Civic Nationalism

>Alright Sup Forums Civic Nationalism is the only way
>Ethnic nationalism is impossible in the 21th century
>immigrants just need to assimilated to maintain peace
>That's about all peace out

Agree 100%
This is the one way that we can succeed where the nazis failed.

We change the argument from
>white people have superior genes
>western civilization has superior memes


>muh diversity

Styx has lived in McAllen Texas 97% Mexican. He also married a Mexican to fix her documentation

"Civic nationalism" would be great if it actually worked.

I don't see any evidence of that, though.

Yugoslavia tried really hard for many decades to get people to believe in pan-Balkanism (their version of civic nationalism).

It worked for a while... but ONLY for a while.

>>Ethnic nationalism is impossible in the 21th century

Crypto Ethnic Nationalism is the only way. Civic Nationalism is an oxymoron.

But western civilization doesn't have superior memes. Our culture is garbage. That's why civic nationalists are retarded.

Civic nationalists want to destroy the one good thing about America (white genetics) to preserve everything bad about it (feminism, patriotardism, liberalism, individualism, consumerism, and everything else having to do with America).

Thanks for being edgy, but really can you explain yourself?

If somebody speaks your language, acts like you, and follows your laws, what difference does it make if they look like you do?

It's easier and faster to spread your memes than your genes

one of those is true and provable.
the other is a lie and not.

hahaahahahaha this meme i actually hilarious

>Muh blonde hair and blue eyes.
>Muh Imagined lineage.
>Muh pale skin.

>McAllen Texas
when does he say he was in mcallen tx?

I remember the first time I went to Maine and being shocked that white people were working at mcdonalds.

Needless to say it was the cleanest one I've ever been to.

>as long as spics adopt our American values of feminism and homosexualism, they're fine

This. I don't give a fuck about civic nationalism if all it means is supporting a degenerate culture filled with anti-white propaganda, sluts, feminism, black on white crime, etc. What's the point? Something fundamental has to change about our society and culture, and more Bush-era country music patriotism isn't the solution

Americans don't understand. My ancestors lived here for at least 2000 years.

>But western civilization doesn't have superior memes.
Please tell me a society that has better memes when it comes to establishing a solid foundation for ethical behavior.

I'm an atheist, but even I can acknowledge that the best societies are the ones that have something resembling judeo-christian values.

>judeo-christian values
Stop that meme please. It's solely Christian values. American conservatives are the greatest cucks on the right. After the enlightment some Jews adopted Christian values, but Talmud Jewish values have had no influence on Christianity or European cutlure at all.

I stopped watching styx after the election. I only visit once or twice a month to see his take on big political stories.

His views are fundamentally flawed for the reason your image bring up. The bottom line is he doesn't have the balls to come out in favor of ethnic nationalism.

Ok, you got me. Here's your (you)

>ethnically homogeneous

You can't preserve a culture, a way of life, a system of government or anything else created by WASPs without WASPs being the majority of the country.

He literally said ethnic nationalism is good for europe. Americucks on the other hand love BBC and love watching their wives and daughters get BLACKED so it has to be multicultural civic nationalism for jewmerica

>A made-up neocon meme-term from the 20th century

Shill, if you had gone up to Thomas Jefferson or George Washington and called them "Judeo-Christians," they'd have punched you in the mouth.

>a civnat when he admits he's a heathan with ethnonational leanings
>thinking civnat can work in a post-DMT world


The difference is that America is too far gone at this point. We have more non-whites than the entire population of Germany. At least you Eurofags might have an actual shot at getting rid of a million or two Muslims. It'd be a logistical nightmare, but not a logistical impossibility.


There are Jewish values and there are Christian values.

They are not interchangeable nor compatible.

There's literally no reason to believe that non White immigrants will ever assimilate.

Blacks and American Indians have been here since the beginning of this country and very few have actually assimilated into our culture.

I understand that we didn't always make it easy for them to assimilate, but we also treated the Irish poorly, but they still succeeded in becoming part of our culture.

>roughly claims atheism is going to dominate in the future
>is still a satanist

It's that or the day of the rope as far as I am concerned. I want to avoid the latter, it's the last thing anybody needs

checked. this is the path

He's not a satanist you stupid fuck.


Youd have to balkanize to be ethno nationalist bretty much

Christian values are literally a re-branding or re-packaging of jewish values to modernize their memes, they kept the shit about helping people to make a better society, and got rid of all the stupid ritual purity laws about not eating shellfish or mixing meat with cheese.

Literally any christian, jew, or atheist understands this relationship.....unless you're a Protestant that believes Sola Fide

Please tell me you're not a Protestant that believes Sola Fide

>But western civilization doesn't have superior memes. Our culture is garbage.

true. "western" culture is (post)modernist cancer.
pre-1945 western cultures (german, french, british, american, ...) on the other hand were pretty damn great.

How exactly does crypto ethnic nationalism work?

