What is the car brand of Sup Forums?
What is the car brand of Sup Forums?
They're shite cars but they're australian made
Puts back into our economy
Jeep as fuck
Whichever brand is made in your home country
Fuck everything else
Holdens are built in australia you fucking mong
cant afford a tundra? pleb
Holdens are Chevrolet's built in Australia*
Wait cucknadians make cars?
Or Opel
You already know the answer to that
>Pic very related
You just proved my point, fatty
>buy domestic
>everyone now rides a moose
There's a few Canadian brands but they are largely owned by American mega brands (GM etc.) but several American companies have plants here as well
>buying a full sized truck
There is a reason to buy a Tacoma, it's the best mid size truck on the market and has been forever. There is no reason to buy a Tundra.
>built by whites
>for winter weather
>most powerful I4 ever
>50/50 AWD
>0 are driven by niggers
You forgot to mention it's a terrible car brand and they break constantly
Cars are for girls.
True desu
I'd rather take a 20 year old BMW than a 2017 Toyota gook mobile.
Matter of fact my last car was a 1995 318is fucking LOVED the shit out of it.
Before that it was a 2005 M3 but maintenace got pricey even though it was worth every penny.
Current car is 2013 135i (bough it used with low mileage) Fucking LOVE IT
If you don't drive a Toyota Prius I have nothing but disdain for you.
Is it in a shape inspired by a Leaf?
>Having American plants
doesn't constitute to have a Cucknadian vehicle brand.
Porsche! They always use whites in their all ads. Even white gays. Pic related
Every toyota in America are made in America you fucking dumbass
Gasoline engines are your shackles for your Arab masters.
no according to the NHTSA db
come home white man
I drive a Hemi
>gook mobile
Pretty much every Toyota in the US was built, from the the casting of parts to assembly, in the US.
That said, I actually really enjoyed driving a Mini Cooper S I used to have. Gay as fuck, but a blast to drive and I never actually had any problems with it.
Mercedes-Benz. It's not even a question.
Volvo's reliability is legendary.
Still a japashit car with gook design.
Now get off my lawn faggot
dodge charger
the US produces more oil than all of the middle east
Used to be
A Chinese woman is having trouble with her eyes, so she goes to see an optician. The optician looks in her eyes with the instrument.
The Chinese woman says, "What is the matter doctor?"
The doctor says, "You have a cataract."
The Chinese woman looks astounded and says "No, I have a Rincon Contirental."
most anons on Sup Forums will ride in whichever brand their moms owns
Lexus (which is toyota) are still more reliable and better than BMW. Head on over to /o/ sometime. If you drive a BMW you only care about appearing to be wealthy. They're shit for the price
t. bikefag
tesla, the car of the master race
Are you high? Volvos are notorious for being fucking bulletproof.
Unless you think he was talking about the Lincoln in the OP - yes, Lincolns are utter shite, just like all American cars.
Assembly ≠ Design you FUCKING degenerate.
Toyota is a gook company and their design headquarters are in Gaypan.
That's like saying the iPhone is Chinese you fucking MORON.
The iPhone is R&D'd in California, designed in USA. It's an American product. It is only ASSEMBLED in China you FUCKING IDIOT because it's cheap to put it together there. Just like it is cheap to assemble Toyota cars in USA because it would be DUMB to manufacture in Japan and then ship it here with containers.
Why are Sup Forumssters so fucking dumb?
There's nothing more politically incorrect than the Yugo
I own one
nothing in the drivetrain has failed yet
your Fiat Chrysler will break down well before my white mobile
Reliability ≠ Fun to drive
Now fuck off you degenerate.
Go drive your gook car which can barely turn corners.
I just bought a BMW so yeah
I love the car to death
Because when removing kebab, you don't want to get slowed down by not having a spare tire under the hood
>being this buttmad
Enjoy all that pussy you're beater beamer ain't getting you, fag.
Interiors are shit tho gookbro.
They need to hire Mercedez interior designers.
Also the lines look too faggy. Also it doesn't feel like a car built for a man. It feels like it's for trans gendered fags.
