Richard Spencer popularised the term Alt Right and years later the media ran with it and deliberately distorted what ideology the so called Alt Right adheres to and the common threads that bind the people within it together.
I think we should try to come up with our own term that better describes our beliefs. I like factcist, it explains the basic idea well enough. Our shared ideology is based on learning the truth even if it goes against our own beliefs. That is why people within our group believe very different things and yet we are part of a shared culture and belief system.
It's fairly memeable. It is similar to facist so you can have some fun with the far left. An example, someone could add a small ct to antifacist posters or graffiti. And you can run circles around most libtards. "What's wrong with a fact based ideology? Please explain your theisis"
So what do ya think? Factcist or do you believe you might have a better idea.
Anthony James
>Our shared ideology is based on learning the truth even if it goes against our own beliefs
except thats not even close to correct. the amount of motivated reasoning on this board is unprecedented.
Jason Brown
This board is unmoderated and full of shills, libtards trying to convert us. And normies who haven't fully taken the red pill. Skin heads who just enjoy the memes. And those who are the most ignorant often feel compelled to give opinions on subjects they know little of.
Joshua Clark
so, your idea of a shared ideology is just whatever scraps you arbitrarily pick out of the fray
that definitely sounds like the kind of maturity and intellectual honesty that goes into truthful self reflection about this place and the types of prevailing content on this boad.
Henry Flores
That is the gayest picture I've ever seen in my whole life.
Oliver Myers
Sup Forumstards
Blake Gray
Jewish conspiracy theories either aren't factual.
You can always replace "Jew" Cultural Marxism without having to argue to the person in a collective sense.
So, you're gonna have to make a choice user.
Zachary Harris
Can we be honest and please tell me if I am wrong - the alt right is mostly people who used to identify as leftist and supported Obama but now side with Brexit and Trump in a bid to fight globalism. We are not the right because the right was a failure all those years we were growing up. We don't support the pro bible blah blah, we dont care about pro life - honestly lets not be so naively utopian, leave that for when we are in fully automated luxury state. This is what the alt right is. I think H3H3 is the figurative leader of the alt right - look at his video on the Hugh Mungus girl, or that lyft taxi girl...they are among others a projection of what the alt right actually is. Everyone who describes alt right differently is just quoting their favourite partisan magazine.
William Perez
Yeah, let's just go with the offensive-to-normies classic!
Blake Bailey
So you are saying that the shills and libtards are part of our ideology?
And not every person that is part of the same ideology follows it in the same way. Some of them just latch on with little understanding of what they believe and no ability to expound it.
Easton Ward
Many are, many aren't. If you compile enough circumstantial evidence you can turn a theisis into a hypothesis.
Jonathan Morgan
Well it's not as bad as the original.
Aiden Fisher
Jose Diaz
I was a SJW. My hair was predominantly a mix of atleast 3 colours. Then 3 years ago I came here. Eventually someone posted evidence that disproved something and broke apart the foundation of one of my core beliefs. I then spent almost every waking moment of my life, especially within the first week. Researching everything I could about everything. Starting with the subject in the video. Branching off in every direction. Reading "theorems" from every side of the political divide.
But we didn't all start out this way. I think it's likely around 50 50. And many people here where not into politics before and only had the leftist programming to guide them.
Bentley Edwards
far right
Jack Edwards
we are faggots and niggers
Ethan Allen
I am saying that cherry picking which posts on this board count as your ideology while ignoring the others that oppose yours and the inconvenient ones that coincide with yours doesn't come close to a self-reflective or truth based ideology at all, and its just weasly bullshit you can use to avoid actually committing to any particular idea that might be examined or criticized.
in short, youre retarded and deluded.
Adrian Evans
It's obviously a parody. Both of you should have picked that up from the Tumblr tier "art". Or the Ben Garisson singature.
