This is an Armor General. Get your shit together for properly taking to the street. The counter protest meme is peaking...

This is an Armor General. Get your shit together for properly taking to the street. The counter protest meme is peaking, we need to be prepared both in mind and body.

You peaches are going to need some help, get in here and post riot gear swag and links. Home Made, store bought, tutorials, and tactics. Discuss them here, not in other threads.

Things to search and/or discuss:
Riot gear
Non lethality
Motorcycle padding
Bull horns.
Ideas for home made bullshit
Products of attempted home made shit
Vehicle mods
Ride sharing

Pic related is 36 bucks on Amazon right now.
amazon. com/gp/aw/d/B01IJM0MCQ/ref=mp_s_a_1_9?ie=UTF8&qid=1493186462&sr=8-9&pi=AC_SX236_SY340_FMwebp_QL65&keywords=body+armor

Do not talk about guns. There is a time and a place for everything and we will cross that bridge when we get there. For now keep it non lethal.

Also someone will need to pick up on this thread if and when this archives. I'll be back tomorrow to help maintain it again.

Other urls found in this thread: armor water bladder&dpPl=1&dpID=510eruwcvdL&ref=plSrch helmet&dpPl=1&dpID=41rW+m3ddrL&ref=plSrch restrictor&dpPl=1&dpID=41a-OIpytHL&ref=plSrch

Correction ... ARMORY GENERAL.

This is heavily incognito ... Minimal protection can go a long way. It can make the difference between standing position and fetal position.

Guess which one gets your shit stomped? armor

Why do things by the halves?
pic related is also an excellent site.

This is your reminder that OPSEC is a thing. Don't give Antifa any ideas.

MADMAX J02 Jet Helmet


Kek, because this is sweaty work. Sometimes less is more. We're going into summer. If your drained 2 hours in you're not of any use. On that note, add camelbacks to the list of shit to search. Hydration is a huge deal in these situations. A hydration system will be clutch to you and those around you. This is what I use. The backpack it goes in is up to you. Be minimalist. They make tiny insulated back packs for these bladders ... Don't be afraid of the aesthetics, they are worth they're weight in gold. water bladder&dpPl=1&dpID=510eruwcvdL&ref=plSrch

That goes out the window when posting here, they're known to lurk here
When someone is doxxed, said person will shut down all their social media within hours if not minutes after people warn them
They will screen cap threads and post them to other sites to discuss counter action
Treat this as what it is, a public space



These are incredibly underrated. Never forget that a strike to the hands ends a fight every time. Both protection there of and the wisdom to use the knowledge are im-fucking-peritive.


Don't dress in red and black. Bright colors will quickly identify as one of the good guys.


Can't stress this enough as well.. TAPE WRISTS like a boxer, get motorcycle gloves with one piece carbon fiber knuckle guards.. Unless you want a broken hand and shattered wrist the first time you punch a skull.

Get knee pads and boots with tight ankle protection..

A baseball helmet and add a strong football helmet chin strap so it can't get knocked off.

Chemical splash goggles for mace when you're in the front lines

And a boxing or football mouth piece so you don't lose teeth.

There is a reason people in contact sports and motocross and crap wear this shit. IT PROTECTS YOU.

Also, yes motocross armor is great, it has chest, shoulder, spine and elbow protection.

dont you idiots have anything better to do than to engage in actual degeneracy like getting into street fights?

Mouth guards are to reduce concussion rates.

i spent a long time trying to find a good pair of these in Amazon and I'm still not happy. any suggestions from someone that owns them. must be stealth black and preferably with touch pad sensitive fingertips

A homemade laser from an improvised cd burner and duct tape. I heard the laser can blind and deter a person almost instantly.

Sport red, white, and blue if possible

Even a USA flag sticker on your shield or helmet


directional strobes and sound dispersion.

I've been causing crime in Australia for over 30 years

My biggest piece of advice would be GET A CAPE

1. It is functional
2. It is stylish
3. It can be both offensive and defensive
5. You can pretend to be a vampire
6. I forgot to incude the fourth bullet point

So mouthguards don't protect teeth from strikes to the mouth?

>fighting your enemies
You fucking faggot. Have you never heard of martial discipline? Kill yourself.

They help with both. Concussion a lot less, though. It's more they help support the jaw during a strike.


