Preuße/pol/ - (Brit/pol/) - Hohenzollern Castle Edition

Thread theme:

>Wales to turn blue for the first time in 100 years

>Arron Banks decides not to stand in Clacton

>Jeremy Corbyn planning to 'dismantle' the UK's defences, Conservatives claim

>General election 2017: UKIP manifesto to pledge a burka ban

>When Nigel Farage met Julian Assange

>Jeremy Corbyn refuses to say if he would authorise killing of Isil leader

>General election 2017: Tories to pledge energy bill cap

>UKIP are re-branding themselves as anti-Islamic, pro-British Cultural Nationalists

Other urls found in this thread:



Don't vote for scouse-tier UKRAP

It wasn't fat/pol/ until you got here you gluttonous piece of shit.

Stop eating so much.

Also the whole looking like a Doctor Who villain thing is some sort of calculated thing created by advisors


A thread by a lefty porridge wog or a thread by an arrogant retard larping as a Prussian.

What a choice.

Why subhuman Prussians decided to run their own Sup Forums now? AfD general and /deutsch/ is not enough?

It's not a villain really she looks a lot like err...that random MP who the Doctor kind of helps become PM after all the cabinet get eaten.

no, no thats not it... she does look like a villain, just that she hasnt attained the final form

He's not really Prussian.

He's debatably not even human.

leanne, get a stiffy from welsh accents

Fucking plebs.

>coping this hard

>six months ago, UKIP were set to steal dozens and dozens of Labour seats
>everyone joked and dreamt about UKIP 2020
>now, everyone has gone full fucking cuck and is just going to vote T O R Y

Literally fuck off. They are already guaranteed a majority, so fucking stay with UKIP you traitors. They need big numbers, and maybe even a nice set of seats, to put pressure on the Tories and keep them spooked.

I hate Keir Starmer's hair lads, looks like something you'd see on a 15 year old.

custard creams or bourbons?

New proper thread.


>implying Baltic Prussian welfare scum is worthy of one Bavarian life
Topkek. Prussians always have been a cannon fodder for the Southern Germans

voted nicola sturgeon to lower may's self esteem to increase chance she takes up my offer for a shag

>It was a poll not a vote, and has zero legal binding. Also many people have now said they regret voting leave, because the leave campaign was filled with lies. A second referendum should take place, and the leave voters have nothing to worry about if they're so sure people will not change their vote
> The first referendum was a farce in general. There should have been a threshold that a percentage of the population had to turn up for it to be valid. Plus there should have been a % threshold, since it was 52% vs 48% I.e. waaaay too thin a margin for such a massive decision

Think that's my share of normiebook for the day lads.

>coping this hard
lmao'ing at your life

Is it just you copy and pasting this or us this something people are upset about? Give me five UKIP candidates that are vaguely competent enough to be an MP.

If you're persuasive enough I might change my tune.

potato-kun unbanned yet?

Visit "Germany" and open a history book, Saupreiß. Ethnicity of Hitler, best entrepreneurs and highest NSDAP officials? (Hint: something something Alps)

I'll vote ukip but they won't win a single seat. Tories to make gains in Scotland.

Screencap this cuck/pol/

When are the parties manifestos released?

Do they still sing hymns in primary schools here in the UK?

Fat boy

You're not being ironic, are you?

Fuck me, you're really autistic.

I don't even know where to start with your retardation.
>implying a lot of Prussians weren't high ranking, wheter the were in the NSDAP, SS or Wehrmacht
>implying that Germany didn't exist before Hitler
>implying that your rank was single handedly decided by your region of birth
>implying the ethnicity of Hitler has anything to do with this

Fucking hate this new wave of alt lite edgy Hitler memers.

You sound like the volga comic cunt.

Late night Brit/pol/

3 mistakes in the first sentence.
Not bad for normiebook.

>this tirggers the b*varian


Okay lads go into this thread because the tripfag OP is actually too shit

Start buying guns (To kill tripfags)


And during Kaiserreich too Prussians were low tier plebs, while the Southerners occupied science, banking, engineering and finances. And during the Holy Roman Empire period, so called Prussians were not on top of the game


>2000 + 17
>Not surfing

I'm going to vote Labour. Cucking for neoliberalism isn't in my interests.

Thread splitters should have their skulls split open with an axe.

>coping this hard
Learn to speak, read and write English you subhuman retard.

I am Preuße

I am Preuße

>denying facts
The English is a language of subhumans and chinks. My dialect is barely spoken by any untermensch

If anything - former Prussia is a subsidy shithole with Turks, Greeks, Poles, kurds and other scum



>coping this hard
Then stick to your runes instead of trying to actively debate someone despite not understanding what they're saying you utter spastic.

Why are fucking autists splitting the threads?
Do they have to feel like they're in control so much that Brit/pol threads are all they have?

Kill yourselves

Is there some medicine I could ask for that would make me feel more relaxed/less depressed that isn't an SSRI?

A length of rope

>when you put your cheese sandwich in the toastie maker and it starts to melt out the side


You are not even German "citizen", idiot. You think prussians were a hot shit, when in fact they were expendable material for Bavarians, Hessians and Oldenburgians

Pathetic attempt you dyel manlet.

>being this triggered
Give it up you hypersensitive autist.






fat shit

I am Preuße



I am Preuße



You are literally a tripfag, cretin. Prussians were and are UNDERREPRESENTED in everything, but alcoholism. And that considering that Prussians made up almost 40% of the union(s)


Found a video of Preuße from his time in school.

>Still not getting it
We're not discussing anything until you accept the fact that you're mentally deficient.



Said who, swine? You know jackshit about history and your "own" race


tub o lard


I said so, now you need to accept your disability before we move on.

You literally cannot comprehend what I am saying to you yet you continue to sperg out, if that isn't autism then I do not know what is.

alri fatboy

Sure thing tubby.

wtf are you britbongs doing?

What you've "been saying" is denial of lack of Prussian contribution to the German state, Der Untermensch

>he can't even write a coherent sentence
Mentally deficient.

>they STILL think he has a chance

What is God tier British beer?

Guess we're using now

Get real mental pussy. The truth is that you are an imbecile with inferior generics that can't comprehend his own lack of knowledge.
>God tier
>British "beer"

The truth is that you are literally mentally deficient and the proof is in your posts.

Quit being so jealous lad.

Prussians are the masterrace.

Prove me wrong.

>Pro tip: you can't

Prussians are not even a thing. The original Prussians were genocided by the Germans, then the Germans who replaced them were genocided by the Russians and the remnants were absorbed into the general German population.