Syria General /sg/ - Totally Not Gay Edition

Everything you need to know


>Newest Interviews with Assad

>hohol livemap
>Military map
>Syria conflict map

>Fan maps

>Qaboun Apr25
>Mosul Apr25
>N Hama Apr24
>Raqqa Apr23
>Daara Apr14
>Palmyra Apr11

Developments Apr26
>N Hama:Jihadist counter-offensive,claim to capture Al-Massasnah village
>Qaboun:SAA detonates tunnel, kills 17+ jihadists inside
>DeZ:IS new offesnvie on cemetery and Al-Jafra farms faild
>SAA delegation to meet with IS leaders in Yarmouk to negotiate evacuation deal
>HTS offensive on last position of SAA in Al-Manishiyah District(Daara) faild
>IS captures Kurdish base in N DeZ
>HTS returns corpses of 5 slain men from ancient Christian town in Damascus
>Serbia wants to join demining efforts with Russia in Palmyra
>IS once ‘apologized’ to Israel for attacking IDF soldiers – former Defense Minister
>SAA troops in Qaboun help rebel fighter trapped in colappsed building
>Houthi forces destroy several vehicles of saudi backed groups near Mocha port


Other urls found in this thread: arab war crimes#seen

wtf i love israel now

Nice matzo.


OP will get mossad'd

post isis-chan please

OP is Mossad. He has nothing to fear.



Al-Mukhabarat has been informed of this grave insult and will brainstorm a masterplan to annihilate (((You))).

Full blown Russian invasion when ?!?!

obviously doesnt have a source talking out of ass

An anti-globalist propaganda outlet. Don't pay attention, nothing is actually happening.

possible big offensive on Donbass ,thats all

According to Ivan, this is the situation on Northern Hama

Nah, neither Ukrainian government nor russian government wants that war to end. What would be the point? Trump might have ordered it, but that seems far fethed given manafort knows what's actually happening and would have quickly told him how shit of an idea that was.

Why, Porky ran out of options or is it an attempt to divert Russia?

Redpill me on why Rojava/SDF/YPG/PKK is shit

BUT! you have to bring proofs. no assertions without broofs

i have feeling this morning big gains again

rebels counter attack failed today,didnt regain anything

now its SAA turn


>pic related


no idea desu ,just read somewhere that ukraine moving planes to bases near frontline ,also US/Nato instructors came to Ukraine recently which often happens before offensive

>literally a bunch of sandnigger closet fags

Ethnic cleansing is a much broader term than genocide.
They're US allies.

Communists, antifa loves them

>Assad party is literally a National Socialism

How to spot a nu-Sup Forums? Easy, they don't know what NatSoc is.

they're k*rds

What's going on with these Turkish airstrikes? I've been busy for a few days, can anyone fill me in?

I assure you mate, the only leader happy with Porky is Putin. He is destroying Ukrainian state and creating a perfect ground for eventual russian reclamation of the territory. A rather callous and destructive approach - but with Poroh being US puppet, couldn't wish for a better one.


#Syria #Hama #NorthernHama - Suicide bomber "Aleb Arsalan al-Turkistani" the one who did the suicide attack on a checkpoint near #Masasnah

Western communists hate them for being an imperial pawn. They especially hate faggots like pisspig that have gone over there to fight.

Everyone can see it, it's just haram to say it out loud. Ukraine wasn't a paradise before their temper tantrum but it sure as hell wasn't such a shithole.

What's your opinion on this /sg/?

More broofs. At least they fight Daesh

>taking photos after US airstrikes

some bitch bread

OK guys these are pretty weak proofs.

I've heard all kinds of claims about them, they are terrorists, they engage in ethnic cleansing, they are murdering civilians, etc. any broofs of those claims or does everyone just hate them because they 1) antifa likes them 2) USA likes them 3) they are K*rds and 4) they are gommies?

who is pisspig?

piss pig is an American anarchist that joined ypg

go jack off to your missile launch footage and pretend like you're better than black people who you're gonna cuck yourself too anyways

He's also a kike zionist that was in a band and he mostly went over there just to kill some arabs.

did not know that

I think he's either being naive or posing as such.


