Whitepill and/or redpill me. Is it worth it to keep going?

>be me, an 18-year-old white, cisgender, homosexual male living in the shithole that is Oklahoma in his senior year of high school

>the only thing keeping me from dolphin-diving onto the interstate is that I'm going to KU (University of Kansas) in the fall

>feels like the world is getting shittier with each passing day, what with mass rioting, livestreamed facebook murders, and surrounded by backwater retards/spoiled wannabe valley girls who won't last a week in the real world

As someone on the verge of graduation... i-it's going to get better, right?

Other urls found in this thread:


not for you, faggot

i dont think you know what those words mean

>homosexual male

>feels like the world is getting shittier with each passing day
>what with mass rioting, livestreamed facebook murders

>not enjoying the chaos the world is devolving into

clearly you don't belong on Sup Forums, m8

Cisgender: Identifying as male or female, nothing more.
Homosexual: A sexual attraction to those of the same gender.


>the shithole that is Oklahoma
It could be worse. You could be living in Texshit.


Stop being a faggot you stupid nigger.

what part of 'be me, an 18-year-old white, cisgender, homosexual male" did you not understand, friend?

I don't think (((you))) know what those words mean you fucking retard. Gays can be cisgendered. Cis is identifying as the gender you were born. I can't believe I just typed that shit out, and I hope you lose all your shekels for making me do it

The part where you don't understand that you are a faggot nigger.
GTFO nigger.

Yes it will
Join the official POLGB discord
no trannies allowed

WSU master race checking in. I came here to laugh at you.

it'll get better when we gas people like you

Buddy, I hate to break it to you... but last I checked, 'nigger' was slang for a black person. I'm paler than an average American family from the 50's.

Get off social media and get out of the internet outrage cycle, it'll make you miserable. Sort yourself out first. College is a great opportunity to change yourself on the outside and, more importantly, on the inside.


donchu be dissing the red and blue bird of college superiority

It never gets better

No choice. It's a peristaltic force and the pill is long.

This tbqh desu senpai

As someone graduating from KU this spring, there's plenty of faggots here for you to suck off. You better live it up too before you're bussing tables until the day you die like all the other liberal arts majors (faggots) here

Don't ever fucking say that word again. If you have a dick and balls, say you are a man. If you have lady parts, say you are a women. Quit using fake libtard words. No wonder you're a faggot...

Kill yourself faggot.

Oh, how I wish I could, my friend. Join the other 300+ redneck fuckboys at my high school who will probably never learn how to treat a lady properly.

No reason to continue but to see God before your eyes. It is there. Look inside first.