What if he loaded nukes on their submarines and sent them on suicide attack missions?
Can he sink the carrier?
That fat manlet fuck doesnt have the weaponry, all their shit is made of cardboard and most likely the reason their tests fail more times than they succeed
Nukes don't work that way
Oh god, PLEASE somebody photoshop that!
Don't we have 11 more?
Don't forget this glorious rusting piece of shit.
>Windows on a submarine
This is worse than ramps on a carrier.
Yeah he probably could. His subs are actually very hard to detect apparently. He's even got a new class of submarine in his harbors that the US hasn't seen before.
I bet it runs on farts and sunflower seed oil
What are the circles supposed to show?
Crossroads baker couldn't sink U.S. ships built in the 50's, it would probably irradiate the ever-loving fuck out of it and kill everyone onboard by boiling them inside but it's questionable whether a weapon of that yield would actually sink it.
>>Windows on a submarine
>This is worse than ramps on a carrier.
Please tell me are no actually this stupid. The room inside that con tower isn't sealed. IT fills with water when the sub submerges. It's in no way shape or form a part of the pressure hull.
It's not cardboard, they put the booster phases on their scud on the missile upside down so the ends that normally taper towards the main body are facing outwards, whether or not it's because they're morons or they're intentionally trying to send false messages is something else entirely.
A lot of our trannies and homosexuals and women could drown if a modern navy ship goes down
>Inb4 OP accuses me of faggot, see image:
Angled nose/thrust is typical of a booster.
Watch the video, the shit was blowing around in the breeze
Those rockets that NK have dont have vectoring thrusts, and that still doesnt explain the crooked nose cone thats
*about to fall off
I know the video and just watched it again, i don't see it blowing around at all, and then if you look at the surrounding missile platforms every missile has the same exact angled nose and vector nozzle, it's built that way on purpose because it's a booster.
Albeit you typically don't add boosters to scuds, they're likely trying to get extra range out of them.
That's what the S-200 is supposed to look like.
those white dudes are fixing their gook co workers mistake.
Fucking thank you.
Let him be /k/omrade.
>That's what the S-200 is supposed to look like
Wobbling and crooked pieces about to fall off? Dont think so, chief.
If by some miracle he did, NK would light up so bright, the space probe that passed Pluto would see it.
Yes, its a booster, the nose cone makes it separate without any mechanism. Just aerodynamics
I know this sounds weird, but the best way to sink military grade ships are with bubbles. They are designed to be unsinkable with modern weapons but bubbles can fuck them up. It's almost impossible to set this situation up because you can't aim bubbles all they do is float, but if a military grade warship sails over a bubble gun (literally just a huge bubble underneath a massive tarp) the force of it will break the ship in two. Warships aren't designed to take withstand large forces coming from underneath and if the bubble lifts it out of the water it's fucked.
Trigger cavitation with an underwater nuclear detonation to create a bubble then perhaps? didn't think of that one.
>We like to cruise on the surface exposed to the weather.
This is you.
Kim is a giant pussy, he will do nothing to oppose the mighty West.
Oh my fucking god...
What if he sat his fat ass on the port quarterdeck? That would make it top over and sink. His fatness would sink it.
> What if he loaded nukes on their submarines and sent them on suicide attack missions?
This is not how things works, moron.
I'm also doubt if he have any submarines.
The Carriers are considered US soil and any nuclear attack on a carrier would carrier the same consequences as a nuclear attack on the country.
All the more reason to nuke the carriers. US needs a big slap in the face. 9/11 gave me the hardest boner in my life.
holy shit
t. shitskin
Comrade Ivan tell us more of your vast submarine experience, tell us where you sailed.
let's dance
I expect Sup Forums's already well versed on Millennium Challenge 2002 but I'll post because it's relevant and worth considering
>any nuclear attack on a carrier would carrier the same consequences as a nuclear attack on the country
No they won't. Strategic deterrence is a complicated science, perhaps you should actually read even one iota about it before running your mouth on the subject. Now shut the fuck up and go be a neverserved elsewhere.
If you are not aware of the gigantic holes in Van Riper's narrative, you have no business calling yourself "well versed" on MC2002
You can do it with a conventional explosives. Torpedoes have had this capability since WW2, and today it's the standard kill mechanism for torpedoes in anti-surface mode
>I'm also doubt if he have any submarines.
That's because you are an inbred gopnik who doesn't pay attention to the world
> doesn't pay attention to the world
> paying attention to one fat guy's rusty fleet
Perhaps you were too drunk to notice when this happened
Probably it would work. Kim possesses one truly ancient but long-range 50's era Soviet submarine with a 10k km range or so. If he were to fit it with a remote control device and a detonator he could conceivably attack any fleet in the Pacific with it.
It would be a one-shot deal and he could possibly deny it (after all, if he got the fleet who could report it?) but I bet the USA would eventually find out and then Rods From Gods Kim.
russia folk! r u an assasin Sup Forums is great
>this is the state of shilling these days
So Brock actually passed away eh?
or this
Self-promoting faggot, socrates
Those mother fuckers were pretty hard core it turned out.
