Anyone else feel that because they're a white male (assumingly), they should kill themselves?
No troll. It's just that I've had these thoughts since middle school. And in the last five years, I've been thinking about them more.
I don't know. Ever since I was a kid, my race, sometimes gender, have always felt like a burden not only to me, but to everyone around me. That my existence alone causes so many problems in the problems in the world -- even when you're doing nothing. That something as inconsequential as heading from Point-A to Point-B is a debasement to everybody. And that I'm just purely a debilitation and nothing more.
Again, I don't know. I've just felt this way for so long. And feel it a lot more. Wherever you go on the internet, whatever media you digest, it just becomes increasingly clear that my people who are a ceaseless, weakening haemorrhage to not just this culture, but the entire planet. And that it would be best to be snuffed out and do everybody a favour.
I'm already writing some wills to people, even though trying to explain this is very difficult. And getting everything else taken care of. But, it's definitely for the best. Since my existence alone causes too many problems. I'm so sorry ._.
If you're going to kill yourself because you're White, then you should. We don't want you. We aren't fighting for you. Your ancestors are already ashamed of you. Kill yourself faggot.
Nathaniel Murphy
Rise up against our common enemy. The jews have subverted you into feeling a sense of white guilt.
Either way that shit is what keeps me from killing myself. Knowing that my mere existence alone is an insult to these people is what keeps me going. Being alive and healthy/happy is your best revenge against the kikes
Sebastian Taylor
jesus fucking christ, is this a portrait of youth? use being a white male to your advantage, being a white male is the final form. ive always thought if i was ever going to kill myself, i wouldnt im not a weak faggot, but if i was i'd just pack my shit and venture out into the world like Rimbaud or Walden. i'd start walking in an particular direction and keep going until i hit water. i'd live an entirely different life with no rules and no one to answer to besides my own existence.
Charles Stewart
Colton Brown
Yeah but not because I give a shit about anyone BUT my own race. Let's just face it, we're doomed. I'd rather kill myself before accomplishing my dreams than accomplishing it to have it destroyed(or even enjoyed by) a nigger.
Juan Bailey
Hudson Rodriguez
Why just kill yourself when you can suicide by cop after shooting up an Antifa rally or the Southern Poverty Law Center?
Justin Cook
In the big scheme of things, yes. If history is written fairly, it will include our unheard of misery as a result of being white in a society that assumes you're privileged but actually is set up to make your life a living hell at all stages and you just end up feeling rejected for the rest of your life. We are living in the age of lucifer and he is definitely indulging himself on the flavors of hell made available in this modern civilization.
Jace Smith
I can't tell if this is a bait post or if OP is just a total pussy.
Wyatt Powell
How old are you ?
Nu-poltards are fucking retards and probably 18yo. Which says a lot. You don't have a grasp on geopolitic or the destiny of your country, that's events you can't control. So get off Sup Forums or talk to someone real. Shia was right about this place.
Sebastian Thomas
Wow this is one horrible fucking post. End yourself please.
Brayden Cox
Those 2 ideas are not mutually exclusive.
Adrian Gonzalez
He deserved those quints
Evan Davis
no. im also a sociopath and i dont participate in television nor movie watching
Anthony Ward
Well thats the bare minimum for revenge. Have at least 3 healthy white children and raise them well