Integration not working in the Nordic countries


Key findings
>Immigrants work low wage jobs
>Live on welfare

Norway, Denmark and Finland concludes the same findings.

Sweden however have reached the opposite conclusion, that integration does work, and well..

Furthermore there's some interview with an afghani explaining how highly educated immigrants just aren't given the chance they need to succeed and how they are the first to be dismissed if someone has to go because muh racism

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Gee, it's almost like Islam is imperialistic and forms enclaves wherever it can.

Everything is fine Goyim. Similar problems happened from people immigrating from the Baltic states in the 1990's. Stop questioning our narrative you filthy racist.

Based Listhaug in OP's picture

Well, no shit.

>immigrant lives in parallel society
>lacks proper language skills because he watches Abdullah TV all day long and never interacts with Germans
>has no connections in the native population and thus worse chances on the job market
>continues to see the own shit-tier culture as superior

>Norway, Denmark and Finland concludes the same findings.
>Sweden however have reached the opposite conclusion, that integration does work, and well
Sweden as fuck

Why work when you have those sweet gibs, stop calling them refugees, they are parasitic economic leeches

Yeah, and couple this with crime statistics (the study this image is from says that other Nordicks have similar statistics). Sure is great to have all of this diversity.

>couple this with crime statistics

We just had those a couple of days ago, too
>violent crime in general up by 10%
>rape up by 13%
>murder up by 14%
>share of crimes committed by asylum seekers increased by 50%
>minister of interior specifically pointed out that this is due to foreigners and not Germans

The one good thing to come out of this election campaign is that the CDU is trying to collect votes by promising more security. Which means they need to let slip through every now and then how shitty things are, or else they don't have a justification for why they want more security.


Until it's immigration related to something that feminists don't like.

>Yeah, and couple this with crime statistics (the study this image is from says that other Nordicks have similar statistics). Sure is great to have all of this diversity.
Except Sweden, they don't report ethnicity anymore

Don't listen to us

Wow, even German politicians are starting to snap back to reality? Damn

Yeah, I gotta love the Swedish crime statistics. At one point the Swedish chief of police actually came out and said that they didn't want to warn the people of taharrush gamea, because it might increase support for the Sweden democrats. Anyone who dares suggest that immigrants commit more crime is a crazy conspiratorial right-winger, because there is no evidence (and there is no evindence because they won't break the crime stats down by ethnicity). Also whenever Swedes report about successful "integration" they lump Finnish immigrants from the 70's with the recent arrivals

What do the comments say?

>oy vey, muh racism, shut it down, racist, nazi, xenophobes

Gotta love the "many immigrants are highly educated" myth.
The smart ones move to the US. We get the illiterate farmers.

>Send your oldest son to Europe
>He claims to be a 15 years old orphan, even though he clearly is 30
>He automatically get asylum since he is under age
>Apply for family unification (suddenly he found out his family was miraculously alive!)
>His family of ten (including his 14 year old wife) all become citizens and can claim all benefits.
>Breed like rabbits


Do... does that mean they won't pay for my pensions and become respectable citizens?
This can't be!

>Wow, even German politicians are starting to snap back to reality?

Ehhhh... I wouldn't necessarily say that, just because they promise something for the election doesn't mean they'll keep that promise. Merkel especially has a terrible track record when it comes to that.

They are just taking advantage of the situation to weaken the second biggest party. And the CDU has always taken a more tame approach on it - still damaging in the long run but less so than the retardation we have right now.

The problem is that the Greens block every fucking proposal to better deal with criminal foreigners in the Bundesrat. That one recruits itself out of the state government, and the Greens form coalitions with the Social Democrats in a lot of states. So while the Greens are pretty irrelevant when it comes to their share of votes, they are massively over represented due to providing a majority for the Social Democrats.
Fuckers even blocked proposals that were supposed to declare popular vacation destinations as countries of safe origin so we could deport people from there more easily.

