Is there someone who comes close to the Rothschilds power level?

Is there someone who comes close to the Rothschilds power level?

Who is the most powerful Rothschild right now?

The Bogdanoff Twins.

like you have to ask


pff what do they control?

the Rothschilds control 99.9% of all central banks

rothschilds are a front for knights templar

Jesuit Order. They literally controled all education and financial power of Europe before the Rothschilds take over. Sometimes, it feels more a extension of the revolutionary movement...Also, they are literally the main branch of (((Liberal))) Catholicism now along the freemasonry which infected all christianity since XVIII century.

knights templar would never allow muslims in europe

you have 12 families that run the world

Rothschild (Bauer or Bower)
Cavendish (Kennedy)
De Medici
Sinclair (St. Clair)
Warburg (del Banco)
Windsor (Saxe-Coburg-Gothe)

Rothschild here. Right now my grandpa is the most powerful person in the world


I know the new Pope is a Jesuit

So is Tim Kaine and thats why he was nominated vice

Funny thing is

Tim Kaine is Senator from the state where CIA operates

And CIA was funded by jesuits

Is the Pope a CIA asset?

Why did Ratzinger resign?



Can you give me my country's money supply back?

I'll give you the Scots in return.

namefaging while larping

where is dupont and astor?


vatican jesuits

when was the last time they were welcomed rulers in europe in full public view?

oh, right ... last time the people demanded a crusade

try again

wasnt rockfeller ithe kingpin?

under those 13 you have other families

thats far fetched

they already ahve absolute power why play that game

whats your cirteria for these families? god

>all european

you need to branch out a bit, i.e. Li family in china

Can you guys post youtube links about interesting documentaries about powerful families and their history or something? I love that kind of stuff

here's the quick gestalt

0.vatican jesuit banking
1.rothschilds and schifs banking families from the same house in frankfurt germany jewing and incorporating every royal family into international banking business,
then 5 rothschilds sons establishing 5 banks in Germany, France, Italy, UK, Austria and Spain
2.Rothschilds then procedes to USA where they create another 2 powerfull banking families/agents - the Rockefellers and Morgans
Then they all finanace USA industrialisation gigants like Ford Mototrs, Carnegie steels and Hariman railroads, westingthon house
the rest is history

the Vatican Jesuit - Rothschilds relations are gray area for me - they do exists but i do not know who is in charge

Only books:

Permanent Instruction: Alta vendita
Fire in the minds of man: Origins of Revolutionary Faith.