Do not wear fucking bike helmets. I cannot stress enough that the back of your neck is an incredibly important area to protect. It is exposed if you react to a strike by ducking, it's exposed to where you aren't looking, and it's a game ender. Not only that but you cannot keep your face toward the ground in the event you get grounded. It will also jar your neck if you go down face first. Pic related or a biker helmet. Face shields are also something to consider if not an nbc mask. helmet&dpPl=1&dpID=41rW+m3ddrL&ref=plSrch

Also riot snow helmets.

wear combat gloves wear combat gloves. it's not even about fighting, antifa will see these and get demoralized and leave

what part of martial discipline involves shopping for fighting gear, travelling to a protest and seeking out violent outbursts to participate in?

>street fights

You mean DEFENDING "PATRIOTIC AMERICA" AND FREEDOM from anti-American anarchists, right?

Wear some lacrosse goalie gloves and chest pads.

i appreciate the thread but you faggots needed this BEFORE it was too late to order from Amazon prime.

i can get an army surplus Intercepter flak jacket for 69$. cop or not?

Yes, buy it.

You should be able to pick one up for $20, military surplus is incredibly cheap there.

A mouth piece keeps you from biting your tongue, and chipping your teeth on a thing and or other teeth. They are handy as fuck but restrict breathing. Don't be afraid to use one and also a breathright strip. There's a reason athletes use them. And there's a reason blacks have evolved to have wide noses. Breathing unhindered is a big deal, especially if you aren't up to date on your cardio, which you fucking better be.

If you're doing cardio as a prep, use a breathing restrictor for faster gains. restrictor&dpPl=1&dpID=41a-OIpytHL&ref=plSrch

Fuck off pansyfa

no, i mean street fights with millennials who pose no material threat to america or freedom by virtue of their protesting.


Ahhhh... the war doesn't end on 4/27, friend.

BoB #6 isn't gonna be the last battle of this war.

It's more like the beginning.

We've got years of violence ahead of us.

Holy SHIT this is a good thread.

This gear is required for free speech these days.

Dont use capes, enemy can easily take control of you by wrapping your cape.

they only had one. it suposedly protects against 9mm, but it's also bulky and doesnt protect lower back or belly well. for 20 id take it but 70 is kinda a lot.


Just know they're illegal. If you get caught then be ready to get charged.


is that a football girdle?

I actually need new dirt biking gear. Is this any good?

I really thought about doing this sooner, but it is what it is. This isn't the first time this shit would be handy and it won't be the last. Prepared fuckers. Be it.

Speaking of prepared, there is absolutely no reason you shouldn't already own these.

No they're not you insufferable faggot.

wrong. sap gloves are illegal. those have lead shot in them. these are just rubber or plastic knuckle protectors.

I thing the kangaroo was making a joke, Hans.

But it would be cool if at least one patriot showed up in a cape for the lulz.

Depending on age it may not protect against 9mm and personally I don't know how useful that would actually be over just getting a plate carrier and a lower rating plate.

>the back of your neck is an incredibly important area to protect
This; a handheld tazer hit around the external occipital protuberance is pretty much guaranteed unconsciousness.

My fucking sides
Don't forget to wear your chastity cage to discourage masturbation and your mommy's packed lunch

Been here since '03. It's all about when you post, dedication, good topic, and filling some kind of niche. Make it useful and it's game over. You'll get the hang of it too if you're around long enough.
>Which you will be.

yes, kevlar knuckled gloves are the mark of any outfit designed for pure self defense

> battling antifa without first reading their official comic book
never gonna make it

bretty gud

Pretty sure this would get you prison time in Ozfailia

Isn't black just a bad thing to wear in general since black attracts head and you're out there swinging your arms and legs at antifa you don't wanna be sweating like a dog, do you?

Fucking hivemind


tnx was actually thinking about getting this stuff /user

that was my thought too.. but isn't this basically already a plate carrier? or are there specific shrapnel only flak jackets. this one has the molle on the outside. velcro together at chest.

Yeah, it seemed like a joke, but anyways I noticed some dudes wearing trump & 'murica flags as capes in last BoB. It's cool sure, but if enemy knows what he is doing you might be in "world of pain".

I once got into fight with rival football teams fans, and one of them was wearing flag as a cape, so I wrapped it around his neck and managed to land several knees to his head.

>inb4 violent mofo

Court found me not guilty, as I was defending myself from 7 aggressors :D

Is this /autismgeneral/?

Are military surplus stores good to find stuff, or would that just be overpriced larp shit?

a taste.

I like dead space armor design too much...


>people aren't getting attacked with fucking bike locks

False. Also neither is a sap hat.

Sew a sack of steel shot into a pouch in the rear of your hat, and swing on a mother fucker. They also make these pre made.
Here's one from budk, another good retailer.

