Hillary denied the Holocaust

wtf i'm legitimately with her now

Other urls found in this thread:


>thinking liberals would even care
They didnt care when they voted for her knowing she was corrupt

the election is over user

She denied a Holocaust, not the Holocaust

She'll run again after Trump commited suicide though.

She denied it because she's in contact with (((them))) and knows the truth

You have no idea how American elections work

No I don't.
What happens if Trump and his replacement die?
Interregnum for the next 3 years?

Paul Ryan.

no there's a long chain of command

She was probably sick and tired of having so many goyms whispering shit in her hears that she went full 1488

>tfw it's just the armenian genocide

Everyone at that level knows it's all bullshit but they all have to pretend it's real.
That's how it works.
It's not brave to admit it in a private conversation leaked.

The American independence experiment comes to an end and the Thirteen Colonies return to the fold.

wtf I'm with Hilldawg now.

Our nation goes back under British control.

who redpilled her?


Armenian, not holocaust


Chain of command roughly looks like this:
Speaker of the House
President Pro-temporum
President's Cabinet in a specific order starting with Defense, and going down to HUD.

there's more but i don't have it memorized sry - its long.

all these morons that didn't look at the OP screenshot

Fuck you, you bunch of honorary niggers

wtf i love refugees now


Sup Forums genocide when?

Private Hillary is definitely our girl but public Hillary is putrid.

>behind closed doors
who gives a shit.

I honestly don't even care what Trump thinks. My problem is that he PUSHED THE LIE IN PUBLIC

You were right until after Pro-Tempore
It goes:
Secretary of State, Treasury, Defense

ah, ty user
have a frog meme