Boomer here

And i have a serious question for you faggots who want to blame my generation for everything that goes wrong in your life like it's some evil conspiracy.

>Why do you think you deserve a nice home/car at age 20?

Serious question. Do you know why we hold the majority of wealth? Because we've worked our entire lives, slowly building on it. When we die, our kids will inherit that and they'll become the new boomers. And then after that, you will.

The idea is each generation progressively gets richer and richer. I know it's shitty for you now and you can't go buy a house in melb/sydney but why the fuck would you want to live in those cesspools anyway?

You can still buy affordable homes in the other cities/or the country if you're a real man and slowly work on increasing your wealth. Eventually you'll inherit something.

Or you can shitpost on here, blame me for all your problems and get nowhere in life.

Other urls found in this thread:

>generation didn't have kids
>expects to get a pension
>economy forced to import workers to pay for them while they die off

boomers should honestly just be put down at this point

We don't deserve a car, but your generation got damn well nicer cars than we did, at least in the U.S. And that's a fact. Your first cars, on average, adjusted for inflation, were almost double the price of ours.

nice quads for communism. tell us more?

for me the issue is absolutely no job security - college degrees mean almost nothing.

I have to work two minimum wage jobs to barely pay my apartment.

As hard as I can work doesn't mean shit if I can't get a good job

Not disagreeing with you, i know we had it easier. The point of this thread is to ask why some of you just give up. That's fucking pathetic.

Life is hard and it gets better as you become older and grow wealth.

Also, you fags think we ruined the country....we were not the ones to implement a reserve bank. Country was ruined a long time ago if you younguns knew what you were "meming" about.

boomers are the fucking degenerate retards who gave us the sexual revolution, political correctness, allowing blacks to get voting rights and desegregation. even if we ignore all of the war and useless debt you burdened society with you're literally fucking giving it the death blow with cultural marxism and feminism.

i'm just glad you guys won't be alive long enough to get the anti-aging medicine which will be coming out when you're all dying off. it's gods punishment for all your degenerate culture from the 60's through the 80's.

Inherited a paradise that was post war America. Look how bad you fucked up. Boomers have been in power for 40-50 years now and look how great you people governed
Vampire Generation needs to die already

>boomer here
stopped reading right there, kill yourself

I'm 39 and have seen none of the wealth that boomers received. The world is different now, but Boomers continue to dominate the revenue streams, even though they are fucking elderly. Just fuck offfff you selfish cunnts

You ruined it by only caring about consumerism and not your country's well-being. Just admit you were subverted by the TV while corrupt bureaucrats got to do whatever they wanted. You are the laziest, most selfish generation and got to live it up off the previous generation's gains, but what did you do for the future generations? You sold them out so you could get even fatter and dumber.

>you'll inherit something

i hope your grandchildren inherit nuclear radiation



I'll bite
Main wealth reserve is housing.
Houses are more expensive now.
We basically greater disadvantage at amassing fortune.
Some will never own a house.
Now go patronize someone else.

Why do you Portu-potties always say the most cynical shit

i'm just gonna pillpost


Don't worry goy, just wait patiently and idly for your inheritance!


nice meme, you're gonna pawn it all off to cover your reverse mortgage when you're senile.

>we need pensions and welfare



>>Why do you think you deserve a nice home/car at age 20?
As someone who was making more at 24 than I am now at 42, please go drown yourself. Boomers lived through the best times the world ever saw. Gen X, Millenials and the poor Gen Zs are all suffering while you assholes refuse to retire, burn through your wealth without passing it on and increase taxes, health costs and everything else.

We should have had WWIII in 1968 you fucking weaklings.


stopped reading your post at deserve abbo

Gas the boomers generation war now!


You have left a world so broken that people into their 30's are forced to live in their parents basement as there is no future and opportunity for them. You have allowed the fundamentals of marriage and western culture to be so destroyed no one is willing to risk marriage and have the grandchildren you always whine for. Thanks a lot...



Boomers carried the leftist infection.
That allowed cities full of ethnic people to be replaced with immigrants.
All they ever cared about was money greed.

>Implying that everyone has a rich boomer to inherit anything from
>Implying that boomers won't just piss away their entire wealth in their retirement

Again, proving how dumb most of you are, glued to your smartphones with the world of information at your fingertips and you think we ruined america?

Why don't you spend some time not chewing up propaganda and learning about how all the evils you think we created were invented a long time ago.

>1913, federal reserve enslaved us all
>Feminism, started in the 1800's
>Communist policies like social security? Part of the "new deal" cooked up in the 30's

Don't you fucking get it? We suffered through watching similar shit to what you are suffering through now. The kikes took our country before we were born. They are scapegoating us in typical marxist fashion and you fucks are too uneducated to see that "generation war" is right out of the communist manifesto.

You always talk about how easily we got a deposit for a house and while this is true, why don't you bring up the interest rates we had to pay? Your interest rates are tiny by comparison.