Police have officially been instructed to stand down.

YAF, who were sponsoring the speech, pulled out because they feared an unsafe environment.

Ann still hasn't been told where she will speak and whether or not it will be safe.
>Young America’s Foundation (YAF) has pulled out of Ann Coulter’s Thursday event at UC Berkeley, blaming the college for allowing left-wing extremists to terrorize conservatives on campus.

>“When Young America’s Foundation confirmed Ann Coulter would speak at UC-Berkeley as part of YAF’s nationwide campus lecture program on April 27, we assumed UC Berkeley would take all steps necessary to ensure the safety of students attending the educational event,” the group declared in a blog post on Tuesday. “In the meantime we discovered that the University of California Police Department at Berkeley has an official ‘stand-down’ policy for any situation that develops on campus as long as the situation doesn’t involve the imminent loss of life, allowing the leftist thugs who have terrorized Berkeley’s campus to do so without consequence.”

>“As of 4:00 p.m. today, Young America’s Foundation will not be moving forward with an event at Berkeley on April 27 due to the lack of assurances for protections from foreseeable violence from unrestrained leftist agitators,” they continued. “Berkeley should be ashamed for creating this hostile atmosphere.”

heat* You're gonna be attracting heat when you wear black

Antifags have been buying up knives and shit. Ran into a pair of them at walmart buying a basket full of pocket knives.

These cut resistant armguards are only 12 bucks on amazon and can protect against blades.

No it's meant for riot gear. But if foot ball pads are what you have, let your freak fly fella.


Oakley ones are decent, can use them for other stuff too like going to the range and working around large equipment where you might accidentally catch a knuckle.

that's a concealed weapon, so unless you want to end up in prison dont do that.

Squeeze bottles filled with your choice of liquid...





im sure that people travelling to places where there are degenerate street fights are getting into degenerate street fights.


it hit and miss. for instance, a Kevlar helmet was 99. you'd be better off with a motorcycle one probably.

>tfw live in mississippi and will never be on the near side of the continent from a skirmish with antifa

Why even live?

Someone should get foamy earplugs in bulk as well, those M80s could cause ear damage. super cheap, hand them out to everyone on our side.

I couldn't mind an image but if it looks something like this it would be a plate carrier, flak jacket to me implies the armor is integral though I am not sure if this is correct.

A plate carrier at least allows you to go up or down in coverage and stopping power.

I wouldn't worry about plates for a protest unless you're in an area largely populated by introduced species, though not an unuseful thing to have in general.

Yeah, unless you're Batman, capes are not very practical and tactical.

Sad really, cause they LOOK cool.

what do you guys think about just bringing some SCA gear? i was considering buying some anyways for sca skirmishing...something like padded cloth + chainmail +helmet for armor then the standard sword/shield for weaponry

>Court found me not guilty, as I was defending myself from 7 aggressors :D

That's not how the Finnish law works and you know it. Aggressor is always the underdog in court.

Correct. It's just an idea, though that is a lighter version of motorcycle padding. I'm sure white exists, which is the best color for heat and distinguishing yourself from auntqueefa

>Concealed weapon
>Literally not concealed

Just use screw-in pyramid studs in your boots, punk rock style. Pyramid stud bracelets make excellent improvised brass knuckles, as well. Wear one on your wrist and slide it over your knuckles when shit gets real.

jesus is this satire?


Fuck I have shit tons of old moto and hockey gear. Camelbaks, Leitte Braces (neck guards), breezers, helmets and fuckwads of old sticks. Only thing is im in minnesota with no habbenings :(

Also some high quality photos of the antifas should be taken en masse. dropbox them and let the autists who don't go outside something to do!

Don't throw punches. Even with these on you'll stand a good chance of breaking a metacarpal. An open hand strike is ideal. Mechanix makes a rubber backed glove that is awesome, and way cheaper. Mpact.

This. Make yourself look like an antifa punk

Gonna be honest, something like this to put in your shoelaces would be extremely easy to make. Hell, you could even make them out of metal. Just take a trip to the hardware store, get a little piece of sheet steel, add some spikes, put in shoelaces, kick the shit out of someone.

As a matter of fact, I just remembered that punk rock shops frequently sell screw on metal spikes to add to leather jackets and such. Maybe add some metal spikes in strategic spots on your clothing such as on the elbows of a jacket. Elbow an antifa in the gut with some spikes. Shit would hurt hella bad.

This is all obviously hypothetical. I would never advocate violence...