MOAR - Mother of All Redpills

Drop your hardest redpill

Other urls found in this thread:;end=6:21;cycles=-1;autoreplay=true


take the anime pill

The blackpill.

Women are the one true race of sub-humans and must be replaced for humanity to survive.

why do third worlders make such useless shitposts such as this
fucking nonintellectual, stupid, third worlders
they could disappear and the world wouldnt change one bit. useless sacks of meat they are

At this rate of "progress," niggers will finally be equal by the year 9999.

Not quite true. Just wait. It is coming.

Jews are the real aryans.

you are a cancer for perpetuating the flat earff nonsense

Science was (((their))) effort to cover up true reality as well as esoteric and gnostic "magic".



Fracking destroys your water reserves.


climate change hysteria came from a scientific paper by roger revelle that the UN hijacked in the 70s in order to unify the world towards a one world government and roger revelle called them out on this and then they said he was senile

From NASA's own website;

Hitler was the greatest goy in the history.

Prove me wrong.


This makes more sense than I want it to.

Please drop actual redpills and not psy-op fake redpills like the OP.

How does wanting to gas all the Jews equate to being the "greatest Goy"?

lmao are you fucking retarded?

they are saying the paper talks about a simplification of real world physics, i.e it doesnt take those things into account

Hitlers real surname was Shicklgruber

Not what they're saying at all
Just saying that their equations didn't take those variables into account



This is not a psy-op.

I need allies.

We all know what the problem is. It has been holding us back.

jesus this fucking level of dumb fucking pol christ
interested to see how you will work out how to respond to this one

>tfw E1b1b + Rh negative blood

Jews are gonna have a bad time

flat earth btfo

back to conspritard

>Flat Earth
= CIA/Tavi5t0ck/R@N|) Corp. PSY-OP shit

(You)'ve been warned...

If you have a compass, some string and even a standard high school level of Trigonometry knowledge then you know Flat Earth is for retards.... ever wonder why the only people who pitch it are NBA niggers and SE Asian porn stars?? (besides the fact that they are MKULTRA tools?)



Yes, it is flat. All you do is in favor of the almighty god.

What is your point? Is this a newfound "red pill"?

You have been overtaken by Satanic Jews who wish to lead you astray.

>tfw he thinks he lives on a meaningless ball floating through space

>fucking atheists

Life is much more beautiful than you've been led to think

The Jews mean to make you as slaves;end=6:21;cycles=-1;autoreplay=true

>Drop your hardest redpill
everyone is a tranny

Thanks to all Americans for entertaining me during my boring class in college it was a lot of fun to analyze their superior intellect

Brazilian: your life is not meaningless, no matter what the Jews proclaim.

Get off your high horse though.


Apes are actually evolved niggers

Trump is a kike.


>your life is not meaningless, no matter what the Jews proclaim.

are you referring to anything in specific?

You've asked nothing really, but I could answer if you were to get into specifics, Brazilian.



it's gonna happen

WW1 never ended.

fixed it for you

Abrahamic religions are a ploy for the global elites who all worship the occult. They utilize the help of these deities all while making you think they are 'demons'. These deities are actually transcendent aliens who have the key to enlongated life and immortality. The elites are hoping to appease them so they become gods on this realm. This occult meets in a few places. Antarctica. Etc.

For his Skull and Bones initiation, George W Bush masturbated in a coffin in front of his dad.


The idea of "The Illuminati" is probably a psyop to make any such notion seem ridiculous to the normies. I don't think there's a group of Masons running around calling themselves the Illuminati while pulling the strings. It's almost certain that there are shadowy organizations and corporations controlling public opinion and exerting an ungodly amount of influence over world governments. They are comparable to the modern idea of "Illuminati".

Reverse racism does not exist. There is only racism: discrimination and prejudice directed towards people based on their race or ethnicity [Wikipedia]. Anybody can be discriminated against. Saying some people experience more discrimination than other people is valid provided it can be backed up with evidence.

However, claiming that people can't experience discrimination demonstrates prejudice in itself and therein, racism. The claim ignores legitimate discrimination that people may face, whether it be from individuals with or without power, or from an institution.

>For his Skull and Bones initiation, George W Bush masturbated in a coffin in front of his dad.

I'd be more impressed if he masturbated his dad in a coffin.

Pics or it didn't happen.


Without the Holocaust, Israel would never have been funded.


hitler was a muslim, and that is why he hated jews so much

This is a really solid visual.

Here is a red pill for your cuck ass!!

Chemtrails. They're bad.

Biased graph. It should go from 0 to 800. That graph makes it look like the white scores are quadruple the black scores.

lol brazilian crazy talk

what the fuck you say about the Hollow Earth? Most resilient conspiracy theory for decades running.

No, he didn't.
It was just a homoerotic dream you had and are afraid to admit, faggot.

What's your power level Sup Forums?

It's flat and irreplaceable.

1 Chronicles 16:30: “He has fixed the earth firm, immovable.”
Psalm 93:1: “Thou hast fixed the earth immovable and firm ...”
Psalm 96:10: “He has fixed the earth firm, immovable ...”
Psalm 104:5: “Thou didst fix the earth on its foundation so that it never can be shaken.”
Isaiah 45:18: “...who made the earth and fashioned it, and himself fixed it fast...”

Per lloyd's of London, a coronal mass ejection of no less magnitude of the carrington event is inevitable with a one in eight chance per decade. Financial losses in the US economy will be figured in the trillions with significant loss of life due to breakdown of services. Some estimate 90% of the population could perish.


It's showing the relevant info. Generally you don't make graphs with tons of empty space.


Wanna play spot the Jew?

The time for games is past.

He has no idea because he's a retarded robot that can only repeat key words he sees on the Sup Forumss

i don't know who is jewing who anymore

>the graph is biased because I can't read graphs


Do you even know how 2 graph, nigger? This is common visualisation of graphs.

This is a Jew

Never give into the lies.

No, (((You))) are ze jew! I can proofs it!


guy mcpherson is a hack. If you believe anything he says you're retarded

This picture shows absolutely nothing about Donny being part of the craft. This is trash.

you're a cancer perpetuating heliocentric and NASA nonsense.

I'd find some kind of online explination to what socio-economic statuses are, but you're probably too much of a cuck to get it so ill just let your racist ass run off.

1 Chronicles 16:30: “He has fixed the earth firm, immovable.”
Psalm 93:1: “Thou hast fixed the earth immovable and firm ...”
Psalm 96:10: “He has fixed the earth firm, immovable ...”
Psalm 104:5: “Thou didst fix the earth on its foundation so that it never can be shaken.”
Isaiah 45:18: “...who made the earth and fashioned it, and himself fixed it fast...”

Fucking Jews fall back on "pilpul". I hate them because of this. They are prevented from achieving the nearing of the "Godhead" because of their own selfishness.

>Graph cuts off at 34 and 42
What did he mean by this?

Sup Forums is satire. It's hard to swallow, I know, but once you do your time here will be much more enjoyable.

that's how they operate--blitz>confuse >disorient >divide >erode your sense of what's right and wrong> then dominate

When you are a homo but have repressed it so hard it will never surface and you browse Sup Forums too much: the dream

But it actually isn't. It's only satire until you actually swallow the red pill.

And then it becomes worse.

Your life has meaning. Incredible meaning.

reptilians are fallen angels.

he needs to be spoon fed a youtube video of some trusted scientist explaining the graph for him