Learn some history, then shitpost me.


eat a dick faggot, your generation is a failed sack of shit. YOU let things get to where they are. The younger generation is a reflection of YOU.


not fair he piss me off with his stupid psyche invasion, this is typical on sociopathic parents , they turn your life in misery and had the nerve to even point you out as the responsible and agressor, fuck off with the passive agressive ignoramce

No car back then had bluetooth, AC, safety or comfort. The fact is that it's easier than ever to get a car.



fuck the boomers generational war now! Let's storm their houses and plunder! Who's with me??


>Why should you be able to do what your parents did?
Please, kill yourself.



Actually i would advocate for less govt.

Not that it matters, you fucks already have your minds made up. You will refuse to listen to what i have to say because you are just as brainwashed as the lefties you hate.

You are so lucky to have the internet and yet none of you will research the stuff i brought up here to see for yourself that the problems were brewing a long time before "boomers".


Lol, you think we are mad at you just because we are experiencing a declining standard of living?

We hate you for the cultural revolution which destroyed the fabric of our society and ruined any chance we had to be raised in a healthy, sane, productive community.

We hate you because you sold out your race because you were petulant, narcissistic children who wanted to virtue signal about how "progressive", "liberal" or "hip" you were for embracing "free love!" and "world peace!" As a consequence you imported millions of low IQ subraces who hate you, hate your children, and will hate everything you ever stood for even when some sheboon is twerking atop the ruins of our once great culture.

We hate you because you didn't fuck up the economy because you made mistakes or operated under false assumptions, you sold out your grandchildren with entitlements for yourself and entitlements for other low IQ subspecies who will leech off of us and make it even more difficult to live the peaceful productive lives once common in this country as a huge percentage of the voting constituency is aggrieved blacks/mexicans looking for gibs from the white man.

We hate you because everything that made this country you decided to destroy because you were immature worthless children who acted selfishly and fucked up everything your ancestors fought for.

Fuck off boomercuck.

loool fair point

we absolutely hate your old ass. gtfo and never come back.


>Why do you think you deserve a nice home/car at age 20?

We don't. We would like a house at age 25 or so. One with a nice yard and 30 minutes from work like you bought for 3k.

>Because we've worked our entire lives

Except you bought a house well before the end of your life. You bought a house when you were 25. You also didn't need a degree and you are probably worthless at your job and actually got promoted and had a stable job. None of those things exist anymore.

>The idea is each generation progressively gets richer and richer.

Whose idea is that? That isn't what happens. From a long-term perspective, human lives have deteriorated since the agricultural revolution and continue to do so. There are periods of ups and downs along the way, but we have now reached a point that a large percentage of people wish to opt out of society all together.


>be boomer
>get job at 16 pays enough for a small place of your own
>get married at 18
>get better job that supports family
>Get mad at millenials for not being able to get a entry level job that pays more than 8$ an hour expect them to support themselves while going to school (because you need this for a better job 90% of the time unless your a 80 IQ fag)
kill yourself boomer your useless


>We don't. We would like a house at age 25 or so. One with a nice yard and 30 minutes from work like you bought for 3k.
when you increase the population, you increase demand. when demand increases, price increases

In 2017 the purchasing power of min wage is 1/6th of what it was in 1965

I'm just teasing I do like some boomers, but many are absolutely awful and fit the Sup Forums profile to a T. Collectively they have contributed to many if not most of our problems in civilization, mainly by the level of selfish greed and voting patterns -> garbage sell-out politicians

>cultural revolution happened before boomers
>forgive us for wanting peace after seeing a world war.
>we did not invent social security, all the groundwork was invented in the 30's via the new deal

educate yourself.

nice digits faggot, KEK will claim your soul soon


gen z here and fuck everyone who blames a different generation

maybe you did fuck the economy, but that doesn't matter, I've got work to do and that doesn't include blaming other generations for my problems

you cunts are entitled to nothing. you've got to earn your worth

Actually the mark of the best is 616.

Holy fucking shit. This is the biggest blatant lie, fake news bullshit webm, I've ever seen.

The real webm shows that crazy bitch woman attacking the poor guy. She sits there bashing on him for like 30 seconds before he gets up and tries to walk away. When she attacks him again, he loses it.

Your generation decided to turn houses into an investment, like it's an appreciable commodity instead of a perishable good. Cucking our generation out of affordable housing, just so you could get rich on a bubble will be remembered as a horrific crime.


well said moderate poster

This country was down the tubes since 1913 your shitty generations cultural "liberation" fucked us I wish the Germans would have won then the stupid ass boomers wouldn't have been able to ruin America

>boomer here
>muh economy
yep checks out

And here is the actual video;

Go fuck yourself, Leaf. Day of the rake soon.



Doesn't she fuck with him and like grab his face before all that happens then he finally retaliates?

My generation is lazy (I'm 31). I have watched a few friends work their asses off and get into moderately high paying fields such as pharmacy and IT - all replaceable. I work 12-14 hours per day, 7 days per week, hardly pay myself, reinvest almost all of the profits, etc... Seems like everybody around me splurges on clothes, cars and apartments which are far bigger than they need like we aren't an economic bubble right now... idiots.

Working for yourself is the way to go. Figure out something that you're really good at and can make a profit on and live your life with minimal splurging. Never take out any debts. I'll be able to retire easily by 40. This generation has way more going for it than the boomers had. We have infinite information at our finger tips, meaning when there is a will, there is a way.


