The wall. where is the wall?

where is that fucking wall he promised?
don't you want to see the wall?

Other urls found in this thread:

It's never getting built.

cruz made the el chapo act to make the drug money fund the wall

he betrayed us on the 100th day. on holocaust memorial day (actually armenian genocide day since Trump is an asshole and kikes always win) for a reason.

We're not getting shit. You don't wonder why our president is obsessed with anti-semitism and not white genocide? which one actually exists?

oppression against the richest fuckers in the world or the slaves?

"sorry cucks no money, here go you israel a few more billion shekels for your wall"

>no more wars in the middle east
"sorry goys you are going to and die for greater israe- i mean to fight the evil dictator, even george soros said he gassed his own people so it must be true!"

>im going to repeal obamacare
woops sorry cucks i cant repeal obamacare, you are stuck with obamacare, enjoy obamacare

>deporting illegals
sorry illegal spics get to stay, especially the dreamers

> were gonna drain the swamp
heres a high ranking position in the white house kike son and kikette daughter.
trump really is doing everything he can to be a 1 term president

Do euros really care that much?

Just to see the browns of the world get pissed off? Or cause you feel kinship with the inexorably mixed European races that constitute "white" people in the USA?

You would be better focusing your energy on Quebecqois independence, since they are your relatives. You will find no French people here. Ditto to you English, even the sons and daughters of the original colonies are all mixed with Scot, Irish, Native trash.

it's not even Trump at this point.
congress was useless for wall funding so Cruz finally did something and now the wall is funded by seized cartel money


trump is the only president to have addressed the genocide.

>t. France
You couldn't see the wall even if it was there, you retard


to get votes

after he won the lips sealed shut and now he only opens them to suck kike cocks

Ivanka and Jared told him the wall was racist, so he cancelled it.

>gets BTFO by used car lot judges
>doesn't even bother addressing it
seems pretty bleak desu senpai

dumbasses like you keep using the word "genocide" improperly. Noone is killing whites, we are killing ourselves, and if things continue to go as they have for the past decade then white men will continue to be deliberately emasculated.

Cuckservatives in Congress are being bitches as usual, but it will get done soon. Trump's reaffirmed his commitment to it on Twitter, and he knows that he has to deliver on his central campaign promise if he wants to get reelected

they aren't all useless. cruz is getting wall funding from el chapo

Wtf I'm a cruise missile now
He's an absolute MADMAN

wrong. poisons are in the products white people buy.

it's death for us. big brother has won.



>no muslim ban (x3)
>no health care reform
>no tax reform
>no wall
>no non-intervention

i will vote for anyone next time if the wall isn't built. get the fuck to work trump and quit playing golf

even if it's shillary?

The great leader has spoken! No need to be upset!

[Unintelligble] - Trump, 2017 AP Interview

Words to live by. He even repeated it 16 times, just to drive his point home.

it might have to be cruz since he's the one moving forward with the wall with the el chapo act

It's up your fucking loose asshole favgot. FUCK AMERICA AN FUCK REPUBLICANS


He's not done a damn thing.

He keeps saying he'll build it. Honestly, I'm just waiting for the Zodiac Killer.

360 dementional duck duck goose shareblue, it's all part of le plan.

No get out of our safe space.

Whiny ass French fuck

What wall? That was obviously campaign tactic to fish votes.

cruz deserves a lot of credit for the wall getting built since Trump couldn't get any funding at all