What did he mean by this?

What did he mean by this?

Other urls found in this thread:


>go and beat these people up please while I sit at home behind a security system you could never afford and pay alimony out the nose

shit's going down
freespeech aint free nom sayin?

post his address desu

How dare he use an American flag; removal of Californians when?

He's really gone off the deep end. Sad to see someone so young in such advanced stages of dementia.


freedom ain't free

Is he talking molotovs?

Report him to the local police. This is definitely an obvious crime.

This guy is just making more and more people hate the left. This is good

tim heidecker is a bad goy >:(

availble on white pages, tim heidecker glendale ca

I don't get the melt comment. Anyone explain?

He is a good goy newfriend.

It's a reference to MAGA

In what way?

Make Everyone Like Tim?

this guy gets off on bad attention

Didn't his wife leave him the month after his son was born?

haha what a faggot

Melt? Me no capiche.

>his son
Taking bets.

Antisemitic desu

Hes a cuck

"Melt" is a common term among LSD users - to melt is to experience ego death due to severity of the hallucination. "Acid" is slang for LSD. Maybe he is calling for acid attacks, increasing incidents of which have been in the news recently.

This isn't the "Tim&Eric" Tim, is it?

it is

It's not real, you retards.
Fucking use any browser engine and look it up yourself.

he means 'bike locks are lame, use a molly'

fuck off tim

He deleted it

This tweet isn't on his Twitter timeline. Did he delete it?

Use a browser enginemobile program app.


Wow. He's such an asshole liberal that he's encouraging others to ruin their lives by committing assault with a deadly weapon against people who disagree with them.

i always forget leftists are allowed to incite violence by the zog. i haven't completely trained myself to understand they play by different rules.

Antifa need to be executed for treason. There is no alternative.

I agree with him. They are war criminals.

Who is he?

How the fuck do you browse Sup Forums and not know who Tim and Eric are? Fucking A...

Tom Heidecker part of the Tim & Eric comedy troupe on MTV back in the early 2000s

he's a piece of shit mongoloid who got Million Dollar Extreme, one of the best shows, cancelled.

A jew advocating for violence.

How shocking.

Is this real?

Literally who the fuck?

Melt you know
Cut them open make them bleed ooze blood down to the floor like they're melting

His best work was Tom Goes To The Mayor. What was that, like 15 years ago?

Hip me to this cuck rumor tho..

His meltdown has been hilarious to watch. More than anything he's produced.