Jews love killing arabs. He wasn't the only one with the ypg

ayy lmao
110% ethnic syrian

Well your closest ally in the region sultan Erdog has troubles with them. Imagine one of the biggest threats to US was a mexican terror group that wants independent state lets say in area before the Mexican-American war.
And now picture EU funding those groups just because in southern mexico there is even worse terrorist organisation and they fight them too.
The difference between PKK and YPG is just based on which side of the border you are. Its basically the same group.

DANNNGGG. witnessed


>In a 38-page report, "'We Had Nowhere Else to Go': Forced Displacement and Demolition in Northern Syria,” Amnesty International catalogues allegations of forced evictions of Arabs and Turkmens and the destruction of their homes and property. “In some cases, entire villages have been demolished, apparently in retaliation for the perceived support of their Arab or Turkmen residents for the group that calls itself the Islamic State,” Amnesty International noted. Villagers said they were ordered to leave at gunpoint, their livestock shot at. The watchdog used satellite imagery and video footage to verify the claims.

>In the Arab village of Husseiniya near Tell Hamees, for instance, only a single house was left standing. Residents said the YPG had razed their homes in February. In Raneen, near Tell Abyad, locals said YPG forces had threatened to shoot them if they failed to leave. One person said, “They told us we had to leave or they would tell the US coalition that we were terrorists and their planes would hit us and our families. In Raneen, where some people were with IS, there were lots of problems but we had nothing to do with anything.” Alleged YPG threats of calling in US airstrikes against villagers if they didn’t leave are repeated throughout the report.

>Kurdish officials consistently reject all such claims, saying that villagers had been evicted for their own safety because they were in militarized zones and could get caught in the fighting or hurt by improvised explosive devices planted by IS.

Turks flexing their muscles against the kurds, acting tough against the US.
They knocked out a radio propaganda station and some camps while spooking US special forces who were near by one.
Their commander had to come out and calm them down afterwards.
Its nothing that terrible, just posturing.

If Kurdish pkk or whatever they call themselves will get the country someone will go crazy and take over, a Kurdish Saddam Hussein. Bad news!

The Turkish strike on Al-Malikiyah in Syria (and I will refuse to use the kurdish SDF occupiers are using) is very serious - this isnt a strike in some random place, its in the heart of Rojava and one of the first places they occupied.
Its a message to the kurdish SDF/YPG/PKK (theyre all the same), that Turkey has gotten the US approval to strike them anywhere.

The US has abandoned the kurds.

No one will give them an inch, they dont have the numbers to maintain those places and even the places they currently occupy is mostly Arabs who will side with Assad over a feminist kurd.

> Let me give you an example. President Xi, we have a, like, a really great relationship. For me to call him a currency manipulator and then say, "By the way, I'd like you to solve the North Korean problem," doesn't work. So you have to have a certain flexibility, Number One. Number Two, from the time I took office till now, you know, it's a very exact thing. It's not like generalities.
>Do you want a Coke or anything?
I think he is getting sponsors now

Also , Iraqi kurds are selling Iraq's oil to Israel without the approval of Iraq, they dont recognise Israel, all this is happening while Iraqi forces and PMU are fighting ISIS

k*rd genocide when?

They are in all of northern Syria, Syrian Kurdistan right? They can't protect it from insurgency?

>Serbian intervention in Palmyra region

This one gon be gud...

They cant, they only occupy that huge land becoz ISIS are retreating to Raqqah and other strongholds and becoz the American troops are with them and the turks and SAA dont want to engage them and complicate matters.
Assad has maintained that he welcomes anyone that will free Raqqah, but he was also clear that after ISIS are eliminated no autonomy or federation will be given to anyone and every inch of Syria will be free of militants. This is definitely directed to the kurds.

