Be me

>be me
>Grandfather's Birthday is coming up. Decide to get my two weeks vacation and visits the family in the old country
>laughing and eating with my family in the party having a good time
>Cousin is talking about how (((they))) are ruining everything
>tell GP the Nazis should have won the Great Patriotic War
>he Stays Silent and just takes a deep breath, probably doesn't want to ruin the party
>Cousin tells him he wishes he could join something like that today
>next thing I know my grandfather just decked my cousin
>My cousin tries to give a rant. "Listen here you old piece of shit, if you ever lay a fucking hand on me again you'll wish the nazis fu-"
>Grandfather once more punches him in the nose
>My cousin finally gets his bearings and GP is staring him down
>get out he says
>Cousin stares at him for a bit then leaves rather sheepily

Pesonally I laughed at my cousin Dumbassery. But How would Sup Forums react in the situation?

Other urls found in this thread:

I'd ask him when he catches his granddaughter with a nigger if he'll still feel he fought for the right side

I have no idea what happened because this was poorly written

Hitler believed that the Soviet people would turn against Stalin and Communism once the Wehrmacht arrived as it would present an opportunity for them to overthrow the goverment. Unfortunately, Russian patriotism is stronger than reason.

>The nazis were the good guys.
Would have told my cousin to go kill himself to be quite honest

I would have backed up my cousin. Gas the Jews

Why is this retarded ass copy pasta repeated

>reddit pls go

>Wanting to have your grandfather birthday with no political bullshiting is reddit now.

did everybody start cheering?

You didnt present it that way you sperglord, based on what you typed the only fair assumption was that you were saying le ebil nazis are bad.

these copy pasta memes? stop. and options field

I like the version where the fag OP is the one who gets knocked out

No, everyone remained silent and the mood became depressive thereafter.

>What I can only assume to be a grown man, likely in his prime, taking punched from someone who is at least 70 years old

Yeah I fuckin' doubt it

>People need to present etiquette.
Jesus christ.


>>What I can only assume to be a grown man, likely in his prime, taking punched from someone who is at least 70 years old

I would have not been an autist and not spewed out Sup Forums rhetoric so bluntly. If he were in the war I would have not mentioned it at all because it may have been a personal/touchy subject, since you know, he was in a fucking war.

U know what gets me, op? I'll bet your grandpa agrees with the (them)) part. Most russians do.

But your cousin took it a step too far. After all, even old adolf said before he died that the Germans were a disgrace and the Slavs were the true master race all along.

He's Russian, retard. His granddaughter won't marry a nigger, she'll marry a glorious Russian bogatyr of a man.

You made this thread already but you were the guy who got punched. Or is that the joke?

C пpocoнья нe пoнял - дeд y тeбя пpoтив жeнить дoчepи нa нeгpe?

And be a outcast

or a hach :^)

So How does your country handle the Whole Patriotic war?

Your cousin is a cuck.

Unless he is German, ofc, but something tells me he is not.
It's similar to jews vouching for monarchy genuinely thinking that they were some sort of the nobility.

Long live your gramps.

I did choke the commie then and install gentoo on his computer later.

Krauts and their lapdogs were too eager in the whole "russkie untermensch" so only masochists and white niggers continued fighting for them.

What do expect from hardcore autistic people?

> I'll bet your grandpa agrees with the (them)) part. Most russians do.


>But your cousin took it a step too far

True as well. Fucker openly declared that he is a white nigger and he needs German master race to oversee him.

Gramps should've cave his head in with kostyl'

Jews got into royalty. They brought it, they were in trusted councils because Christians were forbidden to do usury.

Why would people even side with nazis these days? I mean they are not nordic, so they know how nazis would treated them. 9th of may is still national holiday.

>getting beat up by an old man
your cousin must be alt-right

And then they all clapped, right OP?

These stories are all bullshit

fake pasta, not a single russian ever says it even among edgy teens, not talking about the war veterans

>this fucking thread for the third night in a row


>tfw your country was neutral in WW2 so your grandfathers were dumbass dirt farmers instead of heroic soldiers

> Christians were forbidden to do usury.

Everyone shat on these rules, mate. Every miroyed on the fucking village gave no fucks about the whole "forbidden part" and pops were only glad because they were getting their share.

good, more of that needs to happen to those shits. I wouldve decked him too for that comment after getting decked

What about your ancestors who fought and bled to barely stave off a country 1/4 your size in the "Turkish War of Independence"

Fake, I thought the grandfather punched you in the last one?

Haцдeмы и либepaхи (пpaвдa бoльшe из экcпaтoв) и нe тaкyю хyйню гoвopят.

Движyхa из пoлyпoкepoв типa Misantropic division, или жe yнылыe oбижeнки типa Ингepмaнлaндии, или жe "хaocиты-нaциoнaлдeмoкpaты", кoтopыe в Укpaинyшкy мигpиpoвaли типa paperdaemon'a.

Taк чтo впoлнe вoзмoжнo, чтo кaкoй-нибyдь лaйкoвый мaлoлeтний пиздюк peшил выeбнyтьcя и пoлyчил пo щщaм.

>ITT: Things that never happened

You sat in your room and got hard when you made this shit up I bet

Two important questions:

is your cousin Russian or American-born like you?

is your grandfather old enough to have fought in WW2?

>dirt farmers
why is that so funny?

Unfortunately (or fortunately), Hitler was a stupid faggot.

would have called him a traitor to his people and whipped his old fucking ass, give him a proper beatdown and leave him in a pool of his own blood, sweat, piss and shit.