That re-packaging is pretty significant. The two religions have very different values and the groups are hostile to one another. Nowadays the hostility is one-sided, but it's still hostility.



by enforcing western values, you will automatically weed out the inferior people that cannot uphold said values. by making people aware of what it takes to uphold western civilization correctly, you make them see why the inferior others cannot do it and should be banished. just play along and win them over long term

Most satanists are atheists.
They don't worship satan as an entity.
It's literally

in other words it's a stupid meme religion, just like kek

>This is the one way that we can succeed where the nazis failed.
>We change the argument from
>>white people have superior genes
>>western civilization has superior memes
I gave this fair consideration for a moment, but realized, we can only have superior memes if our memes are based on unvarnished truth.

For that to be the case, our memes will have to be based on Holocaust truth.

For that to be the case, ethnic nationalism will have ceased to be a boogeyman...

You brand yourself as a Civic Nationalist and then once elected you enact Ethnic Nationalist policies while branding them as Civic Nationalist policies. and framing any exclusively white benefits are purely (((coincidental))). A few decades later when the demographics have changed and you've normalized Ethnic Nationalism under another name, you can let the mask drop.

This is how you acquire power and shift how people think - through manipulation of language.





So, in other words, doing what the cultural marxists did?


Pic related.


That guy was kind of funny with his 'label antifa a terror group' meme




>modern western values
>fags trannies and other mentally ill people are now normal people

Great values you got the Billy Bob. Truly superior values



Stop saying peace you faggot! And tell that man in the picture to shave his fucking hair!


Even if you are pro ethnic nationalist. Any sort of calling for unity in the white race will be regarded as racism and censored, thanks to not only the jews but edgy neo nazi skinheads who shoot up churches.

Ethnic Nationalism for whites is pretty much impossible until people start to forget about the wildly exaggerated Holocaust

literally just watched a video like 2 hours ago where he said "I'm a satanist and i'm attracted to dark powers" or some shit
and other where he said " I was a luciferian rebel"
I know he is more of an occultist these days
it's all a big ol meme buddy ,you don't need to get upset leafy


I'm raised Baptist, but think about becoming Catholic

While we're on this subject, this is also the only way Feminism can be defeated. When you want to argue against women working, you don't do so from the position of women being inferior at Men's work or the necessity of hierarchy. You do so from the position that it is sexist and exploitative to expect women to have to work and do motherly activities as if they were a man and a woman at the same time. You convince women that confining themselves to the kitchen is an act of liberation and rebellion.


We Patriots now


Oy vey thats right goy. You dont want to get called a racist bigot nazi do you? Better be a civic nationalist goy. Somebody might call you names


Ridiculous. Christianity has three very crucial values that Judaism does not:

1) Universalism (anyone of any ethnicity can join and be accepted as a Christian)
2) Exogamy (marriages with blood relatives are strongly discouraged)
3) Reproductive egalitarianism (monogamy is strongly socially enforced. it is not acceptable for high status males to have multiple wives or concubines)


Killing ze Jews and mudslimes would solve all our problems



>if you do the exact opposite of marxists but you similarly use basic masking of your goals to reach your goal you are the same


in other words, the american policy until 1965


Do American White Nationalists not realize that their country is near 50% nonwhite?

I can't tell if most of them are larping or have below average IQs. Or underage.

Or it could be some autistic combination of all three.

You are a traitor by definition and will be sent to a foreign country with a foreign race to to enact your faulty, communistic ideology.


Doesn't Sup Forums usually complain about subversion?


How long have Germans been on the Rhine? More like 10,000 years

Pretty much, yeah. Ethnic nationalism is only worth talking about when you're not already practicing it, just like identity politics only becomes a big thing when there are many different identities. The reason we've become more polarized is that we've become more diverse.

And why do you think we hate feminism and gays here despite being




calling for ethnic cleansing is retarded for that reason and more importantly immoral.

the primary goal should be allow people to choose where they live and who they live with. this will allow people who don't want to live in a multicultural community not to. elites don't want this because they fear balkanization.


>it's the American values that matter
>as long as shitskins eat 5000 calorie meals at McDonald's and become obese like real Americans, they're fine

When you're in a subverted society you have no choice but to subvert. There's nothing wrong with using the tools of the enemy. They aren't just the tools of the enemy, they're fundamental tools used throughout civilization. The difference is that the enemy uses them for subversion as a goal in and of itself.

You niggers civic nationalism is the palatable format for normies, you can't radically gravitate right when your society isn't 90% or more native like pre war Germany. Civic nationalism creates that condition to push the pendulum that much further, we simply can't demand ethnic nationalism at a time when we can still be outvoted give it time and the positive effects of anti immigration will overshadow while places like Sweden get substantially worse and condition the white majorities minds to just how effective a more homogeneous society is
Take America for example, already illegal immigration has been cut around 67% and there's been mass deportation with little to no reentry at the moment. If the wall comes and even a fraction are deported demographics will radically shift as they already are and crime etc drops, the facts will be on our side then the further push towards ethnic nationalism will be justified.

There's ethnic nationalists surely hiding in politics waiting for the socially acceptable time, just think 4 years ago saying you were a nationalist anything was political suicide, we are getting closer and we gotta keep the positive results in our court. We want to beat kikes, be sneaky like them until the proper time.

Demanded gibs even in the 60s.