It doesn't have to look pretty, a nuke strapped to the side sitting under a carrier group is all it needs
You're an idiot who falls completely for fake news
a suicide nuke attack on a sub is actually pretty smart
you wouldn't have to ram the ship, just get within range of the blast.
Not even within range of the blast, just within range of the underwater shock impulse which would presumably travel very much farther than a blast in air because of hydrostatic pressure.
>you wouldn't have to ram the ship, just get within range of the blast.
you know how many enemy subs get within 50 miles of a carrier group?
he has no incentive to attack
if he attacks the US retaliates and no matter which way that goes he loses his life of luxury
he won't give up his nukes because he saw what happened to qadaffi; as long as he has second-strike capability the US won't attack him he thinks (and he's probably right)
nk having nukes just keeps nk safe basically
This just all goes to show that this next war will PROVE surface vessels obsolete.
You can hide a sub because the various thermal layers and whatnot befuddle detection technology, as does careful soundproofing, sound absorbing coatings and probably stealth shapes all can be used to great effect. Surface vessels (other than small fast littoral craft) can be detected too easily these days.
I don't know what an aircraft carrier will look like in the future but it'll be submersible for 100% certain. How far into the future? That depends on how soon WWIII or even a Kim nuking of a strike group takes.
>They are designed to be unsinkable
Oh, like the Titanic
I'm assuming his submarines would be diesel-electric. Even shitty D/E subs are near impossible to track. It sucks but he could probably do some damage. The hellfire that would be rained down on the norks in retaliation though
It'd be pretty hilarious. Go Kim!
He could attack, who knows.
Also we have no idea what the real situation is there, it's unlikely that Kim's in godlike complete control, after all for him to exist he depends on the state itself and primarily his cadre of ancient Generals. Clearly he was ass burned as fuck on the Solar Day or whatever it was like a week or two ago when we told him we'd blow him up if he tested another nuke. Who told him not to do it? Was it just Trump or did the Generals warn against it, or even maybe tell him the test wasn't possible due to technical reasons or some other bullshit?
Look at that fucking face.
we have the prop signature of every NK boat.
calm down jonesey it's just pavarotti you're hearing
They can just swap their props out lol
D/E subs are difficult to track. I am sure the ones he has though aren't really up to the standard of say, the Gotland class boats.
Poor Kim.. RIP soon.. Look at these fucking pictures and compare Kim to latest pics..
He looks like he has gained 40 pounds and 20 years in 2 years.
I was once just a faggot. Now I'm a self promoting faggot by name.
Looks like all the promotion is finally working.
>go incredibly deep
>carrier group launches torpedoes
>as torpedoes blow up you detonate the nuke
>the blast of the nuke deep under water sends boiling irradiated steam upwards and, if you are close enough or worse yet directly under the target, covers the fleet in radioactive fog
sorry man, this is a whole new level of 'oh fuck'
orly.. i was implying we can and do get in very close to all their boats. they can't sneak up on anyone.
when these ships were nuked much of the damage came from falling ice chunks
the upward pressure wave compressed the water vapor in the air or some shit and it all came tumbling down
I just want them to go to war so I have some entertainment
>>go incredibly deep
sound of hull compressing can be heard over 100 miles away. loud and clear.
He makes enough threats or moves the wrong units around to make it look like he's going to attack, and the US attacks preemptively or China does to prevent a war on their border.
Kim has started playing a game he cannot quit. Trump won't back down like previous Presidents did. Kim's only options are to commit to his threats and get destroyed in a war, or back down and prove he's full of hot air (Which risks the North Koreans realizing the sham their government is and revolting)
>the area became radioactive and could not be approached for some time
I'm sorry, but a suicide nuke sub would fuck an entire fleet up
>we know a sub of theirs went down deep and we have an idea of where that was
>well where is it now?
>we don't know sir, that was 3 days ago, it's too deep for sonar to pick up
>sound of hull compressing can be heard over 100 miles away. loud and clear.
Only in very situational circumstances and generally speaking not reliably enough to bet money on
If it gets close enough. And that's the biggest if in the world.
That what will happen, lads. Whole NK is giant bastion. This mountain region reminds me a fucking anthill - they has numerous bunkers, underground facilities and other shit.
Of course they cant BTFO USA, but right after first US air strike they will attack South Korea. Those fuckers will have nothing to lose anymore. They will zerg rush Seoul in first day with huge casualties.
Of course they understand that they will be fucked, and that's why they'll try to damage SK as much as possible.
When NK army will be destroyed, all remained brainwashed dudes will start guerilla warfare in SK jungles and NK mountains.
You cant destroy them without boots on ground, lads.
>we have the knowledge
>we have the technology
>could we make it any gayer?
Or, the NK Military and populace, who've spent 60 years being blasted by propaganda claiming they'll Crush US imperialists instantly, get completely shell shocked, disorganized, and crushed.
And then suddenly all of the previously rare luxuries like internet, porno mags and fizzy drinks become cheap and readily available, and the norks realize that it was all bullshit. Similar to the fall of the USSR.
You Anons have made me genuinely happy with that, carry on.
>surface vessels
look at the one nu-commie defending this shit