Is there life after death

Is there life after death

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Yeah. Life goes on.

Death is the start point of life.

flat circle, ect.


>Is there life after life ceases?

I had sex with a dead body.

Only one way to find out.

well yes there is life of all the other things on earth


Energy that animates your body shall return to the one infinite greatness, don't worry it will be painless and full of joy

Yes, yes, and no
Your ego will live on for a short time but eventually you'll accept oblivion. If not you'll end up stuck in some odd 4th dimensional plane of existence. Don't worry, you won't be there forever. Sooner or later you'll dissolve back into the great mass [Nirvana] and become assimilated then distributed back to the world of the living. Life will go on.

No. You are a rotting body in a coffin or a pile of ashes after you die so make the most of what you got while alive.

I don't know. Hopefully so. Hopefully I'll see you all there, and we can enjoy Lower Valhalla together.

Have you experienced ego death?

I have to say, it is extremely hard to stay in the state for environment is hostile and ego is our defense against it, protecting the fragile and loving soul.

Thoughts on 13 steps to enlightenment?


You are proof of life after death.

Yes but it belongs to other people

Yes just not your life.

I don't have any recollection of anything before I was born so I'm pretty sure that'll be what awaits me after I die.

Wasn't really all that bad the first time.

Why do people get sucked into the whole, "life is meaningless, we are just a part of the universe and the universe will just go on" meme? It is obvious that we are something special and that life isn't all mechanical. What do others think is really going on?

This. We're all manifestations of energy using carbon based meat vehicles to shitpost. Use your time wisely anons.

Anyone who wants any sort of eternal life or after life is insane, so most people. Nonexistence should be the only thing somebody wants when they die.

Never had the pleasure. Never been a huge fan of drugs but would love to try ayahuasca one day.
No clue on the 13 steps, first I've heard of them but it seems both too many and too few for a concept like enlightenment. I try not to sweat the small stuff like entropy, there are too many mysteries left in our world to fret about death. In my view enlightenment is just a practice to make the process of ego death and assimilation all the easier but a foolish way to live your life. This life we live is one of experience and even the smallest moments are not wasted so long as you try to experience something. Isolation and introspection might create a clean soul but is a white shirt any more clean than a red shirt because it doesn't have colour?

I feel like there is something beyond.
Reincarnation might exist since some people can remember things fton the past that they never heard before.

I remember some kid used to talk about dying in a fire in a house in europe or something, he remembered details, specific details.
And when the dad looked it up, there was this big fire in some town where his great grandad lived. Some of the details the kid talked about fit.

There was no way the kid knew.
There have been a dozen or so real cases of kids knowing things that did happen

People might not believe in the paranormal and thats fair, skeptics have their right

But there have been weird situations where people have been saved by seeing things.
I remember on tv on the news years agothis little girl was walking with her but she saw her dead grandma behind some trees. The girl ran to see her and at that point a car crashed against where she was standing.
She was saved by seeing her nana.

In size we may be small but as far as our technology can see we are the most complex lifeforms around.
We carry a spark and what we do with it is far more important than to dwell on why we have it in the first place. Do not let those questions hinder your forward momentum but never forget that you are special.

quality post


when you die there is nothing

we are not special snowflake in infinite universe

>Your ego will live on for a short time but eventually you'll accept oblivion.
How do you know that? Have you had nde?

That's deep.

Yes, it doesn't stop.

It just gets a little shittier.

I've yet to die "naturally" though.

No. That's why it's called death. Life ends.

Nah. Human beings are a pattern. Like a whirlpool, it's never made of the same water. Eventually the structure can no longer persist itself and it dissipates into the stuff it's made of. The only way to continue living is to transfer your pattern, your experience, into the future indefinitely is through reproduction and parenting.

The great goal of life is to broaden the scope of your perspective to see that you are an organ in a larger meta-organism.The cellular stuff of life, this DNA-based strategy game where you are on the same team as orangutans and bananas. In the same way your cells transduce signals and move towards the food, you are a component in a larger Earth metabolism.

