How do we stop Germany from destroying europe again?

How do we stop Germany from destroying europe again?

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LePen would probably be a good start.

If we have another country we should just split it between the victor nations or split it into more countries.

Or better yet make the split nations into puppet nations.




Sadly I think France is already too cucked to elect her

why are germans so autistic, im half german and i have to admit im on the spectrum, but the germans i met definitely take the cake. Even the chicks are strange.

>created civilization
3000BC-1000BC in Egypt and Mesopotamia never happened I guess.
>but muh democracy
Like one city state was a democracy in Greece and it was short lived. Athens fell into tyrant hands many times.
Greece's contributions aside from the humanities was the importance of individual freedom. Which Rome expanded.

Really nothing to do at this point... we're just figuring if it's Merkel or Schultz that does it this time around...

I think he meant Western civilization. Egypt didn't have that much of an influence on Europe itself.

Western civilization.

It's pretty encouraging she's gotten this far. Might or might not happen, but I'm just saying that would be one of the better immediate options.

I honestly don't remember the last time my media mentioned French elections, let alone reeeed loud about the evil, hard right, crazy, xenophobic, baby-killing, racist MLP.

We raze their men, pillage their women and enrich their daughters with White chimp out genes.

It's just one of those things that never changes... Americans are obese rednecks, Canadians are beta cucks and Germans periodically destroy Western civilization.

Damn I love being Austrian.

Do Austrians have a better sense of humour than Germans? German posters know the treads here. And you know they're not amused... I guess being very serious is a good trait to have if you want to plunge mankind in the Dark Ages?

Herodotus himself said that Greek religious ceremonies was based on Egyptians

The alphabet we are using is Semitic in origin.

Greek architecture was largely based on Egyptian. Look at the temple of Luxor.

Astronomy was from Mesopotamia, the Zodiac has orgin there too.

Need I go on?

What is Western Civilization then? Christianity (which came from (((them))) )?

Also the birth of Western Civilization was really in Crete with the Minoans who were heavily influenced by the Egyptians and had a lot of trade with them (look at a map how close Crete is to Egypt)

The would would be an objectively better place without anglos and French

I'll never forget a few years ago I made an enlightened drunkpost connecting the German style of toilets, the shit fetishes, and Hitler. Out of nowhere three or four different Germans got really humorlessly upset at me. It was a great accomplishment and drew in many keks.

Fuck of race traitor jew loving scum. Germany sacrificed everything for the Aryan Race but Anglo-Jews and Jew-Slavs made sure that the Jewish bankers won.
Try this redpill for size.

And I'm not a shitskin I'm actually Greek and I'm just really interested in my history. I redpilled myself.

Just look at the E haplogroup frequency in Europe. It's in the Balkans

Austrians are laid back. Much like bavarians.
Everything above bavaria is pretty stuck up and takes itself far too serious. That's what years of "you are bad because your grandparents holocausted everybody" do to you.
And we prefer to complain about everything and make fun of that than making sex jokes (which is mostly what germans do, again bavarians being the exception)

Never said they weren't influenced by Egyptians. However, disregarding all the culture, politics and societal norms brought by the ancient greeks is just silly.

>However, disregarding all the culture, politics and societal norms brought by the ancient greeks is just silly.
That's not what I'm saying. I'm saying they are not the "creator of civilization" fix your shit meme and go back to Senegal


There were a lot of cultural exchange back and forth; discussion on philosophical ideas between the different groups around Mediterranean were common but the Greek dominated eventually the cultural development that would later influence the East and the West.

They are the creators of western civilization as we know it. Modern law and politics would literally not exist without the ancient greeks. Stop being so retarded.

austrians are also also bona fide germans
austrians ARE cryptokikes

Austrians started both world wars

>White Man: The Great Aggregator of Civilization

I say we all let Germany fulfill it's desire to become Germanistan. Let them drown themselves and keep them from bringing us down with them. Let the German race become completely breed out and replaced by a sea of brown. Let Islam become declared their state religion, let the women/"feminists" willingly dawn themselves in those black trashbags, let female gentile mutilation become as common as male-circumcision, let child brides become common, let gays be thrown off roofs to their deaths, just let the trainwreck they so desperate long for to knock them out of existence. Afterwards anyone who dares to challenge that a nation of cultural marxism, extreme liberalism, white guilt, with the mass injection of a primitive violent peoples of a primitive violent culture that seeks to dominate and not assimilate can just be referred to Germanistan.

I looked up astronomy, just for fun, and the origin is not from Mesopotamia. It is actually from any pre-historic tribe that ever lived, they've found evidence of tools used for tracking moon's phases dating back 35,000 years in both Europe and Africa.

What user there is actually trying to say is that Mesopotamia developed it further than any other civilization previously.

Problem is that they are bringing us down with them
European Union was a mistake

Shoulda bowed down last time