90% are negative or sarcastic.
Its the reason many newspapers don't have comment sections. VG is a shitty leftist paper, but at least their comment section is open.
People post negative comments with their Facebook profiles. Unlike Sweden, we are actually allowed to criticize immigrants without getting publicly shamed (since most people agree with your comments)

>Norway, Denmark and Finland concludes the same findings.
>Sweden however have reached the opposite conclusion, that integration does work, and well..
Once again Sweden proves that we are the superior Nordic country worthy to rule our neighbors, racist Norshits and Daneasses and Fingolians BTFO

No, actually your pensions are being used to sustain them, I hope you like working till you're dead while they'll still be on welfare

Please don't ruin our illusions of having a nice retirement like our parents.


It's ok. I have to pay reparations for the crimes of my ancestors. I hope they forgive me.

And aside from memeing, we won't be able to sustain so many unproductive people for a long time, even with all my taxes. I predict civil war.

>No, actually your pensions are being used to sustain them

Technically their pensions never existed to begin with. The money was immediately spent.

Why would they work with the infidel when they know it puts a greater strain on them to take the welfare and have the zero sum gain~?

I think the point at which Europe will really flip its shit will be when they realize that those ~18% if their wage they paid into the pension system month for month, decade after decade, is gone and they will never see any of it.

And that thanks to the state taking so much of their fucking money for a government run pension, they never even had the chance to accrue a private retirement fund.

>Norway, Denmark and Finland concludes the same findings.
>Sweden however have reached the opposite conclusion, that integration does work, and well..



Can you source me this? Would love to use it on normies.

Ignore me. Just saw the source link.

The only way is to have your own savings to depend on in a safe haven currency.

Your money will be safe in our banks and if Ahmed manages to behead you we will still keep your money safe


What this man says. You have no idea how our entire society is a propagandamachine by now. are in control.



Sweden deserves to implode.

> At one point the Swedish chief of police actually came out and said that they didn't want to warn the people of taharrush gamea, because it might increase support for the Sweden democrats.

Aren't Swedish police chiefs social workers or something like that, instead of senior police officers? I'm pretty sure I read that somewhere. And real police is quitting en masse.

How dare you

A lot of them are political broilers. Friends in high places get you the best jobs.

The head honcho bossed around one government agency with terrible results, only to get assigned the Police without having any prior experience in law or law enforcement.

The average footman votes for Jimmie.

inb4 it never gets published in sweden

It's almost like "integration" is a meaningless buzzword. Almost like your race isn't something you change by getting some shitty fucking job and putting on a Norwegian accent. Baffling, isn't it?
What does "fully integrated" mean, anyway? I'm guessing it's when they're blasting hot loads into native girls?

>163 thousand people in one year


>the study this image is from says that other Nordicks have similar statistics

Could you post the page number/paragraph/translation where they say this? I plan on referencing this in a paper I'm working on currently.

>New study finds that immigrants don't work
Wow big fucking surprise...

But besides that, lets not forget all the crime and rape they bring into our countries, no one of white heritage wants these people to live with us

The way I see it, if Islamic countries won't accept Western culture in their countries then we shouldn't have to accept Islamic culture in Western countries

We joined European Union in 2004. Immigration in the 90's was small.

And thanks for taking most of the trash and criminals. It's really nice here now

The statistics exist, but the usual suspects saw that they could be used against them.

While the 1990s version was pretty good, the 2000s was blunted down and I don't think we have had any serious, official research since for obvious reasons.

Have a swedish-language book on the subject

Can we meme the invasion of Sweden by some actual Vikings.


Wake up Sweden

>Immigrant men cost 4 million NOK more than Norwegian Men
>6 million if he is African


I'm sure this is sustainable.


There were never any Vikings in Sweden and there sure as hell never will now

>The way I see it, if Islamic countries won't accept Western culture in their countries then we shouldn't have to accept Islamic culture in Western countries


>There were never any Vikings in Sweden
Swedish politicians and intellectuals agree

You can't get welfare if you quit. That should be rule #1.

wtf Esties

>Mountain Jew

How do we solve this problem?
Any ideas?

>Sweden however have reached the opposite conclusion, that integration does work, and well..

that's just because sweden doesn't have any standards because they believe having standards is unethical

The ironic thing is that everyone knows that Sweden is far worse off than any other Scandinavian country when it comes to immigration and integration, yet they claim everything is fine. Even our left-wing politicians use Sweden as a cautionary tale on immigration and integration.

mass immigration is dead in denmark. it sort of stalled years ago but the establishment still tried to keep it alive. but now even the social democrats are saying enough.

and i will say this. people make assumptions that aren't neccesarely true.

