Digits and I propose to my girl

Digits and I propose to my girl

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Awh god damnit


Good luck OP

hope she isnt a cunt

Top rekt OP kek wills it

Ha, digits and she divorces and takes half your shit.


He giveth, and he taketh away.


op still has to deliver

Looks like you might want to rethink that marriage, user.

Digits and you never get married

Quads confirmed

You're going to regret this, man.

Ah fuck I was gonna do it but now I don't wanna

>The whims of a chaos god are now deciding this user's major life choices for him
I can't tell if we've gone too far or not far enough.


digits and you go fcuking an escort first

Post results OP. You may be the chosen to couple to bear the prophet Kek.

Digits and she will give you a son who you will love and idolize you. He will grow to be a successful young man

holocaust themed wedding party

Kek wills it. Post results, OP. Also, your first dance at your wedding must be Shadilay.

It shall be done


sure, but only if you are of the same race.

She's already been blacked

You asked for this OP. Kek wills it. You must follow through.

Checked. Hell hath no fury like kek when op doesn't deliver

She's a domestic black

>interracial holocaust-themed wedding just to get divorced and lose it all to alimony

jewish paradise achieved?

Your children will have less than 90 IQ

less than 80

go for it user


OP will have a kind and loving marriage.

Just give him time to prep his bull before taking care of his wife's son.