Blake Thompson
Yeah so OP is a huge faggot. Not entirely sure how, but everything about your thread is queer. Take your fairy cartoons somewhere else tripgoy
Angel King
Always good to here. I think the problem with the left is that they mostly follow the majority mainstream and TV has disillusioned us to believe the 15% of fringe in the left is actually 95%. What was the initial post that changed you? For me it was Brexit, I just was like hey isnt there at least some sense to this
Austin Edwards
Richard Spencer is a giant faggot, out to sound extreme for recognition. He talks like a compete moron. The media, shills, and inbred retards are the only people buying his retarded act.
I'm 90% sure he's controlled opposition. The media created that unknown retard. Sup Forums has been making fun of him since the beginning. I can't tell if these threads are ironic or if the faggots that are dumb are genuinely creating these.
I've heard him speak, the guy is honestly stupid and simply mutters something outrageous for a sound bite for the media to blast, resulting in everyone on here looking retarded while the media paints that faggot as some sort of Sup Forums leader.
Nobody's buying it. Only reason why I'm only 90% sure he's a plant or controlled opposition ois because his speeches are so stupid that I feel like they would at least find someone more coherent and believable.
He's a character playing a role. For himself or the left, but he's created by the media and represents nobody but a bunch of gullible faggots.
Mason Perez
This so much.
I had never heard of him at all before he suddenly appeared in the infamous zeig heil incident at the talk he gave. If you look on google trends, before 2016 him and the phrase 'alt-right' only had like 1% the search volume it does now. Honestly who is this guy? i think what makes most sense is that he isnt controlled opposition but he his just some random guy with a fringe following that the media decided to give the spotlight to - so not controlled opposition but basically opposition that is falsely being claimed to represent the opposition.
Owen Foster
As I have expounded before the "Alt Right" or whatever you want to call it isn't a unified ideology. It needs a sort of umbrella term to describe it. And it isn't a easy thing to do to come up with a accurate blanket term. "Alt Right" is inaccurate as economically many of us lean towards the left and socially the right. Pretty much national socialism.
I said that it is a truth based ideology and and as with any ideology it contains halfwits who just go with the flow. And being based on truth we can't all be right, and I made no such claims that we could.
Are you talking about my idea or my beliefs? If you wish to debate I would willing to do so. But I would like it to be a debate wherein citations are provided for any claim that isn't obvious, i.e. the sun is bright, the sky is blue. And we both try our best to stay on topic and debate a point until one side ether concedes that they lack the knowledge to win that part of the argument or they have lost.
I asked that if you could think of a better alternative to factcist or Alt Right then voice it. You haven't. I get the feeling your the type that enjoys tearing down a opinion belief or accomplishment. And the type to avoid in depth factual discussion of your own accomplishments and beliefs like the plague.
Xavier Miller
"Not entirely sure how, but everything about your thread is queer"
Great insult/claim, ya chucklefuck. If you could expound it I would be delighted to hear.
Ethan Gonzalez
Traditional Americans
Chase Anderson
I really hat the term 'alt right' and the newfags that come here and unironically use it. Why don't we just call ourselves Sup Forumstards like this user said
Ryder Wright
It was a video about the Odessa holocaust that occurred in 2014. I believed the medias narrative. The video proved that everything I knew regarding the subject was a lie.
Ethan Jenkins
I'm not interested in rebranding your dumb belief system. Do your own PR faggot.
Brayden Robinson
Well my thread isn't about him but yes I lean towards your beliefs regarding the man. Although against most people (idiots) he does a decent job.
Nicholas Hughes
Ha that's all you have to say to that. Rekt.
Lucas King
here's my OC
Jeremiah Nguyen
before any of this 2016 'madness' went down all I was focused on was Ukraine and Syria. In fact I think for me it was a video of Svoboda thugs pushing around a TV executive that got me pumping. I showed it to my friends and they seemed to deny it existed because it wasnt on BBC. That's where I parted ways with my friends. However I still had this disenchanted "all politicians are the same" attitude. I felt the moral position was to always fight against those that rule us - but then I realized that the dialogue had lost balance, and suddenly the moral position became to fight against that. desu I have felt so refreshed since the whole Syria Trump airfield thing - now I can return to just being about Ukraine and Syria. Full circle lol.