This great goal of life is to perceive, through your limited pinhole camera on existence, that "you" aren't real as a divisible and separate entity. If you lined up your ancestors shoulder to shoulder, how far would you have to walk before they didn't look quite human? Not as far as you would think. "You" are an organ in a living creature which is quite old, and still quite young, and death isn't really anything to worry about.

Physics: there is no annihilation, only transformation

You can't answer this question without the first understanding what life is. 99% of people are completely clueless, they don't understand what living means so they can never understand the concept of death. but to answer your question: yes.

Yeah. The program terminated hopefully with a zero.

>ctrl+f "jesus"
>0 results
it's like you guys don't even WANT eternal life

Dead guy here. Can confirm that there is life after death. 10/10 would do again.

OP are you mildly retarded? Can you hear what you're saying? Let me spell it out for you. No, when you're dead you're dead. You rot. No brain activity.Finito. Caput. That's it. Over and done. No majical fairyland with 69 virgins dumbass.

hey, that's pretty interesting.
> If you lined up your ancestors shoulder to shoulder, how far would you have to walk before they didn't look quite human? Not as far as you would think. "You" are an organ in a living creature which is quite old, and still quite young, and death isn't really anything to worry about.

That's a very pretty picture of Enceladus.

our bodies are not our true form, we will live and have lived eternally as energy beyond the third dimension. our "lives" and the time we spend living them are just a drop of water in an endless sea

I have pondered this for years. I don't know.

> Ain't no one unnerstan day soul shit nigga

Physical models indicate that from your perspective other people's lives end at death, implying yours does too.

> U don't see ghosts n sheet cause u ain't got no soul nigga

Prayer doesn't work. Neither does visualization.

> I ain't gonna see age 30 nigga, prayer don't stop no bullets nigga


Your conscious awareness collapses wavefunctions. Until you see it, it's entangled with the measurement equipment.

> Ay yo God plays dice mang, lemme get my soft gamer nigga to stuff yo brain cells
> Eh mang, it's like War Hammer 40 nigga, God only rolls the dice when I move or some otha nigga moves on me. If dat shit don't affect me then God dont roll no dice, God just keep track of how many dice he gonna roll if that shit did affect me

So, given that stuff is modeled as a wavefunction when I'm not looking at it, and a single observation when I do look at it, I conclude I'm inside a resource-constrained simulation that is monitoring my thoughts.

> God plays dem dice with me.

So, all I can do is play the game as it is set to me. Since my conscious mind is entirely within the system, I cannot escape the system unless it lets me out.

> I play grand theft auto, nigga, but ain't no way the popo can follow me outta muh Xbox up into muh crib

But the Gnostics say we are trapped in a false system created by the Demiurge, who imposed additional rules within a creation that is more freeing and loving outside of the Demiurge's control, and that we are all parts of God, observing itself.

Also, the elites worship the Devil, and sacrifice kids to it. It's proooooobably just for blackmail, though.

Religious faith evolved. Godel's Incompleteness Theorem says mathematically that we can't know for sure if we have correct beliefs about what's outside our Universe.

> muh priest don't take muh confession no more, mang.

tl;dr: win your life, and leave this question for AIs.

Better question, is there life on Enceladus?


but every moment really is eternal already, jesus was living it and trying as best he could to tell us

eternity is not 'a long time' eternity is not 'in time' - joseph campbell

Also, be saved by faith. I used to be Christian as a whelp, then took the hardcore atheist pill for a solid 2 decades. Now I believe in faith again.

Probably, but just very simple life like microbes. Enceladus is estimated to be very young only like 100 million years old.


What brought you back friend?

Sure, it's just for a part of you that isn't your body or mind. Your body and mind are gonna be toast.

There's no reason to believe there would be, just faith if you want to believe. But there's not evidence of any such thing.

Can't tell if it's growing up or brain damage. I've seen too much, especially these last few years on Sup Forums. Bottom line is there came a point when I had to either say "God With Us" or neck myself, and I made a promise many years ago that I would see this life through to the end. Thus, the decision was made for me, in a way. For faith combined with unfeeling autism is a force that will run forever.

"You" are your mind.

Ever blacked out before or had anesthesia?