>t. OP's cousin

I'd ask him nothing. Instead, I'd ask OP why he would be such a LARPing faggot and re-edit a previous shill post in order to seem original. Thoughts?

I dunno, watching the current downfall of Europe to multiculturalism and the Muslim hordes kind of makes that a hard bluepill to keep down. Vlad The Impaler was also a bad guy, but he's also the only reason Europe didn't fall to the shitskins centuries ago.

>talking about politics at Grandpa's birthday
>upsetting grandpa during his birthday

Fuck off. Why couldn't you just get drunk on his birthday and talk about women and cars or something he would enjoy. Instead you piss him off and bait him into fighting your cousin.

Seen this thread before why do you post it a few more times just so we iwll get the messege

>is your cousin Russian or American-born like you?
My cousin and I are Both Russian born in Russia. I, however, Moved to America (legally) almost two decades now to find a job and to make enough money to support my family back home.

>is your grandfather old enough to have fought in WW2?
No, He did not join Officially per se but he did fight in the war.

Did you ever ask your grandpa how many kraut women he raped during the war?

>Did you ever ask your grandpa how many kraut women he raped during the war?

All of them.

Now fuck off, nigger

He was a partisan?

Fake story

Did he at least shout ypa! ??

Well? What was his response?

I don't necessarily disagree with your cousins sentiment outside of his stupidity not realizing a Russian defeat would mean the end of Russia. I think the fascism would've worked beautifully for the Russians if it got to them before Jewish gommunism did



This absolutely happened in Ukraine.

Until of course the Einsatzgruppe, following behind the Army, started shipping all the Slavic untermensch to death camps.

Hitler was retarded.

Greece. They only lost to Turkey because they overextended instead of consolidating Constantinople

Also dont be a retard usa should never have interfered with germany

Don't like people bringing up your degenerate past, Andrei? It really is true, isn't it? Slavs are the niggers of the white world.

You calling the Finns white niggers?

They declared war on us first

>He did not join Officially per se but he did fight in the war.
So what you're saying that, as a child, he fought against the Nazis and watched his friends die.

And your cousin told your grandfather to his face that the Nazis who tried to kill him should have won (and, although I'm sure your cousin doesn't think of it like this, completed their program to enslave the Slavic races and reduce them to a state of agricultural serfdom).

What the fuck is wrong with some people? I know that, having not experienced war themselves, a lot of younger people have trouble fully getting to grips with how horrific it is to have people trying to kill you and to watch people you care about die violently. But he should have been able to at least work out that saying that stuff probably wasn't going to go down well with your grandfather.

Your cousin was lucky he only got punched. I can only imagine what Russian partisans did to Nazi collaborators back in the Great Patriotic War. Maybe you should remind your cousin that your grandfather has quite possibly killed people for saying shit like that.

hey give me back my loonie eh

Oh you must be diaspora, downplaying roaches achivements

To give them credit, they got hold of a lot of then Greek lands, I would say it was quite a victory for a dead empire. Not ideal per se but still, Turks got a much much better deal compared to Hungary or Germany due to their resistance post wwI

child partisan.

no the nips did and not on order of the nazis

What actually works beautifully for us is a government that on the surface to outsiders seems intrusive but once you get past the surface is just a show and people rely on self reliance. It doesn't matter if that government system is called socialism, communism, fascism, monanarchism, fedarlism, etc. it always boils down to us relying on ourselves. We survived the 80s and the 90s in spite of whom was in charge because of ability to take care of myself within the system

No. Too depressed that one of his grandsons would have sided with Germans

This is the order of events.

Japan attacked Pearl Harbor and declared war immediately.

USA declared war on Japan in response.

Hitler then declared war on the United States.

The United States declared war on Germany in response.

Historians say Americans had a very strong aversion to declaring war on Germany even after Pearl Harbor. Hitler deciding to declare war on the US is seen as one of his most stupid unforced errors.

no you are

I'd accept that banter coming from literally any other western country than Sweden.

>implying the fall of the nazis is the only reason Europe is where it is today
>implying a fascist strong centralized government that strictly controls the population is the only solution
>being this bluepilled

>be me

I want le/ddit/ to leave

>I'd accept that banter
it wasnt banter
youre probablly a spic or if youre not you have injun or nigger blood

>56% 200 kiloes landwhale talking about whiteness n shiet

Nah, I'm half potato nigger/eternal anglo, and half kraut/frog with a splash of spaghetti nigger and snow cuck thrown in for good measure.

which state?

He said none. But I think that was a lie.

>And then the whole train started slow-clapping

Turks lost more territory after the war than any other participant except Austria. What achievements? Would you consider the US defeating Costa Rica an achievement?

Why would that be relevant?

That's just the government being too corrupt and incompetent to enforce true totalitarianism. When has Russia ever had a cohesive enough government to pull that off? Maybe Stalin, but he was a lunatic himself and I don't think we'll see his like again

cause most people without mongrel blood are usually from new england

I feel the same

>and then he punched him and everyone clapped yay kill nazis!!!

Fake story or your cousin is a literal sperg.

Cousin should have been too scared of you to show up and run his mouth at Grandpa on his birthday.

Or just a small rural town outside Mississippi


OP tell his some stories you heard from your gramps.

>I wanted to sort of redo my shitpost from last night and hope no one would notice

Man I remember the first time I watched this video. Fucking mint. You can see the young guy laughing like "heh, look at this silly old cunt" and then the old fella dodges the punches like he's the wind and slams that sissy cunt down to the ground. Serves him right for tying his hair back like a fag.

There's not much to say since he never spoke about what he did in the war. Except for the rare times, we annoyed him as children.