Eli Morris
This. Ricky is a faggot and a charlatan
Cooper Young
>i.e. the sun is bright, the sky is blue.
also, it's e.g.
Jason Roberts
I saw that. At the time I believe I justified things by saying that the government has to walk on a tightrope around these neo nazis. One misstep and they would be fighting a war on multiple fronts. And before all that, everyone says they won't do this or that but when the right stimuli is applied they will more often than not do whatever it takes. That includes allying with political extremists.
Camden Barnes
"I.e. and e.g. are both abbreviations for Latin terms. I.e. stands for id est and means roughly "that is." E.g. stands for exempli gratia, which means “for example.” "Great."
Gabriel Ramirez
>what would you like to be called?
We're literally a chaotic force, who knows what the fuck we'll decide to meme into existence
You can't even be sure how many of the racist posters are actually white themselves, its a place that allows us to speak freely and to challenge each other
Its freedom user, and anyone who can comprehend it will get sucked into it
Matthew Ross
yes, which is why e.g. is appropriate when followed with examples like the sun is bright and the sky is blue.
Jacob Taylor
Ah you appear to be correct. Just rechecked the post you are referring to. When constructing that sentence along with the post it was in I probably should have spent more time checking everything over before hitting post. I guess I feel more rushed on Sup Forums because of it's fast paced format.
Brandon Brown
Ay, good to hear that there are others who saw it.
Owen Cooper
Spencer also used the term North American New Right which is basically a conglomerate of elitist and racial politics for whites. Pol is that plus edgy libertarians and other disaffected rightists.
Hunter Davis
Yeah I was obsessed with the conflict in Ukraine before during and after my shift in politcal views.
----- TLDR how I think read and learn for anyone interested.
The way I think and have done so since soon after taking the red pill is that I imagine that I'm debating myself or trying to expound what I am thinking. I do this constantly. I also like to branch off into any related subjects I am researching until I have learned almost everything I believe there is to know. And I move on to the branch offs that my research produced.
I have also developed methods to read and think many times faster than most normal people. I can read almost any news article, study etcetera in well under a minute.
I also periodically go back and redo my research attempts on Y subject. To be certain I have acquired the information I had sought.
Although it isn't easy on my hardwear. The median tabs I have open in this browser is probably 70. And it often reaches 100. The other browser I use has between 20 and 30 tabs open. I have to be careful to monitor the temperature readouts and then react in whatever way I deem is best. Otherwise it would likely literally burst into flames within the day.
Easton Gonzalez
Well as I have said there is also a large amount of leftists who converted. Although going by the original definition a decent portion if not most of them are still on the left.
Probably the most likely ideology they will adopt will be NatSoc.
Jason Morgan
Anyone still here?
Unfortunate that so few attempted to come up with a alternative. And in my opinion the options they gave weren't effective generalizations of communities who are connected to the culture that we produce. Pol/acks being a example.
And they where not very catchy or memeable.
BTW I don't mean to be a dick to anyone who genuinely tried to come up with a effective alternative.
Owen Johnson
White zionism
Charles Kelly
A large portion of us aren't christians so it would't make much sense.
Ian Williams
>trying to turn Sup Forums into a coherent, easily labeled entity you're trying to lasso a tornado, user go back to tumblr if you want to belong to an arbitrary self-invented label so badly
Cameron Gutierrez
So we arent an alternative form of right or left, we are seperate. Chaos is the best model, especially in the sense of the 'fuck you vote' that michael moore talked of. However it is silly to fully embrace the chaos element - that can only simmer beneath. Really we aren't anything other than what we react to. I think a title that would apply best would have to do with Individualism and enlightenment. I think ideology is a con game from the start so we need something apolitical.
We are mediators.
"Hey user Im a democrat, what are you?" "Hi, I'm a mediator, My core belief is in balance maintained in peace between parties.
lol if we could find a less lame name then we have something.....something that needs meme capabilities.
Bentley Torres
lol actually how about this "hey user im a socialist, what are you?" "Hi, I'm a reactionary-individualist-monopsychist."