Your point of view/consciousness perceives it as one moment counting backwards from 10, the very next is waking up with a mask being lifted off your face.

As far as you are aware, you didn't even exist for those hours you were under. Surgical anesthesia is the closest you can get to dying and still come back safely and reliably. Your brain just get switched off almost.

When your brain does switch off completely. It's over, you don't exist anymore.

Even if your body still works "You" are dead.

"Braindead" is just plain dead.

Until all that is alive dies, yes.

After that there's nothing again, like there was nothing before. Who knows. Maybe a quantum fuckaringadjangoboo sometime after the Heat Death will spawn another universe like this one and it all happens all over again.

Point is not to worry about it. Try and be happy.


Our Spirits Live After We Die
We are the spirit children of our Father in Heaven. While we lived with Him in heaven as spirits, we did not have physical bodies. It was part of His plan for us to be born on this earth and for our spirits to receive bodies of flesh and bones. Our spirits are what gives life to our physical bodies while we live on the earth.

Just as to be born was a part of our Father in Heaven’s plan for us, another part of His plan is for us to die. When we die, our spirits leave our bodies. Without the spirit, the body has no life and is placed in a grave.

But our spirits lived before our birth, and they will continue to live after death. When we die, our spirits will go to the spirit world to wait for the resurrection, while the body remains in the grave.

In the spirit world our spirits will have the same form as when we lived on the earth with bodies of flesh and bones. We will look as we do here. We will think the same way and believe the same things as we did here. Those who are righteous in this life will still be righteous. Those who were unrighteous will still be unrighteous. We will have the same desires after we die as we had while on this earth.

So I am trapped here? Given that i can only perceive timelines in which I reawaken...There is no escape?

The Spirit World Is a Place for Working, Learning, and Waiting
Our Father in Heaven’s prophets have told us many things about the spirit world. One place is called paradise. When a person dies who has accepted the gospel and been a faithful follower of Jesus, that person’s spirit goes to paradise. This is a place where people are happy and peaceful. Here they are free from trouble, sorrow, and pain. They can do many worthwhile things, such as teach others about the gospel or learn more about it themselves.

The other place is called spirit prison. Three kinds of people will be there. There will be those who were wicked in this life, those who lived good lives but did not accept the gospel, and those who never had the opportunity to hear the gospel.

Our Father in Heaven’s prophets have told us that missionaries will be sent from among the righteous in the spirit world to teach the gospel to all the spirits of the dead people. Many will accept the gospel and repent. Necessary saving ordinances will be done for them by living persons in our Father in Heaven’s temples. Relatives or other members of the Church do these ordinances for them. Then they will be able to leave the spirit prison. In this way, our Father in Heaven provides opportunity for all His children to receive the blessings of the gospel no matter when they lived on the earth.

Eventually all those in the spirit world will be resurrected. In the resurrection, the spirit and the body will be joined together again. Even though the body has decayed and become dust while it was in the grave, it will become an immortal and perfect body. The scriptures say that not even a hair of our heads will be lost and that all things will be restored to their proper and perfect frame.

In the resurrection the body and the spirit will be joined, never to be separated again.

We are judged many times during our eternal lives. We were judged while we still lived with our Father in Heaven to see if we were worthy to come to this earth and obtain bodies. We are judged while here to see if we are worthy to be baptized. Men are judged to see if they are worthy to be given the priesthood. We are judged to see if we are worthy to enter the temple to receive special blessings. After we die, we are judged, and the reward we receive will depend on how we lived on earth.

After we are resurrected, we will be brought before our Father in Heaven to be judged for the last time. This is called the Last Judgment. This last judgment will decide where we will go to live forever. We will be judged by the things we said and did and thought in this life. We will be judged by how well we followed Jesus’ teachings. We will be judged by records that have been kept both on this earth and in heaven. Our Father in Heaven will have Jesus judge us.

Jesus loves us very much, but He is a just judge and must judge us by the kind of lives we lived. All we have thought or said or done is recorded, both in our minds and in records that have been kept. Jesus knows all of our deeds, and when we stand before Him we will remember them, too.

