When will this ride end?

when will this ride end?

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Wow how did they get a study into North Korea? I have doubts, I bet they are smaller than the South Koreans desu, it's just a guess.






I'm willing to bet these were self-reported. My schlong is 6.8, and it's rare that I see one as big as mine in the locker room. Black guys aren't bigger than most either, it's a meme.

Well guys, you can't deny science. Has Sup Forums finally been btfo?

you see a lot of erect penises in the locker room?




All those 6in blonde haired twink swedbois

maybe i need to become a refugee



>moving to the Congo
Lol. She'll regret that.






>Tfw gabagool genetics

They don't even have rulers in Congo or Ghana

hmm, this infograph seems to correlate average IQ with penis length. The more dumb, the larger genitalia.

>tfw Chinese and curved dick
>Only 5.5"ish

Am I fucked?

It is definitely true about Asian men.
But the biggest dick I've ever seen was white -_-

Dat sad face when I realize my dick would just be average if I moved to Congo :/

Anyway, people writing that shit in public. "Haha I'm going to the congo I want big dick!". What a complete embarrasment. Wow. Vile disgusting woman.


You were fucked well before considering penis size.

I don't know what this bitch is on about. Average female penis size is less than one inch. Talk about btfo.

>tfw Biggest dicks in the entire anglosphere.

>You are a faggot




N-no homo right guys??

Ha ha!!

>always thought it was average
>mfw visiting these threads
Are you all just meming or do you actually live with such small dicks
Also, that pic is bullshit


fuck i hate women

Wasn't this study complete bullshit based on self-reporting tests given to African tribesmen who didn't even know what the fuck an inch was beforehand?

This one got killed there. :^)

how come its ok to mock men for having small penises or being short but if a man calls a woman fat then he's a bad person Sup Forums?

Is her account some troll/porn account or something?

>I'm moving to the congo
can't be a real sentiment


>tfw white American
>bigger than the average congo nigger

Let's be honest, these (((average dick surveys))) are fucking bullshit.


Get fucked (and cucked) microcock paddy's

Notice how all of those things you mentioned about men are things that can't be changed

but the thing you mentioned about women can be changed

Yet men are "easy mode"...

yeah it's pretty unreasonable.

turbomanlet and 6.6" reporting. God has a sense of humor at least

How so? I'm living fine

its funny because she didn't return.


Nigga just get born with a big dick. 6'7 tall here with a 7 incher

Obviously it's an empty statement. Just like how all the celebs thought it was trendy to say if Donald won they would move to Canada.

All it means is they value penis size over any other quality of metric. The Majority of women are literally children that want to get fucked until they get old and then want someone to be fiscally responsible for them when they are all used up.

das rite

Wtf big dick Iceland

>Citation needed

fuck that. my mom is 62, i dont want her to go

It won't end, why?

Cus big black cock is superior. White bois sit inside and play video games, watch anime, and never exercise. I stopped dating white guys when my ex boyfriend was beat up after talking shit to a black guy to come off as alpha or something. When he was beaten and started crying, i just lost respect for him. How can i respect a white man if he can't even protect me? Black guys have swag, they can dance, they can rap, and they know how to have fun. I got tired of my ex bf trying to get me to watch anime. Grow up you white boi-children.

that's Somalia you're thinking of m8


>tfw you'd still be average even in africa
>also thiCC dick





I should come over to enrich your women with my BYC

Why would you black out her name?

I think this would be a wonderful opportunity to pause for a moment and give thanks for the many great contributions of the black community and their culture to our society. Their peaceful and generous nature makes them ideal neighbors, lending testimony to their exceptional family values and parenting skills unrivaled by any other culture. Their commitment to academic excellence enriches our schools and serves as an example to all who hope to achieve prominence as a people. Real estate values are fueled by the influx of African-Americans into an area due to their caring and respectful nurturing of these communities, an example of all they have achieved by their enthusiasm for self-improvement through hard work and self-reliant can do nature. Without their industrious and creative drive we would be poorer as a nation.

You have 2 go back
Why is the stereotype big black cock?
It should be big fernando martinez cock


the 19th amendment was a mistake


really proud of that extra .1, huh?

>niggers lie about the size of their dicks in a self-reported dick size questionnaire

Some retards will believe anything.

Please do, we werent done trying to whitefy your lands. The Russians interrupted...

No thanks, Chinks help build Canada as much as whites. But fuck Hongcouver and fuerdai they can die.

I'm 95% sure this data comes from a "study" that relied on self-reported information from the African countries, which is why they have such massive dick sizes.

In other words, FAKE AND GAY.

not really, just a fan of accuracy. should I have rounded up instead?

rulers don't measure down to tenths of an inch

they measure down to twelfths of an inch

>he doesn't even know about significant figures

I do fap to that kind of stuff alot. Sometimes you just got to bow down to your Finnish masters.


>this is what propagandists actually believe



What is this?

my cock is 7 inches so I'd don't really give a shit, I can have bitches begging for a dicking whenever I want.

dude u should totally have sex now

Who is that semen demon?

I have sex with my girlfriend very often

>tfw 100% European
>tfw 7 inch cock
>tfw uncut

God bless my parents, thank you ancestors

I've never measured, but i'm a grower. It looks pretty small when flaccid

Some Swedish lefty whore got raped and murdered in the Congo during some humanitarian mission. TLDR toll: paid

maybe that explains why i have 30 kids at 25 with my 7.5 inch cock

Lucky bastard. I wish I had kids
>No big family
And before you get started yeah yeah I know grass is greener blah blah blah

#dicks #woke #facts
>Fuck this gay earth

Poos are smaller than Chinese


You have to go back Zheng

Alabama southern born and raised. I have an 8" cock, with 6" circumstances. White. Irish, Scottish, Britsh, French decent.
Feels good man.
Also, why is the cock depicted black?

post more

Get your harpoons m8s

>he doesn't strut around the locker room with a raging boner
What are you gay?

goodness gracious

> mfw white
> mfw 7.5" erect
> mfw now my dick size is archived in dozens of computer servers

Don't be Jelly. I'm a 300lb turbo autistic who hates himself almost as much as he hates the Jew.

I thought your joke was funny, user


How are these studies even done.
It's self reported, right? I doubt researchers are personally measuring erect penises.


Colombia cock master race

>women worship big dicks
>women know niggers have big dicks
>be surprised women flock to niggers
>still marry them when they're thirty addled with diseases after being pumped by thousands of bbcs

pic related

i doubt americans would say their cock is less than 5 inches, because unless everyone actually did say theyre dick was 5 inches, some would have had to say their dick was 8 inches, and the only way that would even out to 5 is if people reported their dick to be under

this is assuming this is an average


That must be why women are much smarter than men.