The Newspaper is freaking out that Whites are migrating to NZ in larger number than Asians
NZ Migration (The Tide is Turning)
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is mutton tasty?
can you get me a job there senpai?
no mutton is shit you should buy lamb instead
no you have to have skills
That really is gorgeous country. Easy to see why whites would move there.
what skills?
basically be a tradie
My favourite university teacher is leaving for New Zealand for next year. Fuck you for stealing him you sheep shaggers.
why wont you let me move to the shire?
really now? I've heard they have been making it easier for flips to migrate
why don't you migrate here
>I've heard they have been making it easier for flips to migrate
HAHAHA No in the paper today this was an article about a pinoy healthcare worker talking about how she has to go back because she does not meet the qualifications
Why would I move to a country on the other side of the planet?
My quality of life would also drop I imagine.
>My quality of life would also drop I imagine.
not living next to muslims is better qualitiy
I don't live next to Muslims. I live next to Eastern Europeans because Kent.
It's just one worker. I saw it in the news in the other day. Basically it was about NZ saying we're all welcome to immigrate
yeah they have actually cracked down on unskilled workers last week
we don't have any eastern europeans either
just get some qualifications that employers need
NZ seems pretty awesome. Maybe I'll move there. Paranoid of Earthquakes though
Sweden is buggered u should leave
It's very tempting, but I have to stay and try to save the country for a bit more. First we have the 2018 elections. If that goes to shit and people still don't show signs of being prepared to getting this place in order by more drastic measures, like creating militias to smash immigrant gangs etc... then I'm probably out of here
I'd really do anything to live in a nice white country. Military service, high taxes, whatever.
Earthquakes are fine if you get used to it
Someone on /k/ said you guys can shoot Canadian Geese with a rifle because they are pests. Is this true?
anything non native is considered a pest and you are allowed to shoot as much as you want
you should prob get in quick before we shut down our borders
How the fuck does Brexit and Trump have anything to do with it ?
the NZ Herald usually light on any substance
>Work visas
Wow it's fucking nothing. Everyone knows that the chinks and poos go through (((student visas))) to get here. Although now that the kike is gone we might get that loophole closed.
student visas make up 20k while work visas is 40k
Industrial mechanic here. Can I come I fix your factories real nice
>student visas
You mean this, right?
yeah thats getting trimmed from the changes last week
most work is only in construction
So the news isn't as good as it appears then. It's still good news though, and if we close the student visa loophole and remove the fucking english course vouchers asians will stop flooding in and the percentage of whites may actually start increasing.
Auckland is definitely under 50% white and a complete lost cause though.
construction companies got all kinds of shit that needs mechanics my nigga I'm in
also remove the residency visa which chinks buy in
>you should prob get in quick before we shut down our borders
So how are we supposed to get a 4 year degree and relevant work experience before you shut down the borders exactly?
Stuff like this mostly
Brit with recent residency status here.
Can confirm. We are flooding in
most companies in construction say they are willing to hire up to 20 people over night
I'm an aryan software eng, is there lebensraum for me and a white waifu to create a future for white children in NZ
if only we could bump up the english language requirement
>software eng
m8 its NZ we barley have a tech sector
I would rather cut my dick off than work construction. I love Japan as a country and would love to live there for instance, but I would also rather cut my dick off than work slave labor as an barbarian English teacher. Basically, sacrificing my personal happiness to live in an amazing place is the same as suicide.
i have some pretty sweet nun chuck skills. im ok with a bow staff and can lead be gang leader if needed.
Sven, it's over. It's better you realize it now while there is still time to make something out of your life. Sweden is dead.
As long as you have light skin and normal eyes you're welcome. Just avoid Auckland like the plague
>I would rather cut my dick off than work construction.
Why because its real mans work
are you cute? cuteboys get free entry and a bf(me)
>Just avoid Auckland like the plague
No, I just prefer saving lives and working hellish long shifts full of blood, gore, and bodily fluids. Nothing manly about that I assume.
Fuck you, I'll fight your ass when I get there. Winner gets the princess.
kek nobody here has skills
That why they don't want more
Come the fuck on bro, some bush Maori would kill you before you even stepped foot on my property.
earthquakes only in chch and even mudshit refugees dont move there because its so shit
Sorry kiwi cunts, goat fuckers must die.
Burgers will take good care for kiwiland when you're all dead
Because by now it's 50% white at most and houses cost twice as much as anywhere else in the country.
I'm a viking I fucking eat maori's for breakfast. Also why are you so violent you pussy? Fight me like a man. Stop being a little bitch.
Don't live in a (((city))) then and all you'll have to worry about is some broken trees.
Stop jumping ship mate, do you have no loyalty what so ever?