We Decide by Our Daily Actions What Will Happen to Us After We Die
If we do what is right during our lives, we will prepare ourselves to live forever with our Father in Heaven and the good people of the earth. If we have not followed our Father in Heaven’s commandments, we will feel very bad when we stand before Jesus to be judged.

Prophets have said that our words, our thoughts, and all our works will condemn us if they have been bad. They have said that the wicked will stand before Jesus with shame and awful guilt and wish to hide from His presence.

For each person who has lived on this earth, then, the day of the Last Judgment will be either a wonderful day or a sad day. We should prepare for this future moment so ours will be a happy day. We want to be able to stand before our Father in Heaven without shame and hear Him say He approves of what we did during our lives.

We should think about this last judgment. We should be faithful to Jesus Christ and repent of our sins to the end of our lives so we will be ready for it. That is the only way we can be free from all sin when that time comes. If we have faith in Jesus Christ and repent of all our sins, our Father in Heaven will forgive us for our sins and help us become completely without sin. If we are faithful to Jesus Christ, we will spend our lives doing good things, thinking good thoughts, and speaking good words. We will avoid people, books, and places that would cause us to think bad thoughts or be unrighteous in any way.

Our Father in Heaven loves each of us and wants us to live to be worthy to return to His presence. If we desire to live with Him and the good people we love, we must have faith in Jesus Christ and do the things He commands us to do. We must also help our families to live good lives. Our Father in Heaven will help us. He has given us the gospel to show us the way and has told us we can always pray to Him for His help.

I have to agree with this post.

When I had my 1st ever grand mal seizure, I lost consciousness.

As soon as that happen, I might as well have been declared dead because my consciousness simply cease to exist.

> The scriptures say that not even a hair of our heads will be lost [when Mormon Jesus resurrects us]

So will I be as bald as I am now, or as non-bald as I was when I wasn't an oldfag?

The energy in your body and the matter still lives on, I guess.

You're stuck here till you die, then you just don't exist anymore

hers a map for you lost sheep out there

I hope not. Think of all the horrible stupid people you know from just your own life. Now think of a place where everyone like that who ever lived is there shitting things up. I don't want to go to that place.

You will be restored to a "PERFECT FORM"

Yea that too

Yes, but we gotta wait for all the fagets on the server to die or have the round time out before we can respawn.

Define death

> Aryan masterrace???

Is LDS compatible with National Socialism? I am seriously about ready to get in touch with my local temple to get joined up. I want lots of non-degenerate kids and will be a good husband (rich and loyal).

> Is LDS anti-ZOG?
> Is LDS pro-space-colonization?
> Is LDS anti-racemixing?

Two kinds of death are spoken of in the scriptures. One is the death of the body, which is caused by the separation of the body from the spirit; “The body without the spirit is dead” (James 2:26). The other is spiritual death, which is to die as pertaining to, or to be separated from, righteousness—to be alienated from the things of God (Alma 12:16, 32; 40:26). Both of these deaths were introduced into the world by the Fall of Adam. But death is also the consequence of our own sins. We make our own spiritual death by our works, our thoughts, and our actions. As Paul said, “The wages of sin is death” (Rom. 6:23), and some are “dead” while they live (1 Tim. 5:6).

In explaining these things, Jacob called the physical death the grave and spiritual death he called hell. The Atonement of Jesus Christ will bring all persons back into the presence of God to be judged, the body coming forth from the grave and uniting with the spirit released from paradise or from hell (as the case may be). This will restore all mankind to the presence of God. This is the same as Paul spoke: “For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive” (1 Cor. 15:21–23). Then those who have willfully rebelled against the light and truth of the gospel will suffer again a spiritual death, which is called the second death (Rev. 20:14; Alma 12:16–18; Hel. 14:16–19; D&C 76:36–37). Each person suffers only one physical death, since when once resurrected, the body can die no more (Alma 11:42–45).

Latter-day revelation teaches that there was no death on this earth before the Fall of Adam. Indeed, death entered the world as a direct result of the Fall (2 Ne. 2:22; Moses 6:48).

Let's find out.