Ford CEO is a jew, so definitely not Lincoln.
it's a bimmer you faggot and stop projecting your beta-ness because you can't handle a true aryan vehicle, weebcuck.
tacoma is probably the shittiest city to ever have a car named after it
barring some obscure indian pajeetmobile i haven't heard of
>A 50k MSRP car is a beater
>N55 engine
>7 speed engine with DCT
>Brembo italian brakes
>0-60 in 4.2 seconds
nigger tier
Shite cars replicate themselves?
>implying I'd ever buy a Chrysler
Volvo has not been Volvo in nearly 20 years, mate.
>he doesn't deny simply wanting the appearance of wealth
>he prefers how fun a car is to drive to reliability
AHAHAH I knew niggers drove BMWs but I didn't realize even white BMW drivers have nigger-like qualities.
Grow up, you're an irresponsible degenerate
Look up 2017 Volvo XC90. Yes, it is good-looking, but its reliability is just awful.
It's marketing that caught on, you absolute plebs.
It would be like if the Daily Mail started being the most accurate newspaper in the world... retards would still say "Hurrrrrr DAily FaiL", because they are retarded and living years behind what's actually going on.
Volvo is a shit company, and if you've ever driven one of their newer models, you would know this.
>collaborating with Porsche
can you please learn to park like an adult?
Come home, white man
Mercedes-Benz and Volkswagen
Mercedes made Hitler's limos, and VW is Hitler's socialized car baby.
bmw 335 daily driver
porsche 911 (older) weekend car
Grandpa car tier:
pic related: see the filename
The only correct answer really is unironically Tesla.
Musk is still a newcomer and not been infiltrated by (((them))) yet so you know the profit he made from the sale isn't literally contributing to the death of your own race and destruction of your people.
All of the old car makers are knee deep in shekels.
Sup Forums won't like it because of muh gibs meme, but the answer is Tesla.
I don't buy cars based on only appearance you fucking degenerate, although I love BMWs for their aesthetics.
They drive like a dream and you feel like a man in it not some fag. I can drive on tough corners, drive fast when I need to and get to places on time. It's so fucking fun.
Yes they are high maintenance but fuck it I can afford the repairs.
Also it's built and designed by the true master white race.
Go drive your shitty V12 gas cum car or your shitty chink made plastic piece of shit.
Literally Hitler
Yeah, over 50 years ago, you utter retard. They're all Jewish owned now
a motorized wheelchair
Canadians made the engine for my SRT8. They aren't all bad.
Love my Jetta
Daily reminder that Britain makes the best cars in the world.
All of these cars are British-engineered, British-built, on British platforms, using British-engineered-and-built engines:
>Land Rover / Range Rover
>Aston Martin
>hurr but Jag-Land Rover is Indian-owned
Doesn't matter, they're British-built
>hurr Aston is going to use Merc engines
But their entire current lineup uses Aston Martin British engines - they're only going to sell cheaper versions of the same cars with Merc engines
Oh yeah, and we make the F1 car (and engine) that has won the world championship in the last three years running - the Mercedes.
>hurr but Mercedes are German
Doesn't matter, their car is made in Britain by British engineers, including the engine
Also these enthusiast marques (some of the best in the world) are engineered and built in Britain:
We're the best car builders in the world, just fucking admit it.
got it in manual. love the ever loving fuck out of it
It's a Lincoln. You can see it on the boot.
God, developer man goes so hard
2008 Navy Honda Accord.
And, like the Reich, neither of those brands last.
>he's old and rich enough to own a fucking Volvo XC90
What the fuck are you doing on Sup Forums?
And it's driving in NYC
Juke a CUTE
>he can't refute my argument based on logic
>he resorts to his personal emotions while driving
>he needs an overpriced car to feel like a man
>he also doesn't think you can turn tough corners or drive fast even with shit cars
Of course it's a Mercedes Benz. Why would you want anything else?
Pic related, it's mine :)
This user got it right.
euro taxi
>Brits making cars
lmfao fuck off bong and fix your teeth first
All of your cars are shit
I implore you to come to /o/ it will make their day
>transmission dies after 12,000 miles
None but I plan on getting one of these after we implement Anarcho- Capitalism.
What a pleb.
You have no argument.
Just kys
not that user, but thats how i can tell you dont own a volvo