>average price of $913,938
>median income $45,000
So if your tiny country is going through a multicultural fuckfest, why would anyone want to go to it again? South Africa is just as beautiful as NZ, and any sane white person would never move there, even to the white communities on the nicest beaches. Your population is like 4.5 million people. The USA is 370 million + people by now. Your country is a speck. All it would take is a multicultural fart and your tiny island would be majority Muslim in no time at all.
Alright serious question, Kiwi.
I can work completely remotely. I only need a computer and an internet connection and I can bring tax revenue to NZ without displacing a native Kiwi worker. Would this count as skilled labor?
Also are your women at least passably attractive?
For awhile NZ was literally paying Canadians to immigrate there. I have to two friends that got a free one-way ticket, $6000CAD and promise of steady employment just to become an NZ citizen.
One of them came back because it was a massive trick, the cost of living there is laughable compared to the average wage, even with a university education.
The other friend ended up dating a girl with rich parents and lives with her otherwise he would have came back too.
>nigger tier wages
>white man cost of living
Yeah. No thanks.
>I only need a computer and an internet connection
No they don't need self employed workers but employees
The yank knows NZ better then 90% of the cunts here, anyways lucky for me I'm a mountain hermit so at least I get to wait 10 years before my land is the last non urbanised zone in the country and some cunt pays me $10000000000000000000 for it.
It's just Auckland and Wellington. The mainland is a white paradise.
>1.2% Black/Hispanic/Muslim combined
>7.7% Maori (half national average)
>2.5% PI (1/3 national average)
>6.2% Asian (half national average -- vast majority are non-permanent students)
...really? would be a free money injection from a US company into the NZ economy.
I figured I would be an ideal immigrant.
>Internet connection
Good fucking luck finding that mate, also in regards to the sheelas here, do you fancy pic related having rough sex with you before stealing your car?
Check here brah:
You guys are socialist as fuck and your economy is a mess
It's hilarious that eurocucks would leave their nations because of socialism to a new place with just as much socialism and an even worse economy
Unless you have more than a million to invest otherwise you have to be employed
Have fun with American leftard Trumpfugees.
>You guys are socialist as fuck and your economy is a mess
Higher GDP Growth than you and lower income taxes and lower corperate tax
Brother, this is how it starts. Look at Paris.. Into France. London... Into England. Berlin.. Into Germany. It always starts at the major cities and works outward into other communities. Your city demographics are like a looking glass into the future of your country.
My uncle works there. (pic)
>said Professor Spoonley, an expert on immigration.
>an expert on immigration.
> an expert on immigration.
lmao so now they want to review immigration policy because its whites coming in?
God damn it but I am employed!
My company has an NZ office, can I use that as a workaround if I am legally employed there instead?
Our multicultural fuckfest consists of people who at worst creep on white girls in nightclubs rather than beheading people in the streets. A large portion of the world probably has no idea we even exist ie.
Our women are mostly mutts, don't bother.
Looks like your typical Asian to me.
You"ll regret it after you here there accents
Asian + Nigger, the darkies in remote spots aren't bad just don't fuck with them, the darkies in the city however they are on par with niggers.
You gotta admit, that chin art is pretty unique. Does any other tribe do that? I don't think I've seen it anywhere else, and at least its not as stupid as bones through the nose, or LPs in the lip.
>thuh wund sus sum butch gunna suck muh duck bruh
I'm not going to lie, I had to look at a map to see where your country was. What's the ratio of males to females, and what do native females think of foreigner white guys? Is it a total sausagefest? A future Sweden with feminazis roaming the streets?
You're retarded.
South island of nz is 90% white.
Auckland is actually getting MORE white.
New Zealand culture:
>High GDP growth
Gee I wonder what could be causing that
>What's the ratio of males to females,
why would it not be 1 for 1
are you actually against the economy growing
>Auckland is actually getting MORE white.
only if students were sent home after studying here
Fuck the culture here, everyone's so fucking retarded about it.
>Kiwi as bro....
>Churr bro smoke a blunt..
>Fuck nuclear energy bro.
I love New Zealand and would fucking die for it, but people here are fully fucking autistic when it comes to "Kiwiana".
I don't mind the art, and I've seen it before with a white tribe from somewhere, but I would prefer it somewhere on the face that doesn't make it look like they've been growing a goatee or some shit.
So south east Asians?
And you better fucking keep it that way, mother fucker.
>Wanting our women
There's a reason for our ovine reputation you know.
>>Churr bro smoke a blunt..
This pretty much pisses me of the most
>Fuck nuclear energy bro.
I can get that, to some extent. But not allowing American aircraft carriers to dock in your ports because they have nuclear reactors is Ameriliberal level retarded.
>or is it more that you are afraid of 5,000 Big Burger Cocks
Can I come too?
I can share my culture with your people.
Love, Brazil.
(fun fact: we do have newspapers payed by NZ government here in Brazil saying NZ is heaven on Earth and we should move there. Other favela bros can confirm this)
>That accent
Fuck, I won't fit in at all.