1. we assume that the welfare state can't be reformed. that people won't agree one day to stop feeding immigrants. when times get tuough they will eventually

2. we assume that immigrants won't go back. they will. many immigrants don't like anything about europe other than the free shit. they actually miss their shitholes. and if econimcs shift you could have a situation were it makes more sense to go back were your can compete than stay in europe were you can't.

3. socialist have married themselves with islam. no. upper class academic socialist have. but those are the same that have betrayed working class and union workers many times.
if times get tough workers and unions will seperate themselves from these people. they already have to some degree.

4. nordics won't need them anyway. the idea that we have to import 3rd worlders to fill our jobs and pay for wellfare is idiotic. we can do it with eastern europeans or southerners. and spanish/italian banks will crash and you will have even more unemployment.

>and if Ahmed manages to behead you we will still keep your money safe

oh well thank goodness. where do i sign up?

I did some digging in my ancestry and found out that I am a oppressed minority since the 12th century. What do I do?

Stop giving them money

They would steal money then.

>studies from Sweden
The moment the results got uncomfortable we stopped doing any real research.

get in the oven.
don't make this awkward,
just get it.

>The ironic thing is that everyone knows that Sweden is far worse off than any other Scandinavian country when it comes to immigration and integration, yet they claim everything is fine. Even our left-wing politicians use Sweden as a cautionary tale on immigration and integration.
Our prime minister said we would violate the Geneva rights when sweden fails, we would not help them clean up their mess and we wont grant asylum to fleeing 'swedes'. That's how bad it is.


>L-look g-guys... We're not nazis... Pls dont call us nazis.

God i hate SD.

>lacks proper language skills
They also tend lack proper ANY skills, unless you count in criminal activities.

It's cliche as hell to put blame on the cultural elite but they are the only ones allowing each other in their little circle to speak up. Add in their absolute disdain for the rural areas of Sweden which is promptly returned. So basically the only places that matters in their eyes are the major cities.

As far as I know, Norway has a system in place to stop these things from and we don't.

Fucking Svears I swear, their claim on Geats clay is a violation to the human rights.

>Gotta love the "many immigrants are highly educated" myth.
We actually do get some that are "highly educated", but that still doesn't really mean much.
I have personal experience with some from my engineering studies and workplace, and there are three huge problems you usually face when dealing with these types of immigrants:

1. Many of them are only highly educated by the standards of their home country.

2. They are incredibly aggressive and abrasive. They don't understand western culture so they become angry and confrontational when something goes wrong, and if they fuck up or if they don't understand something, they'll blame someone else and claim to be persecuted.

3. Their grasp on the Norwegian language is highly tenuous. Even their most intelligent engineers and mathematicians have a lot of trouble communicating their ideas, due to their thick accents and limited vocabulary. I've had some very intelligent teachers from Iran who knew the material inside out, but you could only understand about 50% of what they said.

>Norway is ready to terminate the Geneva Convention if the Swedish system collapses
>The border is closed with violence and Swedish refugees will be rejected without the possibility of seeking asylum
>"We are ready for the worst," says Prime Minister Erna Solberg, who is behind the new bill

My fucking dick! Why haven't I seen this?!
Where can I join the border patrol? Do we need a wall?

They're just playing the normie game and it's working. They're pretty much the largest party atm, other parties are actually opening up to potential alliances and they've already begun to adopt SDs policies which they've condemned in the past.

It's not enough, but Results > No Results

It's the polar opposite. In the newspapers that allow comments, about 70-80% of the comments are anti-immigration.

>As far as I know, Norway has a system in place to stop these things from and we don't.

Norway got just as many immigrants per capita as Sweden. I think the only difference is that we didn't put them all in one place like in Sweden. So we haven't experienced "Swedish conditions" yet, as people like to call it.
We're not far from it though, but it helps having you next door as a warning.

Fuck off. If you actually did any research, you'd know that was taken out of context.
If you read the actual interview with Erna Solberg, she specifically says that if the Swedish immigration system collapses, we will shut the border and refuse to take any non-western refugees. It does not refer to Sweden collapsing as a state, nor does it mention ethnic Swedes.

You need immigration it just needs to be white.

