Why is it illegal to posses a video of a 17 year old masturbating?

but its fine to collect images and videos of people getting tortured and killed?

This does not makes sense.

women's suffrage


who is this semon demon?

It endangers the person in the video. There's nothing dangerous about dead people

Where can I find vid of 17 years woman old masturbating

Endangers how?

That's an insane way to look at things.

You're saying that a video of a kid being raped is illegal because of "endangerment," but a video of the kid being raped and murdered would be fine?



why isnt a young girl running through a rice field with napalm dripping off her body, completely naked, considered cp? why were we able to see that horrific picture at such a young age, but no photos of vc atrocities?

why have the isis execution videos suddenly disappeared?

why is it ok to broadcast private lewd conversations donald trump had on national television over and over again?

why is it ok for some people to talk to russian diplomats, but when others do it is treason?


Who gives a shit?

those of us that can still get erections, sven.

Why is nudity censored on tv, yet it's ok to show extreme violence?

So you can masturbate to underage porn? 18 ain't good enough? Funny fatty dumb burger. Bet you only know one language.

i only need one faggot, i have higher verbal IQ than you

ps age of consent laws were made by white men afraid of niggerdick and feminists

Pretty much this. We can watch 9/11 where thousands die but that's somehow okay because it doesn't incur insecurities to some washed up hags.

actually i think its because nudity just leads viewership into a death spiral. think of all the hours people wasted online with porn. if broadcasters could have peddled porn back in the day when there were only like 15 channels it would have been a madhouse. they would all be competing to seduce and exploit the best looking women by any means possible. when i look at porn addiction and the internet i feel like they must have gotten something right.

my biggest dilemma is the way obscenity is selectively released at a particular time. the image of a dead little boy on a beach would normally be hidden from the public, but these days it goes viral and it's almost demanded that you look at it and dwell on it. the way its time and released is just disturbing.

anybody remember nick berg in iraq? then they went dark on horror videos, then all of a sudden they kicked them back up with isis. now all of a sudden they seem to have gone dark again, except with the syrian gas attack.

Because the people killed were consenting adults

Why do you need a 17 year old when you can have this?

more like burguer demon

retarded people, oh wait no,
both are legal here, good thread op.

Who consents to get tortured to death?

Oh another contradiction is media reporting of suicides. Up until very recently they had an unwritten rule to never do stories on them for fear of copy cats.

Yet school shootings get global media coverage. Why are they not worried about copy cats in that case?

Because the barren-womb lawmakers of state/fed gov'ts and their $-driven focus-groups and the typical 30+ FAT/FAT/FAT women voters don't want competition to the relatively fertile pre-18 aged females.

i.e., we fucked up in live, now we're 30+ years, and we want men to be our Beta cuck providers for life.

I don't mean just under age teens. I mean CP in general. Surely molestation or rape is less of a crime that murder or torture. Yet owning one can land you in jail and owning the other is perfectly legal. What gives?

What kind of diet does it take to get like that?

I mean, what exactly do you eat everyday? And how much?

>This does not makes sense.


C (porn)

naked burnt girl does not equal porn

thats the dealieo leaf (nice proxy)

porn is what makes the diff, you can google nudity right now from nudist colonies and not be in trouble because its not PORN but once you make it porn you get vanned, idiot

Some people used to jack off to nudist magazines, so it doesn't matter whether something is intended to be pornographic or not, it can be consumed as pornography.

"Shocking" videos are consumed in a similar manner to pornography and so should not be treated any differently.