With this new offensive by the turks, its a clear message that the US wont engage Turkey or protect the SDF if the turks attack them. Logically the best option for the Syrian Kurds is to fix things with Assad and forget this autonomy. Assad wont care if Erdgogan slaughters the SDF but will protect them if they kick out the foreign kurdish fighters and forget this autonomy.

Temporary Erdogan and Assad truce now to eliminate Rojava?


They're not. They're just communist / ethno-nationalists. They fight IS, but are still in the way of a peaceful, unified, stable Syria, and Bashar al-Assad is the only one that can (and has, until the US government stepped in) make that a reality.

Keep it white, keep it right, keep it Alawite.


>b-but based greater Israel
Back into your hole, retard.

Holy shit beailutiful

Is this guy Steve Blum?

Why so much hate towards your former lapdogs and accomplices, Mehmet?

#Syria #Hasakah "The Opening of Hasakah road is seen as a success for SAA, & Deeper Cooperation w/ #SAA & Kurds in Hasakah/Deir Ez Zor"

When will syrian kurds and arabs from northern syria finally come back to their master Bashar Al Assad, its only matter of time

>In a 38-page report, "'We Had Nowhere Else to Go': Forced Displacement and Demolition in Northern Syria,” Amnesty International catalogues allegations of forced evictions of Arabs and Turkmens and the destruction of their homes and property. “In some cases, entire villages have been demolished, apparently in retaliation for the perceived support of their Arab or Turkmen residents for the group that calls itself the Islamic State,” Amnesty International noted. Villagers said they were ordered to leave at gunpoint, their livestock shot at. The watchdog used satellite imagery and video footage to verify the claims.

Kurds are cunts to Assyrian Christians:

Menagh airbase siege. After the airbase fell, the survivors sought entry to the YPG controlled Afrin.
>About 70 soldiers, who managed to retreat from the base during the battle, surrendered themselves (and two tanks) the next day to Kurdish People's Protection Units (YPG) forces in the town of Afrin, about 15 kilometers west of the airbase.[14][31] It was later reported that the surrendered troops were from the 17th Division and the unit's senior officers were turned over by the YPG to al-Nusra in exchange for Kurdish prisoners.[32] The Islamist group then executed the officers they had received.[32][33]

Battle for Hasakah city. YPG waited until the city's garrison was almost eliminated by IS before the flanked them and conquered most of the governorate .

Aleppo central prison siege. SAA was only able to supply the prison and the hospital through the YPG controlled Seikh Masqud district, until the rebels convinced YPG to forfeit their neutral status and expel SAA from Seikh Masqud.

YPG is just as bad as ISIS as far as ethnic cleansing goes. arab war crimes#seen

Cmon guys, this is /sg/
PKK = YPG = SDF = kurdish feminist nationalism = Rojava

They are dangerous, Syrian kurds make up less than 8% of the population yet these Rojava are trying to steal a third of the land using Iraqi, turkish, and iranian kurds under the impression of fighting ISIS terrorists. What land they steal they claim for their own, theyre just like the FSA and other terrorists.

Most Syrian kurds dont even support them. Assad will have to deal with them sooner or later, but this Turkish involvement is welcome. Its a sign that the US isnt that serious about them with Obama gone.

They have to expel the foreign kurds first.

it must pain you that the average Briton sees no difference between you and a Kurd. To him, your the same shit. May be you should just go back to Sandniggerstan instead of crying salty tears over feminist terrorist kurds who give you constant wedgies?

>Its a sign that the US isnt that serious about them with Obama gone.
Trump seems to value more the relation with Turkey. He seem to knows whats important - but then again maybe he doesn't know and will go full retard again.

>Kurds are cunts to Assyrian Christians:
That's nothing new.

They were slaughtering them in mass during the Assyrian Genocide.
Pic related, former Patriarch of the Assyrian Church of the East that the Kurds assassinated together with thousands other Assyrians during the Simko revolt.

I think the turks call them mountain turks. No such thing as kurd.

enjoy getting backstabbed again
don't cry, we've been warning you since the beginning

they're getting quite a bit of "airtime". haven't quite paid attention to that aspect of SG tale

i wanna hear about some gains. even though this bitch ass bread doesn't deserve any

jews love k*rds, they have to be burned alive, all of them

Says the mongol that will be part of Russia soon.