Dude real estate has been commoditized throughout the entire 20th century. it is the biggest component of western economies

what do you do?

your generation isnt lazy, you're just in with a shitty crowd

who cares ..the lord of the Digits is KeK , if you rolling 666 digits you rolling for nuclear holocaust and the death of boomers grandchildren that will inherit our tax money and credit money from student loans

Check OP's picture, son

A degree isn't enough to get a job anymore.

We don't blame you witless tools. Sshhh. Just go back to your 401K plan and wait for death.

Boomers are responsible for ruining relationships between men and women.
Ruining family.
Ruining the economy.
Ruining the ethnic demographic balance of all white nations.
Ruining the marketplace.
Ruining the environment.

They fucked up everything and still to this day they believe every word out of (((CNN))) and other TV garbage fake news.

I don't think it's really their so much their fault since they fell for the TV=unbiased truth meme the jews pushed because they were the first generation exposed to TV so much so they have a naïve trust in it and fully embraced decadent consumerism and degenerate lifestyles due to the wealth they experienced in their youth, they were just at the wrong place at the wrong time.
But it's definitely on them for fucking everything up.
The apathy of the sad little gen X was a result of the fucked up world the boomers made and luckily the who were born and molded by the cancer of the world seem to be somehow gaining an immunity to it and are becoming more skeptical of the media, their bullshit, and questioning things for real.

But the world won't unfuck itself until boomers die.
That's for sure. Either that or the complete collapse of democracy happens first.
They have too much voting power and they are completely hooked up on the TV narrative so they are the most easily influenced and manipulated demographic alive.

>Eventually you'll inherit something.
That's where you're wrong, kiddo.

That is a fact. Baby boomers have all the land and took advantage of the immigration policies to become millionaires.

well you don't speak in my behalf thanks for nothing.

And your post is really unfair, you speak out of ignorance and wealth life, your belly is full i can tell ,not for long... soon

Oldchan, it's because after the war you fags had great advantages - a national insatiable need for manpower: rebuilding of industry and public sectors meant work for all, purpose, respect and the need for manpower wasn't limited to employment - there were empty beds to fill.

Yet what did you do? While decrying communism you boarded the cultural Marxist train and gamed the system to set yourselves up and remain sweet until you're all dead with no thought beyond that.

>I'll just keep working hard and stick my head up my ass while I get fucked by an entire generation
>I'm so alpha lol fuck off cucks

Stay dumb

You lump "many" boomers with the bad politicians most of us didn't vote for. We boomers largely voted for Conservative candidates until they turned bad with the most recent Bush. Then the millennials vote for Obama (twice) and then complain about rising college costs.
Actions have consequences. You deserve the high college prices you voted for in Obama.

That makes me so fucking mad. I don't think I've ever seen a more legitimately empathetic statement from a politician towards the armed forces then Trumps there.

The fuck we did, all we got was 10 year old beaters if we could afford that.. Back then almost no parent bought their kid a car, if you wanted one you went out and earned cash to buy it.

Hell I'm not that old, my first job in 1974 paid a whopping $1.16 per hour..

Man up and quit whining youngfags, you sound like bitchy little SJW's blaming your first world problems on everyone but yourselves. Grow a pair and get to work, bottom teir and work up to it like everyone else in history has you entitled little bitches..

the alternative to obama was hillary you dumb american fuck

When every millenial is dead. And they'll kill themselves...maybe we can get back track.

What a bunch of crybaby faggots. The internet plus them brought on the worst of the human race.

I hope the take down the states they take for granted. Little faggots should starve to death.

And boomers and Xers are still gonna fuck your women, because bitches don't quit. They'll pick gray pubes over 8-pack shaved pepe meme-faggot loser.

agree with OP, 22, own a $1.2mil house and $100k worth of cars all while unemployed, why y'all slacking for?

That's the problem with these idiots. They attribute their "talking points" to "most" of the Boomer generation. I haven't seen one intelligent cause-and-effect statement from this whole generation. They haven't learned to support their talking points.

I agree with you.

The way things are progressing, imagine what we are going to be blamed for.

>The idea is each generation progressively gets richer and richer. I know it's shitty for you now and you can't go buy a house in melb/sydney but why the fuck would you want to live in those cesspools anyway?
Remember, that these kids now days have no imagination. They cannot see themselves living somewhere un-hip....even if it is 10 minutes away from hip.

These people would bitch and complain even after you gave them everything they want.

Their parents failed. Understand that. They never taught them about hard work. They assumed that kids watching parents go to work would translate as work = rewards....but the current generation of 20somethings have no logical comprehension of this. They think that if you work at starbucks, you should be able to afford living anywhere you want.

They are idiots just like their parents.

Yeah and it's a fucking disgrace, it's one of the biggest things holding the economy back. Artificially inflating the value of a basic necessity needed by young people to start families is bad enough, but the fact that we're trained to believe that houses increase in value when they are constantly degrading and wearing from use is insanity. Rent-seeking and price manipulation is a sign of decline, not strength.

All talking points. No support for any empty claims. Learn to make an argument.