1. your political stance (very Sup Forums related)

1. your political stance (very Sup Forums related)
2. your thoughts on emily rudd?

what flag is that?
also who?

Not as good as Katya.

Stop posting photos of my wife.

1. National socialist
2. I don't know who she is

Fiscally and socially conservative. No idea who the fuck Emily Rudd is

What a cunt, she uses a knife to cut the hamburger, and probably sprinkles some lemon juice on it before putting in her mouth.

Absolutely degenerate.


I heard Emily likes brown meat.

1. Confused about what to do, but pissed off about how things are.

2. I don't care about celebrities and neither should you.

get out leafy
>/x/ autism raid is attacking

Of course a Brazilian will be confused at a knife on a plate instead of in a kid from the favelas.

1) Christian Democrat
2) Who is that?


1. ideally libertarian, practically fascist
2. women who eat meat are unattractive

1. American Nationalist
2. Emily Rudd a cute, CUTE!

>women who eat meat are unattractive
>see op pic related

wat, you must be gay or something



1 yes
2 to deprive anyone of meat is terrorism

1. Nationalist ancap
2. Literally who

There is literally no other real woman that is better than her. What's your point?