Concerning your national socialism, here is this:

The Lord has said that in the last days there will be “wars and rumors of wars, and the whole earth shall be in commotion, and men’s hearts shall fail them” (D&C 45:26). As members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, we are a people of peace. We follow the Savior, who is the Prince of Peace. We look forward to His millennial reign, when wars will end and peace will be restored to the earth (see Isaiah 2:4). However, we recognize that in this world, government leaders sometimes send military troops to war to defend their nations and ideals.

Additional Information
Latter-day Saints in the military do not need to feel torn between their country and their God. In the Church, “we believe in being subject to kings, presidents, rulers, and magistrates, in obeying, honoring, and sustaining the law” (Articles of Faith 1:12). Military service shows dedication to this principle.

If Latter-day Saints are called upon to go into battle, they can look to the example of Captain Moroni, the great military leader in the Book of Mormon. Although he was a mighty warrior, he “did not delight in bloodshed” (Alma 48:11). He was “firm in the faith of Christ,” and his only reason for fighting was to “defend his people, his rights, and his country, and his religion” (Alma 48:13). If Latter-day Saints must go to war, they should go in a spirit of truth and righteousness, with a desire to do good. They should go with love in their hearts for all God’s children, including those on the opposing side. Then, if they are required to shed another’s blood, their action will not be counted as a sin.

This. Only those who have experienced an ego death will know this feel. Go take about 1gram of DXM and come back and make another thread in about 12 hours.

Even when the thrill of living is gone

Lol spirit consciousness is not dependent on the physical form faggot. There are many, many testimonies of people having after death experiences after having been declared dead. How do you explain that?

Today the church is far more lenient with race-mixing (they dont care)
But here is this:

Joseph Smith opposed interracial marriages. He once indicated that he felt that black peoples should be "confined by strict law to their own species," which some have said directly opposes Smith's advocacy for all other civil rights.

In Nauvoo, it was against the law for black men to marry whites, and Joseph Smith fined two black men for violating his probation of intermarriage between blacks and whites.

>Humans are en route to developing better and better simulation technology.
>To the point where we can simulate a whole new reality, like the movie The Matrix.

>Given this trend, it's astronomically probable that this has already occurred and that our consciousnesses are in fact a part of one such simulation.

>The programmers of this simulation are incalculably sadistic and coded for an afterlife of eternal misery for all.
Everybody goes to Hell and suffers for a virtual eternity. There you go, OP.

In 1958, church apostle Bruce McConkie published "Mormon Doctrine" in which he stated that "the whole negro race have been cursed with a black skin, the mark of Cain, so they can be identified as a caste apart, a people with whom the other descendants of Adam should not intermarry." The quote remained through all editions until the church's Deseret Book ceased printing the book in 2010.

Life is hell, any joy you can experience will be equally met with relative misery, death is the reward you get for living

Were already there dumbass


Church apostle Mark E. Petersen, who was often said to have an extreme position with regards to the priesthood ban, said in 1954: "I think I have read enough to give you an idea of what the Negro is after. He is not just seeking the opportunity of sitting down in a cafe where white people eat. He isn't just trying to ride on the same streetcar ... it appears that the Negro seeks absorption with the white race. He will not be satisfied until he achieves it by intermarriage. That is his objective and we must face it."

Probably. At worst, we live on literally through our children and our genetic people.
But everything fades, and someday man will see no more light as the last stars go out and endless night sets in.

You don't believe that, do you? I was asking from a philosophical standpoint.

I do believe that, there are 2 kinds of death, the latter is why people are depressed generally

What I think OP is trying to ask is there another form of life independent of this reality after death. I'm sure he's aware of how death works and is viewed as a finality, but is curious if there is... another form of existence once bodily function has ceased.

What is spirit consciousness?

Fucking checked

Earth is half in hell?

That is just your opinion.

no one fails to survive death

manly p hall.

who is this semen demon

no, just bad drawing, hell isnt what you think it is, it isnt like sheol, its just a sad place

wife of h3h3

As you are, user-kun.

No one knows, although philosophically you can't make a good argument for why there should be one, specially given the limitations of a human being to even conceptualize very long timescales. Still, I don't want to die and would really want there to be one that includes justice and peace for all.

10/10, quality post user, really gets the neurons firing