Not related to Syria but:
>UK risks being ‘wiped off the map with nuclear counterstrike’ – Russian senator

>“The statement made by UK’s Defense Minister Michael Fallon calls for a harsh response and I’m not afraid of going too far. At best this statement may be seen as an element of a psychological war, which looks especially revolting in this context,” Frants Klintsevich wrote on Facebook.

>“There is a quite natural question then: what country could be primitively targeted by the UK?” the deputy head of the Federation Council’s Committee for Defense and Security said.

>In case the UK strikes a nuclear power, then “the UK, which doesn’t have vast territory, will be literally wiped off from the face of the earth with a counterstrike,” Klintsevich said.

Is the UK becoming another NK? do they really want to be wiped out for their masters? Wtf is going with them rexently?

>That's nothing new.
Well yes, thats true. I was just giving that guy proofs of current crimes. But thanks for providing more details.

I think its because of Erdogan's attack plus the gains theyre making in Northern Syria ( due to ISIS retreating).
Also the liberal media is worried about the only feminist communist group of rebels with the moderate rebels gone now. They still dont know if Uncle Sam will abandon them - they want to keep pressure in the public opinion for supporting them when Turkey or Assad attacks them.

>UK wipes Damascus
>Russia wipes off all UK

ah gotcha gotcha

nobody will touch Damascus



They're Persian, not Turkic.

well well well...


>Qaboun:SAA detonates tunnel, kills 17+ jihadists inside

Should read

Kaboom: SAA detonates tunnel, kills 17+ jihadists inside.


Search mountain turks, the turks tried to claim that the kurds they had werent kurds but mountain turks.
The funny thing about all this is Erdogan was nicer to them than the Kemalist, he let them use their language and all that while the Kemalists prevented it. Erdogan owes a lot to them when he first started coming to power and has only recently tried to win the nationalist turks. He is very much anti-kurdish nationalism. This is why a kurdish region in Syria could be damaging for him back home, he'd lose the kemalists and the nationalists. He's desparate to stop it.

>Trump seems to value more the relation with Turkey.
I bet he doesn't even know how kurds look like or where Syria is.

Syria happenings always make me want to play ArmA 3.

>>UK risks being ‘wiped off the map with nuclear counterstrike’ – Russian senator

It's just us presidents here right?

Examining this issue from a multivariate analysis perspective, the South African government would like to second this motion. Long term market forecasts predict that the UK faces certain market volatility over the short to medium term. In the toubled times of market instability and contagion, reducing the number of risk factors the world economy is exposed to is an absolute must. Brexit Britain represents as much of a third of global financial market exposure, having an impact on insurance rates, reinsurance, consolidated debt vehicles and so forth.
From an environmental perspective this could improve cod stocks in the North Sea, by bringing more nutrients into the basin and extending the benefits of the favourable tropical currents to more diverse areas on Europe and the EU.

The longer term view will have a smoothing effect on pollution indicator volatility and fish stocks should again be exploitable within the late medium term range. This means more investment and jobs in the fishing industry, particularly on the North Sea shore, although fleets from further afield will be able to participate due to the drop in consumption in the UK market. On the basis of this positive assessment, of these two complex factors, South Africa is mobilised to support this dual focused financial & environmental initiative.

God speed!


This isn't supposed to troll the brit.
I tried to make something terrible look ok from a blairite spin machine. But that narrative, or something that resembles it, is exactly the same kind of nonsense most NATO and Gulf states are using and following in this conflict.

But a million people.....that does not cut it. It's for the good of stability.....satire ends

they make me want to play Fallout New Vegas, Tbh

Making a proxy war and sending their terrorists items with identification that actually proof they are helping terror groups, and then their politicians come on TV and say they are doing everything to fight terrorism, what a joke.

>"Iran is the biggest sponsor of terrorism in the middle east"