>"o-our highly skilled immigrants are give no chance, you only like the low skilled ones,so is your fault, plz gib more integration n welfare n shieeeet"

But do we really want the ethnic Swedes, if Sweden collapses?
The first people to run over the border to our gibsmedats would most likely be the same ones who destroyed Sweden in the first place.
I'd rather help the good Swedes take back their country from the commies and rapefugees, than risk taking in what's effectively cancer for our country.

That will be the reich we crave, I don;t care if one country or more have to suffer to make it happen.
Doesn't matter if America will be the only ones who suffer, the world can't die a slow death trying to force all countries up to 1st world status basically colonizing the earth with no fallback for the people who helped create it

>Early 2015
"Syrians are highly educated and just like us"

>Late 2015
"Woops, turned out it wasn't true"

I highly doubt, that people from Latvia or Estonia are living on welfare in these countries..


I should have worded it better. But I mean that we really have no system to stop a giant cesspool like Stockholm to not have absolute control over the rest of the country or even voice our opinions against their decisions.


>Norway got just as many immigrants per capita as Sweden.
This is false. It might have been true ten years ago, but not today. More than 30% of the Swedish population is foreign born, or has at least one foreign-born parent. In Norway, that number is 16%.
Norway also has a lower proportion of non-western immigrants at about 50%, while the Swedish proportion is 60%.

In other words, the proportion of non-western immigrants and their descendants in Norway is about 8%, while in Sweden it's close to 20%.

Is "stolckhome syndrome" a thing in sweden? Its literally when the captured/abducted person sides with the capturer.

I didn't realize stolckhome was like our SF, that saying makes a lot more sense now..

-europeans relocated from villages to cities
-globalists opened borders wider than swedish anuses
-people started to make less children to make them wealthier
-jews decided to import new working class but in service sector lol
-old working class had dignity when melted steel or assembled cars
-good jobs in service sectors require high qualification
-weak muslims with overinflated irrational view on the world are forced to work in bad jobs in bad parts of service sector or to get gibs, to watch after old women etc.
-they are greedy and want their stuff. they are divided by wealth, ethnicity and cultural values
-21 century and people can get access to information (unlke 19-20)

waht can go wrong, hmmm?
havent they learned from nazi or ussr mistakes.

wtf why don't those freaking natives assimilate to the foreign culture? I knew this would happen and told from the beginning those fucking scandinavians wouldn't want to give up their savage ways of life.

>Sweden however have reached the opposite conclusion, that integration does work, and well..
Well that's not true...

This is good btw. We don't want them to integrate.

I'm not saying they are. What I'm saying is that the ones that are highly educated, aren't able to contribute like a highly educated Norwegian or western person would, because of the language barrier, the cultural differences, and the quality of their education. That's the reason many of them are forced to work as taxi drivers.

PDF 2017 source from danish government:

Figure 1,3
Blue lines are Danish and western immigrants.
Red line is non-vestern countries (muslims) - the figure shows the muslims are a negative through their whole lives.
Even when they are in their peak work age, they are a drain on society.

Please eat some shit, Sweden.

The City Council in Oslo is run by Labor, The Socialist Left Party and the crazy Green party.
That would give you an idea how Oslo people vote. Luckily this doesn't reflect the rest of the country.

Not really. There are always the crazy people - just like in the US (especially young women and some older childless women). But most people are somewhat reasonable (there's also a lot of disinformation from the Jewish and state owned media which makes many people blind since they live in fairly good middle class areas), but if you speak up you're hunted down.

Funny how the last election was at the beginning of the migration crisis, when people were still positive to helping those animals. If the election had happened a month later, it would have turned out very differently.

>when they realize that those ~18% if their wage they paid into the pension system month for month, decade after decade, is gone and they will never see any of it.

Vast majority of pensions are paid by the pension fund payments of current workers so anyone with a brain could see the writing on the wall. Future generations are smaller and/or filled with muds who don't work so paying into pension funds is sheer stupidity. Save money in some other way.

The Irish and Germans are fully integrated here. Sure, you get the occasional Oktoberfest in certain parts of the country, and every gets drunk on St. Patrick's Day, but otherwise they're as American as apple pie.

To be fair though. Many of the people in Oslo are not Norwegian... So it's not strange that they vote for their own interests.