That feeling when:

That feeling when:
u realize the entire Kek "meme magic" meme movement was 100% fabricated by the CIA.

Why do white people suck so badly?


y? idk, they are all racists and evil

Because of intractable stupidity, mostly. Like this compatriot of yours

KEK is Masonic isnt it? just see it differently, it's a big M for Mason, with two Masonic levels and rulers

Magic in itself is pretty evil
KEKU is a "god" as you say although a false one who is represented by the frog.

This is why the frogs in the ancient egypt story of the pharaoh and moses. All those frogs left the river and died. That was the real, only and true God's show of dominance over the worship of KEKU and fucking with the pharaoh at the same time.
All your kek worship bullshit is demonic and you're the puppet.

You COULD make a case for it however there have been occurrence that have fallen soley on nature, beyond human feets.

did this dude just buy wholesale of the cheapest fabric possible because being morbidly obese you need custom made clothes, gotta save costs?

I earned my paycheck


Keep your mouth clean and your motor running.

I was wondering when this would come out.

About fucking time

he needs a fuck me t shirt.

i dont think magic is the right word. i cast spells, of protection and also to ward off demons, but these are druidic spells, and prayers. and only use them when i have to. this type of magic is very real. and it's very powerful and not evil. this whole kek bs is very plainly a psy op. although the intention that it manifests is real. for every super high iq pol, there is another shadow pol working inside getting paid big bucks to pol the pols

Tfw day of the rake is soon

it's a "she"

Great deception

>day of the rake
overly esoteric pol meme

Or one could argue they are the plague of frogs as the first wave ushering in Christs return. It's almost as if it's up to interpretation.

Christ & Kek & Satan are all the same, they all are social constructions. designed to either bring about order, or disorder with the social stratus

That moment when you over estimate your role in the world's affairs.

Do you think that whale is dead by now?

Possible, your "food" "products", including McDonalds have claimed more lives than axis powers did in WW2.

Says the man from the country where they ferment fish in drain cleaner.


good bulking food tbqh

Whatever. Still fun.

I don't even care. Five eyes always first.

that feeling when:
u realize that traditional science and physics does not explain the way everything in this world works, and that when enough people believe in something, it can actually make it manifest

Kek is a god in the purest sense of the word.
God's are man-made. If tomorrow every single Christian died Jesus christ would die too.

Pol and Sup Forums in general had no idea that they were actually engaging in ancient rituals when this whole Kek frenzy started.

He's real now, gotta live with that.

Go home CIA, you're drunk.

There is some serious meme magic up in this thread. crazy thoth and kek gets say Chaffetz is a pedo cryptojew nigger.

>And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet.

Dragon = America
Beast = Rome
False Prophet = Judaism/Islam