The Kek Republic flag

I genuinely like this flag, but I get a lot of flack over it supposedly being cancer from reddit. But I don't browse plebbit and wasn't aware of where this flag design originated from. I just like it. Maybe I just have a shitty art taste. If this isn't up to Sup Forums standards, what could be an original Sup Forums flag?

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The kekistan shit is the cringiest thing to ever take root on this board.

You like the design because it's based on the Nazi battle flag, which was aesthetic af.

kekistan is reddit tier cancer,Kek Republic is where it's at

I don't find it cringey at all. Either you're extremely sensitive or I'm an emotionless shell.

It was started by a Reddit e-celeb and presents Reddit faggotry.

It's autistic LARPing inflating your importance. Cringy as fuck

Who says we can't take it over? Remember Sup Forumsacks stole a frog from a beta faggot artist.

I just find it boring and uninspired. It's like a 1:1 of the nazi flag.

only once the media reported he was a Nazi symbol. Before that Pepe was just associated with memes and removing normies

Pepe became popular over time and there are like a dozen different branches of pepe memes. Kekistan is forced bullshit

I made a simplistic one. I figured less complex would be less cancerous.

How about this one?

No, I don't want any swastikas in there, it's too blatantly obvious. I like the one that only draws suspicion, as a shitpost flag. When some normie asks "Is that a nazi flag?!" I get on my high horse and say, "You ignorant buffoooon! That is the glorious flag of the glorious Kek Republic! Fucking normie!"
Bonus points if they believe me and apologize for being so ignorant of my people.

Kek Republic?
dont you mean Kekistan?

I now want to call it the Kek Republic because Kekistan is plebbit shit, and I don't like how it sounds like a middle-eastern country.

Tyrone must be corrected of this blasphemy. KEK REPUBLIC.

I was going to say how the original survived an attack on it by a bunch of stormweenie fags who tried to hijack the flag and replace it with that piece of shit.
I'm sure you faggots are just a bunch of autistic dickheads used to discredit anything that might unite whites.
Every time whites do something positive to unite us, you cunts come out of the woodwork. Jumping in front of the cameras taking credit for it. Or turn into something that'll turn normies away, while at the same time giving ammo to anti whites to shit on it.
You sieg heiling dogs need to realize, the white race isn't going to be saved by you people.
Your whole movement is a fail. Duke has done nothing but make a joke out of anyone that shows a little pride in being white.
Even Spencer does more bad than good. The only reason /pol knows about that retard is because the msm needed to put a face to movement of white pride that was sweeping the nation. And we all know when the msm needs someone to represent their opponent, they always pick the dumbest cunt they can find

Why doesn't Sup Forums make a flag?

>what could be an original Sup Forums flag?

Stormies need to be gassed.

black hole sun
won't ya come
and wash away the rain

I like the one in OP pic. The only negative is it resembles the "nazi" flag. I think whites/ool need a flag that's free of ties to any flag of the past, that shills can't automatically declare racist. Or otherwise you'll spend all your time defending it. Something inspired with a mix of Celtic, Germanic or Gaul. Would look nice.

>their reign


Loved that song

I remember seeing this flag for the first time in /dvg/ threads iirc.

Perfect idea: Kolovrat
The Kolovrat is an ancient symbol of Slavic heritage. Not nazi related (although the nazis did steal and ruin a particular varient of it).

Will the first city of Kekistan be Bogdangrad?

Go back to /r/The_Donald faggot

You can't fight the chaos, just go with it


I've never touched plebbit with a 6,000,000 ft pole, excuse me.

>not being a legitimate believer of Kek in the current year
Filthy heretic.

that pic

honestly it needs a swastika to make it legit
swastika is a religious thing anyway, many cultures have it

Why take over some sargon sodomism? We don't need another utopian pipe dream. We just need to stand up for what we and our forefathers have already built.

Uniting under some kekistani taco-bell monoculture is just another form of collectivism.

I thought we all agreed it was kekstonia

Spencer's not that bad. He's also made out the left to look even worse for most people. Plus fashy isn't hick or neonazi looking trash.

OC, I made this before the election and Reddit le Donald fags went too berserk


This is a deja tier thread. Here is the result of the last flag fest I witnessed.

Brb. Gotta do some yoga. Soon i will suck my own dick.

Love it

I agree. Fuck it, I'm just going to fly the stars and stripes. Good enough for me.

Fuck Yeahh!! MURICAAA!!

Fuck yeah.

I seldom feel so resolved in a Sup Forums thread.

>kek republic
it aint a republic nigga, its an empire

worse than the leaf flag

Plebbit is and The_Donald is all jew propaganda, all of it.

That board pushes the idea that the algorithm has been changed to hide their real number of subscribers.....6 million.

Is the 6 million number just an inside joke these cunts have been pushing for almost a century?

"Empire" just implies that it is coercive and unmanageable, bongo.

How many gorillion is 6 million?

6 goyrillion