Was this justified?

Was this justified?

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V for Vendetta was a nice film

What the Nazis did to Resistants was way way worse.

Yes. Eat the Würst, get the Bürst.

>fraternizing with the enemy
Doesn't matter who's side you were on, cucking your own with the enemy should be punishable by death.

Well its retarded haircut but i dont know why should she justify it

typical French pansies, their woman runs off with the enemy and in retaliation they cut her hair

hahahahaha, France has been lost since Napoleon took all their strong men and had them die in Russia

>Eat the Würst, get the Bürst

Unfriendly reminder that Communists are NOT people

should have executed her

We got a great and complex history. Not like Canada.
(Vive le quebec libre)

The truth about immigration, by the numbers:


Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide

The plan to eliminate the white race:


Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:


Cultural Marxism & Social Justice Explained:


Why are we in Decline - Cultural Marxism:


also see

The facts about slavery in North America:


Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:


Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)


The Holocaust:






Nice one, mr terrorist from the english calipha


>not hanging her in front the the palace and letting her body there until it rots into dust

frenchies were always sissy beta people

Then they found out she was a Kike.

This is prebby good, needs something to do with MGTOW though, maybe weed too

Not at all justified.

She should've been hanged.

What is with women always going for the enemy?

Who can blame them when only inferior Dutch village filth was around

Realistically, you can't survive as a people if you kill your own women off, even the traitorous ones that slept with foreign invaders. You need them to make more babies. Likewise, permanent marks would limit their ability to reproduce too much to be practical. But a shaven head is shameful, everyone who sees her will know it, and the people around will know forever without being reminded every moment they see her.

Pussy pass is real. Men who turned collaborator were hanged.

Nowadays women are raised not to really recognize a concept like "my people" or "our people". We're all just people, right? Even when some of those people are still tribalists who openly celebrate the eventual displacement and disenfranchisement of another group of people.

It's also pathetic how you guys constantly talk about your history because it's all you have


m o f f e n h o e r

She has lice.

>french still losing

They were traitors and were let off easy..

this is a question that only a white would ask

Hairs take 6 months to regrow
give me a break

Pussy pass: commit treason, have your hair cut off.


Was this justified?


>'They raped every German female from eight to 80'

>What the Nazis did to Resistants was way way worse.
Daily reminder that the (((resistance))) was a jewish bolshevik movement.
The father of (((Anetta Kahane))), the German censorship bitch, was part of the resistance.

Ultimate Red Pill:
The German Blitzkrieg succeeded because most countries have been happy to be liberated from their jewish bolshevik occupation.

Men were executed... We are the grand-child of fucking cuck...

They don't throw stone on her, like in your countyr of goat fuckers.

I think we were talking aboutfrench resistance, not the red revolt in germany.
I don't think Jean Moulin and Charles de Gaulle where jewish.

>What is with women always going for the enemy?

They do this when their men appear weak. Honor and loyalty is not a female "thing".

lucky ones...
if they where mens, it would be death


Hair grows back - they should have been branded across the face with a swastika.

Men who fled the front lines instead of fighting attacking a woman for trying to get on with her life?


because they're wicked creatures who need to be destroyed? women invite invaders into the castle and when the invaders are slaughtering their father, brother, and husband they're on their knees serving them.

women are the jew & nigger of gender. male jews and niggers are more loyal and trustworthy than females