Why is fascism good?

Why is fascism good?

Facisim is a buzzword. You couldn't even define it properly if you had google in front of you. Sage this vapid shit.

It's not

Isn't Sup Forums fascist? I thought this was a natsoc board.

>le pole is one person XD

we're not nazis or anything we're just very racist

It's not

We're not.

Cause it gives pretzels to everyone

Fuck now I'm hungry from pretzels and they're difficult to find...

It's literally as bad as communism.

Who /libertarian-right/ here?

nice palooshki
love me some palooshki

>From the word "Fasces"
>A fasce is a bundle of sticks
>Fascism is literal faggotry

Authoritarian Capitalism is the way to go.

Means same thing as faggotry which is also good

/libertarian-center/ here

Religious fanatic alert.


Dude I fucking love pretzel sticks

And fascism too

>natsoc board


We are national socialist for the most part if not, libertarian

It gets shit done.

We're all fascist and we're not

We can literally be one person sometimes but Sup Forums is not one person

stop trying to figure out what "Sup Forums" is

I'm totally buying that in the grocery store today, it's been fucking years since I had it.

Pretzels are difficult to find?

fuck off

Sup Forums is just full of racist liberals.

If it came to the point of actually restricting peoples freedom they won't do it.


Fascism is good because it makes corporations work for the state, allows the state to rapidly deal with changes in order to ensure prosperity for it's people. Fascism intends to bring the best of both worlds of left and right into one political ideology. Essentially all political innovation in the twentieth century came out of Fascist movements, most notably Mussolini.

Sup Forums is a libertarian board, the unironic nazis are newfags who took the naziposting too seriously.

Those two things are not the same.

Pretzel sticks are the most redpilled snack food

>fascism is represented by a bundle of sticks
REALLY makes me think

There are a lot of people on Sup Forums.

Always be wary of people who try to say what Sup Forums "is".

This place was peak fascism from like 2012-2015. The election brought in the ancaps, racialist liberals (reddit), and increase the libertarians. Sup Forums has always been 50/50 fascist/libertarian but not for the past year or so.

Wow is reality. Fascism is a fixed part of reality. If you try to fix the free flowing ideals of pol into one box, you fucking lose. We aren't a hive mind like the left. We are open and free flowing. But I honestly think most are lib/nat soc.

Nie no Janusz, spierdoliles mi humor.
Taka kurwa ochote na paluszki teraz mam.

Most don't really know what they are, either because they've learned enough about so many that their personal views don't quite gel with any, or because they've never thought about it properly and they're just here because this is where the cool kids hang out.

>(Nat)Socialistcuck triggered around people with different ideas


Why not ask someone living in Russia or China. those countries are basically NatSoc

Daily reminder that any type of anarchist ideology is complete idealism, and that the ideas of libertarianism will not work in a globalized world.
>Your opinion may be a cancer to society but i believe everyone is entitled to what they think even if it is harmful.

These pretzels are making me thirsty.

Yes, Germany was back then a democracy, before us, and we have been plundered and squeezed dry.
No . . . what does democracy or authoritarian state mean to those international hyenas? They don’t care at all. They are only interested in one thing: Are you willing to be plundered? Yes or no? Are you stupid enough to keep quiet in the process? Yes or no? And when a democracy is stupid enough not to stand up, then it is good. But when an authoritarian state declares, ‘You are not going to plunder our people . . .’ neither from the inside nor the outside’, then that is bad.