Why haven't we nuked this fucker yet?

Why haven't we nuked this fucker yet?

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There's no reason to you fucking kike.

>no reason to end starvation in a country

>he really thinks nuking DPRK wouldn't result primarily in massive civilian casualties on a scale much larger than starvation and result in a destabilized area and refugees flooding into an uncaring china

Gee, I don't know, maybe lift some fucking sanctions perhaps?


>refugees flooding into china
I like this idea. See, you're just making me want it more.

No oil

Not your fucking problem/business

Why would the US nuke him?

congratulations, you've completely bought into the war narrative being pushed on you. enjoy your fantasy of being redpilled.


>Why haven't we nuked this fucker yet?

North Korea is best Korea

I thought "nothing was happening"? Stages of grief are apparent here. You are in anxiety and acceptance

if going to war means less koreans playing overwatch, thasss fine

Because China, for whatever reason, is horrified at the thought of a unified Korea.

Why nuke it? Its the only country in the world that isnt ran by kikes

Because he will turn south korea into a sea of flames and in return you will have to turn north korea into a sea of flames.

Do you know what that means? BILLIONS of economic loses for everyone.


Nukes are overkill. Silent assassination is where is at.

Even then, we'd need to have someone in place to take over when he drops, or it would just be another chaotic power vacuum that will spawn another ISIS

That's obviously why we nuke it idiot. Jews are g-ds chosen and emperor Trump will establish true global Jewish hegemony as it should be.

North koreans are nationalistic af so we just need to replace him with someone crazier because happening

Go jump in a woodchipper you zionist slave faggot

Back to leftypol nigger, all anti-Trump posters are shills and cucks.

>he fell for the nuke meem
They don't exist. Also North Korea is a fake state.

>no reason to end starvation in a country by nuking them all so they die and stop being hungry

I am more inclined to believe that the amount of refugees making their way into Manchuria or anywhere else afterwards will be insignificant since most of those who survive the attack will die of starvation following the pulverization of the already precarious food infrastructure system.