outside their race in any substantial numbers.

And yesterday I did chase away two immigrants breaking into my company car.

>french education
>swarthy arab-looking """"white"""" calling us asians
We are 10 times whiter than you nigger.

Muslims will never be the equal of the western white world. Keep dreaming.

wrong - niggers and turcs will end up in Auschwitz

Kek is unamused

Honestly it's a favor you do to all of us.
Weed out the white trash.
Then you will all be purged when time comes.
Just like the french shaved the heads of the harlots that laid with germans

Le Penn & Waffen SS will exterminate you and your family in Auschwitz Birkenau - and now fukk off nigger

Europe has a long history of cuckery. America won't have shit.

Muslims are roaches which should be stamped out. Go to hell you goat fuckers.

>be conquerd by asian ruler
>Asian rape our girl
>True finnish people are erase from Finland
>be conquerd by russia
>finnaly get independance
>don't know if i'm white

>got a true chrisitan history
>Lots of know conqueror and ruler
>figth in crusade
>Create the modern western democracy
>Write the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen
>Create the modern law with the Napoleon civil codes
>Create the wester value (liberty, equality)
>Have one of the biggest colonial empire of the world (asian country includ)
>Now 6th most powerfull country
>Soon alt-rigth will rise and we will stop the invasion in france

Asian are wester slaves like african

hahaha wtf is that bitch wearing crocs?

wrong again , islam will be terminated with gas and bioweapons .


>this post
am i living in some bizarro world?

american dream pic related

Easy, without the Finns we Swedes would have had an impossible mission traversing the shallow rivers towards our trading partners in Russia.

The Finns also helped us Swedes fight many wars, they are good warriors but our late king Gustav Adolf III fucked our relation badly when we dragged the war against the Russians straight into Finland. Also, close at the end our king and elites pretty much fucked the Finns over.

But the Finns are fucking retarded if they believe the Russians liberated them. Lol.

you are german you are nazi, hitler would side with the Muslims today

Muslim dream pick related

>>be conquerd by asian ruler
Never happened

>Asian rape our girl
Never happened

>True finnish people are erase from Finland

>be conquerd by russia
We were part of Sweden so we didn't lose our land, Sweden lost parts of their.

Also I'm white as fuck, zero chink features.

just a couple trucks

Good job at least someone had something interesting and amusing to say in this thread

Yup, got to agree with that but the German people hardly had anything to do with it. But today I wonder if not your acid is more true than back when a small minority of Germans were proper Nazis.

Today Germans comes off as craving to be cucked out of existence.

>But the Finns are fucking retarded if they believe the Russians liberated them. Lol.
No one believes this. It's the Russians who try to play the card "y do u hate us lol we gave u independence"

Yeah a lot of Finns are salty towards Sweden but Russia is still more hated.


yea obvious it not represent all population, but the fag I reply is german , and in Sup Forums , all things match is a fcuking nazi

PS: the cat in that pic is basically Germany at this point.

Yeah, I know it's exaggerated by trolls and salty Finns. Hardly the 'hatred' is real beyond what I would label sibling love.

In any case we must stand together but I can understand it's hard to do when you see us Swedes practically begging to guzzle third world coward cum.


Looks like a hapa kek

Coward cuck

We are in this together. Our cuck politicians are actually trying to sell us idea that you're doing better than us economically because of the immigration.

We'll go down the same path as you, for better or worse.

Ok. It's pretty safe to assume as such.

I feel sorry for the Germans. Even more so than I feel for my own people. A people browbeaten by their past and made a plaything for globalists.

Lets feel for Germanbros for a min. *These Feels Man. JPG*

By you I hope you mean the Jews goy attack dog America. Most of us had nothing to do with it.

Check 'em!

We are brainwashed to think they are cute

Fuck them and fuck those germanic pigs

Its all about right, i think america just gets bored of doing nothing and becouse they are a country with little to no history (just about 200 years old) they try and force "to make history" by killing everyone they can

the west will end islam with bullets
